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Bill O’Reilly | Mediaite
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»» Bill O’Reilly

O’Reilly Producer Ambushes Snooki At Book Signing, Asks About “Obamacare”


Jersey Shore superstar trainwreck Snooki has been touring the nation to promote her new novel, A Shore Thing, and has probably had to avoid some sketchy characters during her book signings, but none perhaps as perplexing as O’Reilly Factor producer Jesse Watters, who crashed a local signing to reinvite Snooki to the Factor, and demand an answer as to why she won’t go on the show.

Beck Opens Up About Violence: “I Have 15 Operating Threats On Me At Any Given Time”


Glenn Beck has been particularly vocal calling for political figures to renounce violence from all political ideologies while defending the right of said figures to use heated rhetoric. The process has made him a bit of a target, something Bill O’Reilly touched on earlier this week, but last night on the O’Reilly Factor he gave us a better idea of just how much of a target he has become, sustaining 15 threats to his person at any given time.

Bill O’Reilly Has A Laugh Imagining Tom Brokaw Being Shot In Arizona Bar


In light of last week’s horrific shooting in Arizona, it seems many in the media are understandably shaken and some are thinking twice about the state’s comparatively loose gun laws, though some have expressed this with more tact than others. After Tom Brokaw confessed on Morning Joe that he would be “nervous going into a bar” in Arizona, Bill O’Reilly, like others, made light of it, but did so by joking about Brokaw being shot.

Bill Maher To “Teabaggers”: “The Founding Fathers Would Have Hated Your Guts”


Bill Maher closed out tonight’s season premiere of Real Time with one of his go-to bits: Tea Party (or, as he’d say, Teabagger) bashing. He hit on his usual points on the subject, like what he sees as racist sentiments in the Tea Party and religion (of which, of course, Maher isn’t much of a fan) with a slightly different conceit: he contrasted the Tea Party to the people they “believe are just like them, but aren’t”: the Founding Fathers.

O’Reilly While Discussing Palin: “There Isn’t Anybody More Vilified Than Beck”


Fox’s Bill O’Reilly–who delivered what he describes as a “devastating” indictment of those who linked the shootings in Arizona to politicians like Sarah Palin–does not see the former Alaska governor as the ultimate victim of hypercharged political rhetoric. It’s Glenn Beck. In a discussion with Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson and Fox contributor Margaret Hoover, O’Reilly dismissed suggestions that there’s a gender bias in politics, saying “there isn’t anybody more vilified than Beck.”

Could AZ Shooter Have Been Stopped? Fox’s Megyn Kelly Asks O’Reilly: “Where Were The Parents?”


Fox’s Megyn Kelly sat down with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the red flags and–possibly–missed signals that might’ve landed the Arizona shooter into police custody or a mental health facility before Saturday’s nightmarish shooting spree. Kelly outlined the low-level run-ins with police that suspect Jared Loughner is known to have had in the months ahead of the shootings.

Fox’s Bill O’Reilly Wins Big: 1 Million Viewers On 1/11/11


Cable news ratings, January 11, 2011:
•There’s no disputing the numbers: Bill O’Reilly was the king of cable news on January 11, with 1,000,000 viewers 25-54, destroying the competition in the 8 o’clock timeslot (Keith Olbermann was second with 376,000 viewers) and posting his best performance in this key demographic since 11/3/10–one day after the [...]

Hasselbeck Tells O’Reilly: Sheriff Dupnik Is “Creating A More Dangerous Country”


One of The View co-hosts, Elizabeth Hasselbeck stopped by The Factor and told Bill O’Reilly she wasn’t happy about Sheriff Dupnik continuing to blame right-wing rhetoric for the Arizona shooting tragedy. She also revealed despite being the only conservative voice on The View, she doesn’t feel like she’s ganged up on.

Ed Schultz: Either Fox’s Roger Ailes Has No Control Or “He’s Flat Out Lying”


Today on MSNBC, Ed Schultz was fired up because he believed Fox’s heavy hitters Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity took to the airwaves last night and didn’t change their tone despite a warning from Fox News president Roger Ailes to “tone it down.” Schultz played fiery clips from all three Fox stars and commented “nice job of toning it down.”

Brit Hume: Attacks On Right Wing ‘Reflex Response,’ ‘Failed’ Political Tactic


The attacks on right-wing figures after the tragic shooting in Tuscon, Arizona on Saturday formed the chief target of discussion on tonight’s O’Reilly Factor, where, after a powerful Talking Points Memo segment, Brit Hume joined Bill O’Reilly to expand upon his comments earlier this evening on the response: a “reflex” on the American Left of questionable sincerity.

Bill O’Reilly’s Fiery Talking Points Memo Fearlessly Slams Krugman, MSNBC


After a weekend of horror and subsequent political confusion (and more than a bit of opportunism), Bill O’Reilly came out swinging in his opening segment tonight, condemning those on the left, particularly Paul Krugman and MSNBC, for what he called the exploitation of a national tragedy.

Olbermann Announces ‘Worst Persons’ Segment Will Continue With New Name


Despite earlier reports that he would end the segment, Keith Olbermann announced Monday night that Countdown’s “Worst Person in the World” segment will continue in some form, but under a different name.

He explained the fact that the segment was rooted in satire, but that some still thought he was literally claiming that these were the actual worst people in the world, and “there’s potential danger in that.”

MSNBC Denies Report That Keith Olbermann Will End ‘Worst Person’ Segment

The tragic shooting in a Tuscon area Safeway that killed 6 individuals and put Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition has caused significant ripples in the political media. Amid fingerpointing about “violent rhetoric,” Countdown host Keith Olbermann led the charge with a “Special Comment” calling for an end to such discourse. According to one report, it appears that Olbermann is putting his money where his mouth is, and permanently ending his “Worst Person in the World” segment, but MSNBC tells Mediaite that no decision has been made.

O’Reilly Defends Celebrity Activists Against Guest Claiming They Are Helping Bin Laden


Bill O’Reilly is not exactly the biggest ally A-list do-gooders like George Clooney and Angelina Jolie can count on to support their work abroad. But while usually skeptical, O’Reilly found himself defending their cause in the Darfur region of Sudan as his guest, former CIA intelligence officer Michael Scheuer, accused them of helping Osama Bin Laden’s cause.

Ed Schultz And His Listeners Are Predictably Uneasy About Obama/O’Reilly Chat


MSNBC host Ed Schultz is certainly no stranger to calling out President Obama for not going on his program, and it seems every time the president interacts with Fox News, the progressive commentator begins the see red. The President’s upcoming chat with Bill O’Reilly on Super Bowl Sunday was no different, though, rather than taking the hard line against the President this time, Schultz merely expressed concern that there was no “upside” to the broadcast, because “you can’t trust ‘em.”

Roseanne Barr On Sarah Palin: “We Have Common Ground”


Roseanne Barr thinks Sarah Palin “is all for the rich people.” Enter Bill O’Reilly, eager to bring peace to these two American icons.

O’Reilly told Barr he knows “Ms. Palin, because she works for us” and “she is genuinely interested in the welfare of working people.” He goes on to suggest to Barr that she and Palin have “common ground.”

Breaking: Bill O’Reilly To Sit Down With Barack Obama In Pre-Super Bowl Interview


Sources tell Mediaite that Bill O’Reilly has landed an exclusive pre-game interview with President Barack Obama scheduled to air on the Fox Broadcasting Channel before the Super Bowl. This will mark only the second time that Obama has sat down with Fox News — his first was last year with Bret Baier. But its the first time that Obama will participate with Mr O’Reilly as a sitting president (though O’Reilly did interview Obama in the later stages of his presidential candidacy.)

Bill O’Reilly’s First Concern For Speaker Boehner: ‘The Crying Thing’


Today rang in a new era in Washington as the Republican majority settled into their places in the House of Representatives and their leader, House Speaker John Boehner, took the gavel away from outgoing Nancy Pelosi. With questions flying about what this takeover (and Boehner’s leadership) would mean for Congress, tonight Bill O’Reilly opened his first discussion with a different concern about Speaker Boehner: the “crying thing,” and what it would mean for his leadership.

This Went Well: Bill O’Reilly Debates Legitimacy Of Religion With Avowed Atheist


If you want a surefire way to get under Bill O’Reilly’s skin, make a public display of denouncing religion. David Silverman is president of American Atheists, a group behind two such public displays O’Reilly denounced on tonight’s Factor – then welcomed Silverman onto the program for a debate. You can take a stab at how it went.

Bill O’Reilly: Rep. Peter King Is More Powerful Than Rep. John Boehner


On Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor last night, host Bill O’Reilly told senior political analyst Brit Hume that, in his opinion, New York Representative Peter King holds more power in the Republican party than incoming Speaker of the House John Boehner. More like the O Rly Factor, amiright?

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