(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Hugo Awards : 2009 : August
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110520083524/http://www.thehugoawards.org/2009/08/

Archives for August 2009

2009 WSFS Business Meeting Report

Published on 18 Aug 2009 at 11:04. 1 Comment.
Filed under Rule Changes.

At the 2009 Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society the following motions that affect the Hugo Awards were adopted. (Strikeouts indicate text removed, underlines indicate text added.)

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2009 Hugo Award Winners

Published on 9 Aug 2009 at 20:35. 60 Comments.
Filed under Results.

Presented at: Anticipation, Montréal, Quebec, August 6-10, 2009
Toastmaster: Julie Czerneda, with translation by Yves Meynard
Base design: Dave Howell
Awards Administration: Diane Lacey, Ruth Lichtwardt, Jeff Orth and Rene Walling

Best Novel: The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman (HarperCollins; Bloomsbury UK)
Best Novella: “The Erdmann Nexus”, Nancy Kress (Asimov’s Oct/Nov 2008)
Best Novelette: “Shoggoths in Bloom”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov’s Mar [...]

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The 2009 Trophy

Published on 9 Aug 2009 at 20:05. No Comments.
Filed under Trophies.

Pictures of the 2009 Hugo Award trophy, designed by Dave Howell, are now online here. Be sure to check out the top-down view of the base, which shows the blast pit as the Hugo rocket lifts off from the asteroid base.

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Logo Contest Winner

Published on 9 Aug 2009 at 19:51. 50 Comments.
Filed under Logo Competition.

We were delighted with the level of interest in the logo contest. We received 390 entries from 215 different people and 24 different countries. Deciding on a winner proved very difficult.
The jurors were impressed with the standard of submissions, and of the many very different conceptions of the award, and were thrilled by how many [...]

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What’s Happening Tonight

Published on 9 Aug 2009 at 14:10. Comments Off.
Filed under Results.

The Hugo Award ceremony is due to begin at 8:00pm Montreal time. There is a pre-ceremony reception beginning at 6:00pm. As the people responsible for updating this site are all involved in the ceremony we won’t be able to update this site as quickly as we might like, but we are planning to send out [...]

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Hugo Award Rules Changes

Published on 8 Aug 2009 at 13:35. 4 Comments.
Filed under Rule Changes.

At today’s Business Meeting at Worldcon the members of the World Science Fiction Society voted on three motions concerning the Hugo Awards that were passed in Denver last year and required ratification.
A motion to remove the Best Semiprozine category was not ratified, so the category will remain in effect.
A motion clarifying how and where material [...]

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