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Editorials, Columns, Op-Ed, Letters, Opinionator and More Opinion - The New York Times
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The Opinion Pages

Op-Art | Ji Lee

Pick Your Cupid

For Valentine’s Day, a brigade of modern Cupids.


Eat The Future

The Republicans face a budget conundrum, and their answer is to sacrifice tomorrow. comment iconComment


From 9/11 to 2/11

In Egypt, a sense of nationhood is forged in 18 days. comment iconComment


In Defense of Marriage, for All

Why do the Obama administration’s lawyers continue to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court? comment iconComment

Room For Debate

The 'Two or More Races' Dilemma

Opponents of the Education Department's new mixed-race categories say they are discriminatory. Are they?

Opinionator | Specimens

Race, Sex and the Trials of a Young Explorer

Even as scientific knowledge flourished in the 19th century, many naturalists remained steeped in racial prejudices and stereotypes.

Opinionator | Disunion

If It's Valentine's Day, This Must Be Pittsburgh

A difficult Valentine's Day for a weary Lincoln as the president-elect's train moves east to Pittsburgh.

Opinionator | Disunion

Twin Journeys, Destination Unknown

Abraham Lincoln begins the journey from Springfield to Washington, while Jefferson Davis travels from Brierfield to Montgomery.


Tahrir Square, a Forum For All

The Op-Ed columnist Roger Cohen discusses how Tahrir Square opened up dialogues between westernized and Islamist Egyptians.

Op-Ed Contributor

Wall Street’s Dead End

Why the decline of public markets threatens American capitalism.


Running on Empty

Congress is threatening to deny the S.E.C. the necessary financing to carry out financial reform.


The Risk to Bristol Bay

The E.P.A. is right to do a study on the threats to Bristol Bay posed by mining and other commercial projects.

Editorial Observer

Sounds Like America

Fiddles, foot-stomping, bagels and the blues: Arhoolie Records at 50.

Op-Ed Contributor

Sometimes, Justice Can Play Politics

Critics of Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas ignore the history of the court.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Ghost of Revolutions Past

What Egyptians in 2011 can learn from the experience of Bulgarians in 1989.


Inside the Muslim (Journalist’s) Mind


Pakistan’s journalists have found themselves the center of America’s struggle against terrorism.

Opinionator | Disunion

Lincoln Elected (Again)

A rough day for Lincoln as his train journey reaches Columbus, although he is officially certified as the next president.


Postcard From Cairo, Part 2

Israel should want a dynamic Egypt, not the dead stable Egypt of Mubarak.

Room For Debate

What Will the Egyptian Military Do?

With Mubarak’s departure, will the army take power or push for democratic change?

Latest From the Blogs

Paul Krugman: A Mysterious Absence

Nicholas D. Kristof: The Next Egypt

Freakonomics: Happy to Wait

Schott's Vocab: Weekend Competition: Conversation Stoppers

Dot Earth: On Peer Review and (Climate) Progress

Ross Douthat: A Quiet February