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Property Tables

What is AZoM?

AZoM is a knowledge tool that is intended to provide the design and engineering community worldwide with a continuously updating source of all the information they need to make an informed decision on material selection. Either through “static” mediums i.e. the knowledge base of articles and news items or through “dynamic” forms i.e. the community of experts. Due to the collaborative publishing approach that has been adopted, AZoM is totally free to access and is strongly focused on the requirements of both the novice and experienced user of materials.

Why was AZoM formed?

The group of material scientists who founded AZoM realised that throughout all industries there are many examples of the incorrect choice of material or a lack of awareness of new materials. This situation leads to increased downtime, increased maintenance, poor system performance etc. etc. Unfortunately, one of the reasons for this “knowledge shortfall” is the lack of a comprehensive easy access tool that provides the end users of materials with the information they need to improve the performance of their existing product or process.

Which materials does AZoM cover?

The initial focus of AZoM is on what are commonly termed “Advanced Materials” – a loose definition being, high value metals, ceramics, polymers, fibres and composites. However, due to the collaborative nature of the AZoM publishing concept, the materials covered will naturally expand to cover the interests of the AZoM experts and partners.

Who generates the AZoM articles and news content?

Although we have a team of “in house” content generators and aggregators, our worldwide network of AZoM experts and partners produce the majority of the AZoM content.

How is AZoM funded?

AZoM is financed through material research organisations and private individuals. It is not our policy to accept equity finance from material suppliers as we believe that this would influence the impartiality and integrity of the AZoM philosophy.

Where is AZoM based?

AZoM.com Pty. Ltd. Is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with partner offices around the globe.

Who are the AZoM experts?

An AZoM expert is someone with expertise in a particular material or class of materials, who has demonstrated to the AZoM knowledge team that their Expert Status has been recognised in some form by the wider scientific or industrial community.

How do I become an AZoM expert?

If you feel you have something to add or give to the materials community then contact us at experts@azom.com.

Once you have been registered as an AZoM Expert your profile will be listed alongside the technical articles that are relevant to your area of expertise. You will then be one click away from people who are interested in transferring your technology, your expertise or services.

Do I get paid for being an AZoM expert?

In the true spirit of freedom of information, openness and collaboration which AZoM endeavours to represent, you decide if you get paid for being an AZoM expert. What this means is that once you become an AZoM Expert and we have listed your expert profile, you decide how you wish to be contacted in relation to your area of expertise and if you want to be paid for answering questions.

You can also decide how much or how little you want to charge for your answers. As it is free for bona fide academic experts to list with AZoM, all we ask is that if you do charge fees at the end of every quarter you forward to us 10% of your gross Expert Fees. Alternatively, you can pay a $200 annual listing fee and then all your fee income is yours. This is the mechanism that applies to non-academic, full time consultants or industry experts, i.e. you pay a $200 listing fee and then you decide if you want to charge anything for your “expert services”.

I represent a manufacturer of materials; can I become an AZoM Expert?

Employees or the representatives of material manufacturers, consulting organisations or similar bodies can become AZoM experts. The only cost to you is the payment of a US$200 listing fee. Contact us for further details at experts@azom.com. Once you have been registered as an AZoM Expert your profile will be listed alongside the technical articles (up to three) that are relevant to your area of expertise. You will then be one click away from people who are interested in transferring your technology, your expertise or services.

How do I list my company alongside a material article?

It is very simple to list your company as a key supplier, simply email sales@azom.com

For further details on the various listing packages available please visit the media pack page.

What are the benefits of listing as a Key Supplier

AZoM is a huge free access knowledge resource of materials related information, articles, case histories, news, new product releases and technical briefs. As such it is a very attractive destination for the 21 million engineers who are online worldwide.

In addition, the novel search and keyword structure used by AZoM means that when an engineer is searching for a solution to a problem they do not need to know anything about materials - they simply type into the applications search box their application. The search results then reveal educational and informative content with key suppliers and service providers listed alongside.

Equally, end users can find materials information that relates specifically to their industry. For example, assume you are a designer of medical devices and you wish to find out what materials related news has an impact on your industry sector. Simply click the news tick box, input “medical” in the industries search box and up comes news items which relate to the medical device industry – as a supplier you are then one click away from an enquiry.

Full details on the benefits of listing as a key supplier are detailed on the media pack page.

What form of content is suitable?

Any form of content that will help to educate the wider engineering and design community of the benefits of using new materials is acceptable. Typically this will be a review article that provides a little background on a particular material and it’s properties and then concentrates on examples of typical applications. However, AZoM also welcomes shorter contributions, news items or even photographs or graphics, which add to the AZoM content quality.

Please remember that AZoM is heavily focused on providing examples of how materials can be used and not the fundamental science behind the material. You do not need to provide the mechanical or physical properties of the material – we do that. Don’t forget that to add real value to AZoM we need you to add as many relevant keywords to your article in terms of applications and detail the industries where the material is primarily used. In addition, if you have lecture notes or presentations which you feel add some value along the lines detailed above – send them in, we will try and format them into suitable content. Please note you will always be credited for your work.

To submit content email direct to editorial@azom.com.

How do I benefit by submitting content?

AZoM has a very wide audience reach of engineers, designers and scientists who use AZoM for very specific material information search and retrieval. Consequently, if you submit content to AZoM you can guarantee that unlike traditional print media, your article will be seen by people who are directly interested in you area of expertise or product. If you are a full time academic, you can also offer to provide your consulting services by listing for free as an AZoM Expert alongside your article or case history.

How do I search AZoM?

AZoM provides the site visitor with a range of search options. These options include a global search, which as the name suggests searches all content for word matches on the headline text, the article summary, material keywords and tradenames. The search function also includes search boxes for applications, industries and material properties. All of these search functions can be used in conjunction with each other. For example, an application search on bearings can be combined with a material property search for density < 5 g/cc.

Where can I find out more about the properties quoted in the property tables?

Enter the term “glossary” into the global keyword search and you are presented with articles that explain the property terms used.

Why do some articles have a property table in the article and some have a linked property table?

As there is no universal format for mechanical and physical properties that apply to all materials, sometimes it makes sense to provide an abbreviated guide to the materials properties within the article. With other materials, where there are more commonly accepted standards and data it is more helpful to provide a comprehensive property table.

Why are listed mechanical and physical properties different for certain material types?

As we are all aware, a hard metal is a very different material to a polymer. Consequently, the types of mechanical and physical properties that best describe their behaviour are different. Also, the test methods for different materials are often very different and it would be misleading to try and fit all material properties into a uniform template. For example, the method for measuring hardness in a hard metal is different to the method used for measuring hardness in polymers.

It should also be noted that due to the limitations of using a common property table for all materials, for certain polymeric materials the property search tool will only work when searching for the following properties; Density, Ductility, Tensile Strength, Max. Service Temp, Breakdown Potential, Dielectric Constant and Resistivity. However, the article located by the search is likely to contain more in-depth polymer specific property information.

How do I print out the property table?

Simply right click on the page and select print.

Why do some property tables provide a range of values?

With most materials the measurement of mechanical or physical properties is not an exact science and is subject to many variables in terms of test techniques, material conditions and test standards. Consequently, the data we provide in the comprehensive property tables covers a range of values. Also, where the property table covers a generic materials class such as “Brass”, the property table attempts to cover the range of properties available for this class of materials.

Remember, the property tables are only intended to be a guide, the advice of the manufacturer or independent expert such always be sought with regards to the suitability of a materials properties in relation to your appliction.