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About Last.fm – Last.fm
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About Last.fm

Last.fm is a music recommendation service. You use Last.fm by signing up and downloading The Scrobbler, which helps you discover more music based on the songs you play.

What’s Scrobbling?

A scrobble is a little note The Scrobbler sends to Last.fm to let us know what song you’re playing.

Scrobbling helps us tell you what songs you play most often, which songs you like the most, how much you’ve played an artist over a certain amount of time, which of your friends have similar tastes… all kinds of stuff. By focusing on the music you already play we can help you discover more music.

What you get

Scrobbles mean we can deliver personalised recommendations for every single Last.fm listener, every single day. We compare what you play to the scrobbles of millions of listeners around the world, meaning your recommendations are the result of more than 43 billion scrobbles and counting.

There’s plenty more you can do with Last.fm too. By getting involved in our community you can tag tracks, join discussions, learn what’s hot and find new ways of uncovering the secrets of your listening history.

Get started

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