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The Gift of a Happy and Healthy Holiday

The holiday season is a time of excitement, celebration and happiness. For most people, the holiday season is a rewarding and cherished time of year. However, for some people, the holidays can bring stress, anxiety and feelings of depression. Mood disorders, such as major depression and seasonal affective disorder, can be especially difficult to cope with during the holidays.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

During the fall and winter months, some people suffer from symptoms of depression that can appear gradually or come on all at once. These symptoms often dissipate as spring arrives and stay in remission through the summer months. For some people, this is a sign that they suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

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Anger: A Complicated Emotion

Anger is a normal emotion that can be useful in coping with the world. But anger expressed in excess or suppressed can cause problems. Healthy Minds blogger Molly McVoy, M.D., talks about anger, how to recognize inappropriate anger and what to do about it.

Healthy Minds Blog

Facebook, blogging, Twitter, email, texting. How is a parent supposed to keep up with all of the technology in a teen’s world? Many parents and children struggle with safety on the Internet. Although there are no easy answers, Dr. Molly McVoy discusses some simple steps can help keep you and your teen safe.

See the latest post on the HEALTHY MINDS BLOG.

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