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Prestige of EU and Nato will be lost if Gaddafi clings to power, says Sir John Major - Telegraph
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110313065516/http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8374944/Prestige-of-EU-and-Nato-will-be-lost-if-Gaddafi-clings-to-power-says-Sir-John-Major.html

Sunday 13 March 2011

Prestige of EU and Nato will be lost if Gaddafi clings to power, says Sir John Major

The “prestige” of the international community will be lost if Colonel Gaddafi is allowed to cling to power in Libya, Sir John Major has warned.

Sir John Major speaks frequently to David Cameron, advising the Prime Minister on a variety of issues
Sir John Major speaks frequently to David Cameron, advising the Prime Minister on a variety of issues Photo: GETTY

Unless Gaddafi is toppled, he will inflict “bloody reprisals” on the Libyan people, the former prime minister said. Other Middle Eastern leaders would also be encouraged to continue to repress their people.

He spoke as Western leaders continued to debate their response to the growing violence in Libya, where Col Gaddafi’s forces were yesterday making significant gains against opposition groups.

Sir John also backed William Hague as a “superb” foreign secretary, amid continued Conservative criticisms of his performance in the job.

Sir John speaks frequently to David Cameron, advising the Prime Minister on issues including the Middle East, where he travels frequently on business.

European Union and Nato leaders will meet today to continue discussing their response to the Libyan crisis, but there is still no sign of an international consensus on military action.

Nicolas Sarkozy of France is proposing “targeted airstrikes” on Gaddafi’s forces, but other EU leaders, including Mr Cameron are wary of the plan.

In a Sky News interview, Sir John said that failing to take decisive action would harm the credibility of the international community.

“I wonder firstly what that does for the prestige of the rest of the world,” he said. “I wonder what that does to encourage other would-be dictators to believe they can act in the same sort of way elsewhere.”

“And I wonder how we would feel if nothing is done when we see the extent and the scale of the reprisals that this vengeful man will undoubtedly enact afterwards.”

Mr Hague has recently faced criticism from MPs over his handling of the Libyan crisis and his general approach to his job, with some suggesting he lacks the necessary commitment and energy for the post.

But Sir John said: “Mr Hague is extremely well regarded in many parts of the world and I think he will continue to be a superb foreign secretary. He has experience, gravitas and dispassion in his judgement which are great qualities in a foreign secretary.

Mr Hague has been criticised for this week’s failed SAS and MI6 mission to rebel-held eastern Libya, but Sir John said the critics were wrong.

“For every mission you hear about there are a large number that are successful and they have done a superb job,” he said.

“The reality is that there were some administrative mistakes but I think people would be very cautious to be too critical.”


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