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Author Archive: Shane M.

R2-D2 Lunch Kit Just for the Cool Kids


If you were around back when the original Star Wars films were in theaters, and the popularity was at its heyday, I bet you had a lunch box with Star Wars characters on it. I know I did. For the first three years of Grade school, I made my mom…

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July 19th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Modified Atlas V Rocket Could Someday Shoot Astronauts into Space


If you follow space related news, you know that the shuttle fleet has been officially retired and for most of the coming years American astronauts will hitch a ride on Russian spacecraft to get to the International Space Station. NASA has now announced that it has signed an agreement with…

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July 19th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Stanford Engineers Create JediBot, Slowest Jedi Ever


Some engineering students at Stanford get to take a class that might be the coolest class ever called Experimental Robotics. Being the geeks they are, some of the students opted to build a robot arm that could have a lightsaber fight with you using foam lightsabers. The bot was dubbed…

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July 19th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Orphiro Electric Motorcycle is a Cruiser, not a Racer

Orphiro Electric Cruiser Motorcycle

Back in January, I mentioned the Mission R electric racing motorcycle that was so cool and looked really sexy too. If that sort of racing motorcycle isn’t what gets your green geek lust stoked, perhaps this cruiser from Orphiro will get you excited. This bike is powered by rechargeable batteries…

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July 18th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Dawn Spacecraft in Orbit around Vesta Asteroid, Bruce Willis Not Involved (Yet)

I really like NASA and space travel. I sincerely wish that Obama and others in Washington had left NASA with the money to actually send humans to continue to do some of the adventuring. NASA announced over the weekend that after four years and 117 million miles the unmanned spacecraft…

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July 18th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Mushroom Cloud Lamp: Nuke or Vegetable?

Mushroom Cloud Lamp

I like 3D printers because you can print damn near anything for any reason. Some designers set about creating a lamp that looks destructive and sort of like a healthy dinner wrapped in one. The lamp is called the Mushroom Cloud Shaped Nuke Lamp and it is designed by Veneridesign.…

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July 18th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Researchers Develop Soft Memory that May Usher in New Biocompatible Electronics

Soft Memory Device

There are a number of reasons that you might want to implant electronics into the human brain. There are also numerous devices that are in testing and may one day come to market that are for treating various issues that start in the brain from depression to pain to controlling…

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July 17th, 2011 By: Shane M.

From Trashcan to R/C Android ‘Bot

DIY Android RC Robot

I think the Android OS is pretty cool and I like the ecosystem of devices that Android spawned. I have seen more than a few robots and toys that look like the little green Android mascot over the years since Android launched. The latest Android mascot comes from a guy…

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July 16th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Artist Uses Leaves as a Canvas for Awesome Art

I have seen a lot of art in my time and much of it isn’t that impressive to me. I have seen people use just about everything to make their art. I have never seen anyone use leaves from various trees to make their artworks. The art you see in…

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July 16th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Spazzi Dancebot Gets His Robot Groove On

If I were a dancing robot, I would be like Spazzi. I don’t get into all-out dancing like you see in clubs. The most dance you are going to get out of me is a little head nodding and the 7th grade lets spin in a circle slow dance. I’m…

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July 15th, 2011 By: Shane M.

Willow Garage Studies Ways to Help the Disabled Using its PR2 Robot

Willow Garage PR2

From the time I was born, my grandfather was paralyzed from the waist down and spent his days sitting in a wheelchair. I never really thought it was strange that he couldn’t walk growing up; it’s just the way he was to me. I do remember him having a hard…

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July 15th, 2011 By: Shane M.

SpaceX Breaks Ground on Launch Site for Gigantic Falcon Heavy Rocket

SpaceX Falcon Heavy

I wasn’t around during the Apollo days when those massive rockets were shooting men into space on their journey to the moon. The space shuttles are all I have ever known as far as space travel goes. With NASA getting its budget cut back all the time and the shuttle…

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July 15th, 2011 By: Shane M.

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