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Columns Index
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Welcome to GameSpy's revised columns index! Our commitment here is to bring you gaming-related commentary that's as substantive as it is entertaining, with GameSpy's crack team of editorial contributors reflecting on a variety of relevant topics. Expect commentary that's as varied as our backgrounds and personalities!

Abandoned Ware
Revisiting the virtual worlds of gaming's past
by David Wolinsky
The life cycle of a successful massively multiplayer online game, like any breakout offline or single-player game, always follows the same trajectory: It grabs some headlines, eventually gets oversaturated, maybe gets parodied by South Park, and then eventually fades from the mainstream's point of view. Unlike offline or single-player games, online and MMO titles have a built-in shelf life. Sooner or later, they're getting ink in gaming mags or blogs again -- but this time, it's because their servers are getting turned off. And with that, an entire world vanishes for all eternity, when it was there just a moment before. In Abandoned Ware, one gamer becomes a field reporter for these once-huge MMOs, before the inevitable eradicates them forever.
      - Abandoned Ware #1: Second Life
      - Abandoned Ware #2: Diablo II
      - Abandoned Ware #3: RuneScape

Indie Spotlight
Exploring the indie gaming scene, one developer at a time
by Nathan Meunier
Contrary to popular belief, games don't always need huge budgets and teams of hundreds of worker drones toiling away under the watchful eye of whip-wielding overlords in order to be awesome. The thriving indie development scene continues to give birth to some of the weirdest, coolest, and most innovative games around. Indie Spotlight pulls back the curtain, taking a closer look at the world of independent game developers and the magic they make.
      - Indie Spotlight #1: Drinking from the Fire Hose
      - Indie Spotlight #2: Flash, Bang, Boom
      - Indie Spotlight #3: Adorable Rainbow Vomit
      - Indie Spotlight #4: BIT.TRIP AWESOME
      - Indie Spotlight #5: Blasting Rude Bits
      - Indie Spotlight #6: Detachable Rocket Boobs
      - Indie Spotlight #7: Infinitely Running to Death
      - Indie Spotlight #8: No Need to Kill
      - Indie Spotlight #9: A Story Worth Telling
      - Indie Spotlight #10: Trailblazing and Thievery

Mind Games
Navigating the psychology of gamers and games.
by Nicholaus Noles
Gaming is an interactive experience. We play games -- but at the same time, games play us. In this column, psychologist Nicholaus Noles explores how video games manipulate our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, all in the name of fun.
      - Mind Games #1: Scare Tactics

The Money Making Game
Your window into the world of game industry finances
by Chris Morris
We certainly have no problem getting caught up in the fun of playing games, but the people who create them have their pocketbooks to worry about, too. In this column, finance expert and GameSpy contributor Chris Morris guides you through the tricky corridors the gaming industry's financial side, touching on big-time business decisions and how they matter to the common gamer.
      - The Money Making Game #1: Nintendo's $300 Handheld
      - The Money Making Game #2: The PlayStation Phone
      - The Money Making Game #3: Is OnLive the Next Big Thing?
      - The Money Making Game #4: The PSP2
      - The Money Making Game #5: The Disney Situation
      - The Money Making Game #6: Should PopCap Go Public?
      - The Money Making Game #7: GameStop Goes Digital

Your handy guide to the gaming industry's biggest legal disputes
by Eric Neigher
The videogame industry's a big business -- and sometimes, companies don't see eye-to-eye. And what happens when a dispute goes to court, and gamers get their grubby hands on fancy-sounding legal documents? Why, wild, inane, forum-fueled speculation, of course. That's where California-based corporate attorney and GameSpy writer Eric Neigher comes in. Objection! is your one-stop destination to learn what all that legalese means in plain English, straight from someone who knows the twisty-turny language of the law.
      - Objection! #1: Activision v. West & Zampella
      - Objection! #2: The Case of the Disgruntled Developers
      - Objection! #3: Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Software Association
      - Objection! #4: The Case of the World of Warcraft Wannabe
      - Objection! #5: The Case of the Cable Company and the Communications Commission
      - Objection! #6: Analyzing the Supreme Court's EMA Hearing
      - Objection! #7: The Case of the Copyright Quandary
      - Objection! #8: The Case of the Corporate Rivalry
      - Objection! #9: The Case of the Purloined PlayStation
      - Objection! #10: The Case of the Unfinished Panel

The Underachiever
A diary about wasting time diligently
by Ryan Kuo
Games are virtual. When you turn on the console, a world appears; when you turn it off, no trace remains. Except for the achievements you earned -- which fortify your Gamerscore and self-esteem, blip by blip. The Underachiever tracks the productivity of one gamer playing to catch up to his peers. What do games feel like when they're used for work?
      - The Underachiever #1: Crackdown
      - The Underachiever #2: Saints Row 2
      - The Underachiever #3: Double Dragon
      - The Underachiever #4: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
      - The Underachiever #5: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
      - The Underachiever #6: Fable II
      - The Underachiever #7: Trials HD
      - The Underachiever #8: Fruit Ninja
      - The Underachiever #9: EpicWin
      - The Underachiever #10: Limbo
      - The Underachiever #11: Plants vs. Zombies
      - The Underachiever #12: Fallout 3
      - The Underachiever #13: Enslaved
      - The Underachiever #14: Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
      - The Underachiever #15: Red Dead Redemption
      - The Underachiever #16: Super Meat Boy

A Whole New World (of Warcraft)
A post-Cataclysm chronicle of Blizzard's virtual world
by Jeremiah Leif Johnson
After shipping players off to a new continent and even an entirely different planet over the last couple of years, Blizzard has gone full steam ahead with the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion, which brings the world's most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game back to its roots. And then it takes those roots, grinds them up, and serves players an entirely fresh experience in the world of Azeroth. Join GameSpy columnist and WoW-head Jeremiah Leif Johnson as he travels through this whole new world (of Warcraft), exploring new zones, beating new dungeons, and enjoying what may turn out to be the happy medium to unite diehards and casual gamers alike.
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #1: Welcome to Gilneas
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #2: Grand Theft Goblin
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #3: A Survivor's Guide to the Cataclysm
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #4: And So It Begins
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #5: Lost in Queue
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #6: Big, Bad Tol Barad
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #7: The Burnout Crusade
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #8: Looking For Group
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #9: Mozart Among the Mages
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #10: Troll Patch
      - A Whole New World (of Warcraft) #11: State of the Raid

Archived Columns