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Royal Wedding Won't Be Filmed in 3-D, We Cry Lifelike Tears of Sorrow

The royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William is swelling to an unceasing, deafening and overexposed roar. We Yanks have been barraged with imitation wedding rings, iTunes soundtracks of the event and commemorative plates galore (SO. MANY. COMMEMORATIVE. PLATES.) But one sensory assault we won't have to endure is the hyperreal 3-D experience, despite the fact that the Queen Mother is ...

James Franco Mercifully Abandons Twitter

We pray to whatever higher power there might be that this is not some April Fool's prank: James Franco has deleted his Twitter account. No more feuding with Bruce Vilanch or bravely taking on a college newspaper via TwitPic. Franco will now have to go back to his 13 day jobs, four degree programs and motorized bong. ...

Bronx Zoo Cobra Allegedly Caught, But We're Not Buying It

The "real" Bronx Zoo cobra has apparently been found. Zoo officials claim that he "never left the House of Reptiles," but his Twitter account begs to differ. Seeing that he's been turned into a 200,000-follower-strong online celeb -- having lately been tweeted by Mayor Bloomberg, Ellen Degeneres and Jon Favreau -- we figure that the actual cobra is slurping mouse blood Mai Tais under a heat lamp ...

Zynga and Gaga Form Not-So-Terrible Alliance

You have to hand it to Lady Gaga; she's pretty tapped into tech. Her latest venture is a partnership with Zynga, in which she's donating $1.5 million for earthquake relief via its in-game funding drives. The partnership is not particularly surprising on either end. Gaga has been making the tech rounds recently, and Zynga has long been savvy about using its games as a platform for ...

Time's Ever-Relevant 140 Best Twitter Feeds

Time Magazine, master of the almighty listicle, has put together a list (two years too late) of the 140 best Twitter feeds. No-brainers like Lady Gaga and Ashton Kutcher obviously make the cut; suspiciously missing is the newly anointed warlock Charlie Sheen, or the acerbic insight of The Awl co-founder Choire Sicha. In their place lies the banal: the giggly ramblings of Taylor Swift, the ...

'ICorrect' Helps Celebrities Debunk Myths, Refute Rumors

Are you a celebrity? Has your name been smeared by unfounded rumors, half-truths or an inaccurate Wikipedia entry? A new site called ICorrect can help you set the record straight. For the small annual fee of $1,000, celebs and other public figures can use ICorrect to post rebuttals to any rumors or lies that have spread across the Web. Sir David Tang, the website's founder, says ICorrect is ...

The Biebs's 'Baby' Dominates YouTube With 500 Million Views

Oh, Justin Bieber. How did the Internet even cope before you were around? His music video for 'Baby' just surpassed 500 million views, making it the most viewed video in YouTube history. But with 1.1 million "dislikes," the video also, and ever so slightly, edges out Rebecca Black's 'Friday' for the distinction of most hated. Basically, Bieber's stuff is the most watched, most disliked, and ...

Twitter Gets Some Gaga Love, Too

We wonder if Lady Gaga's got Internet domination in the pipeline. On Tuesday, the always-delightful singer dropped by Google HQ; yesterday, she paid her respects to Twitter. She charmed the engineers, was interviewed by Evan Williams, and by all accounts highly ingratiated herself. Just this morning, Gaga announced she'll be dropping a song tomorrow via Twitter. So maybe it wasn't all fun and ...

Google Goes Gaga When the Lady Drops by Mountain View

If the Google facility were suddenly transported to another dimension, most of the more influential individuals in the Western world would disappear. And, in many ways, The Googleplex was transported the other day -- by the weird and wonderful Lady Gaga, who stopped by for a marathon interview with Google's Marissa Mayer (using fan-voted questions). She talked bullying, her next single and ...

Haters Gonna Hate, But Rebecca Black Still Makes Stacks of Cash

Rebecca Black, the 13-year old from California that scored a viral hit with her song and video 'Friday,' has endured quite a bit of abuse at the hands of YouTube commenters and 4Chan. But she shouldn't take the hate to heart, because, while the /b/tards are sitting in their parents' basements and wondering what it would be like to see a naked girl in real life, Black is raking in the cash. How ...

James Franco Attacks Bruce Vilanch on Twitter

Look, we understand that it takes a certain amount of self-importance to become a celebrity of note. It probably takes a lack of self-awareness, too. But, if James Franco is under the impression that his performance at this year's Academy Awards was anything less than dreadful, he might be the least self-aware person on Earth. The actor/author/college instructor/multimedia "artist" took to Twitter ...

FBI Investigating Hacking Ring Responsible for Swiping Nude Celeb Pics

It ain't a nice time to be a female star. The FBI is investigating a hacking ring it believes is responsible for swiping "sensitive" material from the e-mail accounts and phones of dozens of stars. According to TMZ, 50 celebrities (including Selena Gomez, Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson) have been targeted, with nude photos and embarrassing videos allegedly stolen. Supposedly, all the ...

Lady Gaga to Answer 'WHY RU SO WIERD' And Other Fan Questions for Google

Want to know Lady Gaga's favorite color, or if she likes a boy? Get ready to grill, because the Lady's taking fangirl and fanboy-submitted questions for Google. Squee! Submit a video or text question on Gaga's YouTube page, or tweet it with the hashtag #GoogleGoesGaga, until midnight on March 18th. She'll then respond to a selection of them in a YouTube video, probably while wearing a ...

Bon Jovi Blames Steve Jobs For Ruining Music

Was it rampant pirating that killed the music industry? The ease of sharing digital files? DRM limitations? If you thought it was any of those, you are clearly a mere mortal. Superstar Jon Bon Jovi has been mulling this over, and finally came to the conclusion that Steve Jobs is "personally responsible for killing the music business." Bon Jovi's bizarre comment is from an interview with Britain's ...

Gilbert Gottfried Loses Aflac Duck Gig After Tsunami Joke Tweets

Gilbert Gottfried, the comedian best known for being irritating, has lost his job as the voice of the Aflac duck after posting a series of offensive tweets about the recent disaster in Japan. Never one to squander a chance to ridicule tragedy, Gottfried took direct aim at Japan's tsunami victims with a slew of jokes that seem to have been sculpted with a sledgehammer. The comedian deleted the ...