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The Guardian: Main section

Tuesday 21 December 2010

    Financial p24

  • $2tn debt crisis threatens to bring down 100 US cities

    detroit dereliction Overdrawn American cities could face financial collapse in 2011, defaulting on hundreds of billions of dollars of borrowings and derailing the US economic recovery. Nor are European cities safe – Florence, Barcelona, Madrid, Venice: all are in trouble

    Editorials & reply p29

  • Productivity, waste and new ways to empower the patient

    Letters: In entrenching the market system with payment by results, foundation trusts etc, Labour left Andrew Lansley an open goal to complete the disintegration of the NHS
  • Byelection test for alternative vote

    Letters: Under AV, Lib Dem voters would have the opportunity, by using their second preferences, to indicate support or otherwise for the arrangement with the Conservatives
  • How to fight back against austerity cuts

    Letters: Len McCluskey is right, we have to stop them completing the job that Thatcherism started – the shattering of the welfare state
  • The big freeze

    Letters: When a complicated system fails, it's usually best to turn it off and turn it on again

    Obituaries p30

  • Anthony Howard obituary

    Tony Howard in 1965 Former editor of the New Statesman and deputy editor of the Observer, he was one of Britain's foremost political commentators

    Obituaries p31

  • Brian Hanrahan obituary

    Brian Hanrahan in 1982. BBC reporter known for his coverage of the Falklands war and Tiananmen Square

    Reviews p32

  • Jim Jefferies – review

    Even if you like off-colour comedy, don't bother with this sexist, witless misanthrope, says Brian Logan

  • Northern Sinfonia/Elder – review

    Guest-conducting for his new buddy Thomas Zehetmair's orchestra, Mark Elder put together a programme of works composed in or around the first world war, writes Andrew Clements
  • Aladdin – review

    Aladdin The plot was untouched, but Aladdin alighted brilliantly in the new surroundings of Leeds market hall, writes Alfred Hickling

Guardian and Observer archive

Dec 2010
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  3. 3.  Bedside Guardian 2010

    by Christopher Elliott £10.00

  4. 4.  Ultimate Guide to Mad Men

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  5. 5.  History of the World in 100 Objects

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