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Toronto Star Blogs
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The Royal Wedding

The wedding of the year, at least among the bluebloods, happens April 29 when Prince William and Kate Middleton exchange vows at Westminster Abbey. Follow us as we track the journey to the big day. Read more . . .

Emily vs. the City

Emily Mathieu has big plans – big, complicated, somewhat foolhardy plans - to break away from her desk and become more self-reliant. How to fend off a dog attack, butcher your own meat and splint a broken wrist are just the beginning. Read more . . .

A Leafs Fan Blogs

A Leafs Fan Blogs is written by one fan for other fans. Vinay Menon, a columnist at the Star, will cast an optimistic eye on the team during the 2010-11 season. Because hope springs eternal in Leafs Nation. Read more . . .

Africa Without Maps

There's so much more to Africa than predictable headlines about war, famine and AIDS. From Ghanaian beauty pageants to music in Malawi, Africa Without Maps provides a rare glimpse of life in Africa from Journalist for Human Rights interns on the ground. Read more . . .

Weather 360

Everyone talks about the weather, but this blog is the place to find out what people are doing about it. Whether it’s a heat wave in the GTA or a flood in Bangladesh, we’ll bring you the most up-to-date and newsworthy weather stories -- in words and pictures. Read more . . .

From the Photo Desk

Thousands of photos come across the news wire everyday but only a few get in the paper or on thestar.com. Toronto Star Photo Editors share with readers the photos or stories of the day that have commanded their attention.Read more . . .

Toronto Star Photo Blog

The Toronto Star Photography staff share with readers the photos and the stories from behind-the-scenes as they cover events for the Toronto Star and thestar.com.  Read more . . .

The Goods

The Goods is our news blog, where you’ll find live reporting, features and reader conversations about the Toronto region and the people who live here: the newsmakers, the unsung heroes and the behind-the-scenes tales. Read more . . .

Your City, My City

Transit failures, budget shortfalls, cynical politicians -- is there a crisis of confidence in our local government? Join the conversation and tell us how you’d make Toronto a livable city. Read more . . .

Toronto Star Intern Journalists

Young journalists are on the cutting edge of the revolution in news. Pen and paper? Voice recorder? Digital camera? Technology is driving change but storytelling remains the heart of journalism and we take you behind the scenes as we cover the news. Read more . . .

Fighting Words

From the ring to the octagon, from mixed martial arts to the sweet science, National Newspaper Award winner Morgan Campbell covers all angles of the fight game in his new blog. Read more . . .

David Olive's Everybody's Business

Toronto Star business and current affairs columnist David Olive comments on business, politics and culture. Read more . . .

Susan Delacourt on politics

Susan Delacourt, the Star's Senior Political Writer in Ottawa blogs about politics. Susan has covered federal politics for more than two decades as a reporter and bureau chief and as a frequent guest on CBC Newsworld.  Read more . . .


Malene Arpe snarks about pop culture and celebrity, covering all the rehab stints, weddings, divorces, age-inappropriate behaviour, moronic apologies, babies, public lewdness, crazy riders, fake spirituality, crash diets, bad fashion sense, arrests and, oh yeah, the occasional work displayed by the famous and kinda famous-ish. Read more . . .

Reality Check

Debra Yeo can kind of dance, can’t skate, does a mean karaoke version of “Car Wash” and would never consent to eat rice and sleep on bamboo with strangers on an island for 39 days. When she’s not watching reality TV, she is the Star’s deputy entertainment editor. Read more . . .

Sound Mind - a classical music blog

Toronto Star classical music critic John Terauds addresses the music, composers, artists, news and personalities behind the city's playbills, as well as casting a wider look at the intersection of music and the world around us. Read more . . .

Untitled - a contemporary art blog

Toronto Star visual arts writer Murray Whyte keeps pace with Toronto's dynamic art scene, from the grand openings to the grassroots. Read more . . .

Cam Harvey on Global Finance

Cam Harvey is professor of international business at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and editor of the Journal of Finance. His blog offers opinions and analysis of the issues facing our global financial system. Read more . . .

Political Decoder

Linda Diebel's Political Decoder blog drills behind the scenes to examine social and political issues. She's obsessed with what they're not telling us and writes about the powerful, the underdog and those in between. And there's a lighter side to give us an occasional laugh. Read more . . .

Jim Byers' Travel Blog

Jim's blog has travel news/updates for everyone from high-rollers looking for the next French Riviera to budget-minded folks hoping for a bargain in southern Ontario or Canada. He also offers opinions on what's happening in the ever-changing world of travel and suggests places for readers to comment on travel issues. Read more . . .

Parentcentral.ca editor's blog

Brandie Weikle, the editor of parentcentral.ca, discusses the latest parenting issues as well as her adventures (and misadventures!) as a mom of two boys. Read more . . .

Broadsides by Antonia Zerbisias

Antonia Zerbisias is back to blogging. The Star's Living section columnist always has more to say than she can get into the paper. Broadsides is her fearless, funny and feminist take on the man's world where women live. But hey, there's room for all of us, if only the guys would take out the garbage first. Read more . . .

Yourhome.ca editor's blog

Yourhome.ca editor Jennifer Wilson keeps an eye on the latest news, trends and tips around the house. Read more . . .

Vicky Sanderson's On the House

Yourhome.ca shopping guru Vicky Sanderson dishes on the hottest new products and trends for around the house. Read more . . .

Auto Racing blog

Wheels' motorsport writer Norris McDonald is a former supermodified owner and driver who covers all forms of racing -- from the Formula One circus to local dirt tracks.  Read more . . .

Jim Kenzie's The Driver's Seat

As Wheels' chief auto correspondent, Jim Kenzie has been writing about the automotive world for 25 years. Whether it's driving habits or new vehicle design, find out what Kenzie thinks on his Wheels.ca blog. Read more . . .

John LeBlanc's Crank

Join in the discussion as Wheels writer John LeBlanc provides expert critical analysis of the foibles of the auto industry. Read more . . .

Blue Jays baseball blog

Richard Griffin answers your questions on the Toronto Blue Jays or anything baseball related. Read more . . .

The Spin on Sports

Damien Cox, the Star's hockey columnist, takes turns stirring up trouble and chuckling at the foibles of the sporting world. He'll start with hockey, Canada's ongoing passion play, and stick his nose into a few other games and places where athletes reside.You'll love some of his thoughts, hate others and get a chance to give your two cents on all of them. Read more . . .

Randy Starkman's Olympics blog

Randy Starkman knows the Games. More importantly, he knows the athletes. He's been covering the Olympics beat for more than 25 years now and Vancouver will be the 12th Olympics for the two-time National Newspaper Award winner. Read more . . .

Raptors blog

Doug Smith has been covering the Toronto Raptors since their inception in 1995. Visit his blog to read more tales from the hardwood and talk hoops with our resident expert. Read more . . .

G20: Toronto 2010

From traffic tie-ups to protest plans to behind-the-scenes stories, G20: Toronto 2010 is your survival guide to the summit meetings in Toronto and Huntsville June 25-27. Read more . . .

Two guys, one Cup

Cathal Kelly and Chris Young on the scene in South Africa for the 2010 World Cup. Thirty billion viewers. Sixty-two matches. Thirty-two teams. Ten venues. Nine cities. Two guys. One Cup. Read more . . .

World Cup, Toronto voices

Toronto is home to people from all 32 countries vying for the 2010 World Cup — and the most passionate soccer fans among them will be here, blogging about their countries’ performance and their communities' parties throughout the tournament June 11 to July 11. Read more . . .

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More Blogs

  • On Clean Break, Tyler Hamilton blogs about emerging trends, technologies and investment opportunities in the clean energy sector.

    Ellen Roseman's On Your Side The Star's consumer reporter helps readers resolve disputes with companies and demystifies personal finance issues.

    Sunaya Sapurji on the OHL Junior hockey maven Sunaya Sapurji blogs about the Ontario Hockey League.


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