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Glenn Beck Puppetmaster - George Soros - Bill O'Reilly | Mediaite
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110121205431/http://www.mediaite.com/tv/glenn-beck-and-puppet-george-soros-stage-intervention-for-gambling-addict-bill-oreilly/

Glenn Beck And Puppet George Soros Stage Intervention For Gambling Addict Bill O’Reilly


Bill O’Reilly bet John Stossel some money that Proposition 19 in California wouldn’t pass. He also made an election bet with Laura Ingraham. And he’s got some money on several other races, and bet Glenn Beck money to dress like Joy Behar on the Bold/Fresh Tour. It’s a good thing he has friends like Beck to step in when things get out of hand.

After chatting a bit about last Tuesday’s elections (Beck’s takeaway of the night was that “people make a difference”), Beck pointed out the results of the Prop 19 vote and the money O’Reilly won on that as well as some other races. Then he directed O’Reilly to 1-800-Gambler, and also kindly requested payment of $5000 for winning a bet with O’Reilly himself. “That is a con,” O’Reilly replied, as the original bet was for Beck to dress like Joy Behar. Instead, Beck appeared on the Bold/Fresh tour in a king’s costume to represent the “progressive Democrat,” or something. O’Reilly called it a “Burger King thing” and a “dress,” much to Beck’s chagrin.

Then, if it’s possible, the conversation became even more absurd, as Beck brought out his puppet friend, “George Soros.” Hungarian puppet George Soros, who Beck insists is not alone and has “puppet friends,” all of which will make an appearance in Beck’s new special, “The Puppetmaster,” to air next week. Beck promised the show would do much to shine the light on funding on the progressive left while intermittently interrupting himself to talk to Puppet Soros.

Beck and O’Reilly’s election week chat via Fox News below:

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  • Arkansas Steve Arkansas Steve says:
    Thumb up 29 Thumb down 20

    It’s no wonder FOX is so far ahead. These guys are not only smart, but genuinely like each other. It shows.
    Oh, almost forgot, unlike most others, they actually have a sense of HUMOR !

  • Moderate Moderate says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 18

    CNN should hire these guys.

  • nrgetick nrgetick says:
    Thumb up 23 Thumb down 24

    ha ha ha the Republican tea party would like to extend its gratitude and thanks to all those who made its victory possible, thus leading us back us back to the golden age of america, the original vision of america realized by our colonial forefathers, a time when imperialism was not an option, but a way of life…I want my country back…a world where blacks are considered 3/5 of a person, along with those split tail deceivers of man. ..prrrraiaaase jeeeessssus….god bless the .koch brothers,aig,dick army, healthnet, jpmorgan,exxon mobile,goldline, NRA,,comcast,bank of america,citibank,goldline, the people who own the rights to sal alaynski copy rights,the military industrial complex,nascar, larry summers,goldman sacs,alan greenspan,vladamir lennon,artisians who paint velvet paintings of jesus holding a confederate flag,chubaccah, and britanny spears and finally, last, but not least….. all those who would hide behind citizens united in order to keep their money away from where their mouth is…what better was to celbrate freedom of speach….those are the real patriots put here b y god to restore the power back to the american people,..,,prrraaaaiiisssee jeeeessssuuusss. ok, wheres my waffer and koolaid?

  • TessaJ TessaJ says:
    Thumb up 20 Thumb down 19

    Cant someone find a reason to suspend THE NECK Maddow????

  • Latin2 Latin2 says:
    Thumb up 14 Thumb down 11

    Here is some old video of Matthews interviewing Glenn Beck…notice that Beck NEVER CHANGED, but Matthews did

    “…Then there’s this amazing find — video of Chris in 2005 praising…Glenn Beck:

    The interview took place before MSNBC changed its format from News to Progressive Propaganda and before Glenn Beck added a TV show to his radio duties. That what makes the video so interesting. Matthews gushes over Glenn Beck during the interview, yes that’s the same Chris Matthews who has nothing but vitriol for Beck now. Matthews opinions were left wing but they seemed more moderate than they are today, possibly because he had to adapt to the progressive format.

    As for Glenn Beck, the interview could have been given today. Headline News and Fox have not made him change his opinions the way MSNBC may have with Matthews. The discussion covers his mistrust of Big Government, his warning about both political parties caring only about the status quo, and the failings of the mainstream media:…”

    The article:

    A direct link to the video…it seems Chris had the tingles for Glenn..I watched the entire 10 minute video…it was awesome…


    On a personal note. At one time I watched Chris and though he was great. It was, as Ed says, before his corruption from the MSNBC format change. Every once in a while the old Chris peeks through. The one who could actually objectively analyze a situation. Using a Star Wars reference, I believe there is still good in him. I hope he finds it…

    WATCH IT – Beck is the same, and Matthews CHANGED.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
    Thumb up 15 Thumb down 8

    nrgetick said:
    ha ha ha the Republican tea party would like to extend its gratitude and thanks to all those who made its victory possible, thus leading us back us back to the golden age of america, the original vision of america realized by our colonial forefathers, a time when imperialism was not an option, but a way of life…I want my country back…a world where blacks are considered 3/5 of a person, along with those split tail deceivers of man. ..prrrraiaaase jeeeessssus….god bless the .koch brothers,aig,dick army, healthnet, jpmorgan,exxon mobile,goldline, NRA,,comcast,bank of america,citibank,goldline, the people who own the rights to sal alaynski copy rights,the military industrial complex,nascar, larry summers,goldman sacs,alan greenspan,vladamir lennon,artisians who paint velvet paintings of jesus holding a confederate flag,chubaccah, and britanny spears and finally, last, but not least….. all those who would hide behind citizens united in order to keep their money away from where their mouth is…what better was to celbrate freedom of speach….those are the real patriots put here b y god to restore the power back to the american people,..,,prrraaaaiiisssee jeeeessssuuusss. ok, wheres my waffer and koolaid?

    I would like to donate some paragraph breaks and sentence structure to your cause. If that works out, I might be interested in gifting some extra coherence I have hanging around and perhaps some logic that you might find useful. Call me.

  • Whamhost Whamhost says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 2

    I haven’t watched beck in a while but I will want to see The Puppetmaster
    Learn to blog and get paid

  • stehil912 stehil912 says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 5

    Pablo says:
    November 6, 2010 at 10:07 pm Pablo(Quote)
    3 2
    nrgetick said:
    ha ha ha the Republican tea party would like to extend its gratitude and thanks to all those who made its victory possible, thus leading us back us back to the golden age of america, the original vision of america realized by our colonial forefathers, a time when imperialism was not an option, but a way of life…I want my country back…a world where blacks are considered 3/5 of a person, along with those split tail deceivers of man. ..prrrraiaaase jeeeessssus….god bless the .koch brothers,aig,dick army, healthnet, jpmorgan,exxon mobile,goldline, NRA,,comcast,bank of america,citibank,goldline, the people who own the rights to sal alaynski copy rights,the military industrial complex,nascar, larry summers,goldman sacs,alan greenspan,vladamir lennon,artisians who paint velvet paintings of jesus holding a confederate flag,chubaccah, and britanny spears and finally, last, but not least….. all those who would hide behind citizens united in order to keep their money away from where their mouth is…what better was to celbrate freedom of speach….those are the real patriots put here b y god to restore the power back to the american people,..,,prrraaaaiiisssee jeeeessssuuusss. ok, wheres my waffer and koolaid?

    I would like to donate some paragraph breaks and sentence structure to your cause. If that works out, I might be interested in gifting some extra coherence I have hanging around and perhaps some logic that you might find useful. Call me.


  • David Mangan says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 6

    Can you imagine the late agitpreppie KeithO or Commissar MadCow having each other on their programs? Tweety-bird Matthews having anybody on from the GOP after he insulted Michele Bachmann? Beck and O’Reilly do like each othe and Jon Stewart and perhaps Bill Maher also like O’Reilly enough so that it shows when they visit each others’ shows. Nobody visited Keth Odorboyy’s show without a gas mask.

  • kittycat kittycat says:
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 11

    OMG here we go again the dry drunk kissing up to the pompus ass —what a pair to draw to. The drunk must think he’s in an AA meeting or maybe he’s relapse and needs support from the AssH*** to built him up? He must have become a puppet again to the old bottle because he sure is nuts.

  • Bad Wolf Bad Wolf says:
    Thumb up 11 Thumb down 12

    A mutual admiration society- Beck and O’Reilly.

    They are such a cute couple. Wonder if they share a dressing room during Bold/Fresh?

    Which might more aptly be named Arrogant/Ignorant.

  • The Man in the Middle The Lantern of Truth says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 2

    im ted . HAY ! where are my cartunes ? what time is it ? we’re outta sugar pops ! GRANNY IRIS !

    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 3

    Now I don’t care what you say; That there’s FUNNY!

  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 3

    nrgetick said:
    ha ha ha the Republican tea party would like to extend its gratitude and thanks to all those who made its victory possible, thus leading us back us back to the golden age of america, the original vision of america realized by our colonial forefathers, a time when imperialism was not an option, but a way of life…I want my country back…a world where blacks are considered 3/5 of a person, along with those split tail deceivers of man. ..prrrraiaaase jeeeessssus….god bless the .koch brothers,aig,dick army, healthnet, jpmorgan,exxon mobile,goldline, NRA,,comcast,bank of america,citibank,goldline, the people who own the rights to sal alaynski copy rights,the military industrial complex,nascar, larry summers,goldman sacs,alan greenspan,vladamir lennon,artisians who paint velvet paintings of jesus holding a confederate flag,chubaccah, and britanny spears and finally, last, but not least….. all those who would hide behind citizens united in order to keep their money away from where their mouth is…what better was to celbrate freedom of speach….those are the real patriots put here b y god to restore the power back to the american people,..,,prrraaaaiiisssee jeeeessssuuusss. ok, wheres my waffer and koolaid?

    Did you have a Joy Behar moment?

    A mind is terrible thing to waste.

  • VRWC Destruction Machine VRWC Destruction Machine says:
    Thumb up 5 Thumb down 6

    kittycat said:
    OMG here we go again the dry drunk kissing up to the pompus ass —what a pair to draw to. The drunk must think he’s in an AA meeting or maybe he’s relapse and needs support from the AssH*** to built him up? He must have become a puppet again to the old bottle because he sure is nuts.

    I see you born without the humor gene.

  • Greg Greg says:
    Thumb up 6 Thumb down 10

    It is a sad day when the logical anarchist Beck misinforms the solitary masses of gray white jelly with a puppet show… The aged and angry bescootered hoarders with their Medicare drugs carefully scheduled in tiny plastic boxes at their sides, stacks of local papers leaning wildly after a careful scowering of the obituaries… Older Americans deserve better than the disservice done by this chum buglar of the highest order. The VanTrapp family knew how to put on a puppet show, Beck will give them dirty and petty lies dancing around in bejeweled socks.

  • lantian50 lantian50 says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 5

    welcome to :
    ====== http://dressgoods.us / ======
    This is a shopping paradise

  • Thumb up 3 Thumb down 9

    (Beck’s takeaway of the night was that “people make a difference”)

    Not surprisingly, I have a different takeaway. People not voting make a difference.

    If only 5 million of the young people who voted for Obama in 08 had gotten up off their asses to vote last week, Pelosi would still be the Speaker next year instead of the orange smoke stack.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
    Thumb up 4 Thumb down 3

    GlennBeckReview said:
    (Beck’s takeaway of the night was that “people make a difference”) Not surprisingly, I have a different takeaway. People not voting make a difference. If only 5 million of the young people who voted for Obama in 08 had gotten up off their asses to vote last week, Pelosi would still be the Speaker next year instead of the orange smoke stack.

    Dude, could it be that they saw the light and you didn’t?

    With your Glenn Beck obsession, I would imagine that you never see the light. Being alone in your parent’s basement, sitting at your computer in your underwear day after day, eating all those Cheetos, I would think a lot of what you do would be considered abnormal.

    So, tell me Dude, what kind of meds do they have you on? Haldol? Prozac? Wellbutrin? Zoloft? Or is it all the above?

    The bottom line is you are an empty-headed NOBODY! You’ve always been a NOBODY. And you’ll never be anything else until you are able to overcome your obsessive/compulsive disorder.

    Oh, and I do appreciate the endearing terms you have for me. It shows the limitiations of your imagination and your patent immaturity.

  • ericthehalfabee ericthehalfabee says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0

    Appallingly stupid.

  • Thumb up 0 Thumb down 4

    Yahu Fuk says:

    “Dude, could it be that they saw the light and you didn’t?

    With your Glenn Beck obsession, I would imagine that you never see the light. Being alone in your parent’s basement, sitting at your computer in your underwear day after day, eating all those Cheetos, I would think a lot of what you do would be considered abnormal.”

    Since you don’t know a damn thing about me (obviously) how do you so proudly and arrogantly engage in completely ignorant orders? You really are a yahoo, fuk. So let’s see, where have you learned such arrogant ignorance?

    Could it have been from Glenn Beck, the arrogant, ignorant genius?

    Probably; you’re learning but lacking the genius side. Keep trying. I’m sure Mr. Beck is proud of yahoo fuks like you spouting utter nonsense about his detractors…dude.

  • Thumb up 1 Thumb down 5

    Given the extent to which Beck is a shill for the Koch brothers and large corporations, he has gall to use puppets as props. Of course, the former drug addict and liberal has gall about lots of things. He never ceases to amaze me.

  • Nahu Tuk Nahu Tuk says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0

    GlennBeckReview said:
    Probably; you’re learning but lacking the genius side. Keep trying. I’m sure Mr. Beck is proud of yahoo fuks like you spouting utter nonsense about his detractors…dude.

    What could you possibly know about genius. You’ve never experienced it and you never will. You’re a hopeless failure in life–you sit at your computer all day trying to find ways to be relevant. You cannot. You’re just an immature wannabe who needs a job. Your immaturity is patently manifest in the way you make ascerbic changes to peoples monikers or names; even in that you indicate your maturity is not past the fifth grade. Dude, you need some sunshine.

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