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  • Jane Admits Her Love For Wiz Khalifa

    So here I am; still on a very uncomfortable bunk bed that I fall off more than necessary, computer, iPhone, and Dr Dre's Beats is what I have in possession. It's 9:46, I'm really bored, away from my gang, and even movies can't entertain... More
  • Female Protagonist Wanted: No Cajones Required

    "Where are all the good female characters?" "What, did they just take a male character and put boobs on it?" "Vixen, Ice Queen or Motherly Matron. Take your pick, that's all you've got." These are just a couple of... More
  • Practice Makes Perfect

    Hi again. I'm probably annoying you, but I HAVE to write right now or else I'll get another (DUH DUH DUUUUUUUUUH) brain fart. Since my first blog was a disaster, I decided to give it another try. First off, I realized a couple of things. a) I... More
  • My First Blog....ok I need some help, I'm new at this.

    Finally! I'm finally able to post blogs. I'm SO excited...but I'm also scared because I am socially awkward. I don't know, maybe the awkwardness is just because this is my first blog, but whatever the reason, I don't like doing a bad... More
  • CinEffect Podcast Episode 6: The Tree of Life, X-Men: First Class, Operation Rainfall, Trenched, and Triangle

    Welcome to the CinEffect Podcast. In this podcast of constant douchebaggery, me (Chris), Alex, and Brady talk about film, games, and everything in between. This week, we review X-Men: First Class , discuss the hidden direct-to-video gem Triangle , get... More
  • Thoughts on the Supreme Court Decision

    I, along with many other gamer's are overjoyed with the court's decision to revoke the California law and officially bring games into the light with other media under the first amendment. There is one thing that is nagging me. The proponents of... More
  • The Landscape of Consoles and Nerdom

    What originally started out as a haven for nerds and gamers alike has drastically shifted towards all audiences. From grinding levels in Red Dead Redemption until dawn, to the soccer mom who "loves video games" because she played Deal or No... More
  • The Atheist and the Catholic

    This isn't the usual fare for my blog, but this topic just keeps sticking with me. Now, before I get into it, understand that for this blog I need all of you to be absolutely respectful and show maturity. If this were anywhere else on the internet... More
  • Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon First Impressions

    The first time I played Earth Defense Force 2017 I had no idea what I was getting into. All the info I had of the game came from the seemingly nonsensical references to it from Andrew Reiner and Joe Juba. Without any preconceptions I put the disk into... More
  • Why I Support Boobs of all Sizes-In Gaming, No Less!

    What two things do all of these women have in common? I'll let you take a good, long look..... Boobs, titties, ta-tas, mammaries. These body parts are one of the most railed-against parts as being "overly sexual" in video games. Be it fighting... More
  • Is the Xbox 360 reaching end of days?

    It saddens me to think of the 360 being a last-gen console someday. It is the only console I have owned for over a year (I used to have a habit of trading in a console about every year, coincidentally) and I plan on keeping it until it dies....hopefully... More
  • Raising Awareness About Heroes of Ruin

    Does "Diablo-like loot lust action/RPG with four-player local and online co-op on the 3DS" sound vaguely interesting to you? Then read on and let me tell you all about the latest focus of my hype. Developer n-Space has a tendency to shoot for... More
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