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The Nelson Gaggle
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Summer!

Yes its been a while since I posted to this poor neglected family blog. Things are going well this summer. Project Build-New-House is still moving right along. As of this week we have all inspections complete for the framing and inside wiring/plumbing and insulation is to begin now.

Here are shots of what its shaping up to look like:

House Collage_July 2011

The kids are doing well and growing up too fast. Last month, for the last day of school, I thought I would do a comparison of them from their first day. While I can no longer shoot on our old deck you can still see how big they have gotten this year!

1st and Last Compare

1st and Last Compare

Another fun past time of the summer while visiting our new property is toad hunting. No worries, no toads were harmed while chasing them with our little fingers.

Grumpy Toad
We've had three birthday's since I last posted too.

Miss E turned 6 in March.

6th Birthday
Miss V turned 4 in May.

4th Bday

And Mr Z turned 9 earlier this month.


He is also playing in a summer baseball league and loving every minute of it.


And he's riding his bike all by himself with no training wheels. :)

We also just got back from our first camping trip the the beach.

28/52 - Water

28/52 - Water

28/52 - Water

I hope everyone has a great August and I will be sure to post more house updates once we have some siding on. It will be great to see something other than that drab blue!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cooking with Daddy

This little one loves to be a big helper in the kitchen. Tonight she made biscuits on her Daddy's birthday.





They were yummy too. :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Budding Artist

This is her favorite thing, art. Drawing, painting coloring, she loves it all. She is super excited to be starting her first after school art class this month.


Of course, I think she is super talented myself. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Start of a New School Year

Just some snaps of the kiddos starting off the new school year.

Of course Miss E is the most excited to start Kindergarten. (sniff)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Some Camping Randomness

Had another great weekend in the woods. The girls were having fun scooping up rocks. Why do they love rocks so?

Camping Randomness

Camping Randomness

Donut face.


Stealing some food and giving me that face.


Then we got to launch some of the rockets that Zach built.


This one was almost lost but luckily the nice 90-year old woman let us borrow a rake to get it off of her roof. Next time, we will make sure we go to a larger park.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Wiggly Teeth

I love it when the kids start to loose their baby teeth. They just look so super cute. My daughter has two really wiggly ones right now and she is dying to write her special note to the Tooth Fairy but is still too scared to have us help her pull these two out. I think she should pull them both at the same time because the Tooth Fairy gives extra money for two teeth at once!

Two Wiggly Teeth

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Birthday Post

Eight years. Everyone always says that the time goes fast and boy they are right.

My first born is such a sweet boy. He is so caring and warm and fun. I hope he keeps those qualities as he makes his way into teen-hood.

My original idea for his birthday shoot was him and his guitar. We had been so busy that we hadn't gotten around to getting the kid a hair cut so I left his cute little curls long for these.

8th Birthday - Take 1

He wants lessons on how to play. He loves all things music.

8th Birthday - Take 1

8th Birthday - Take 1

8th Birthday - Take 1

8th Birthday - Take 1

The obligatory 'rocker' pose.

The very next day we return home from the weekend of camping and he asks to finally get a hair cut. So I take him over to the barber and we wait 20 min before his name is called. Meanwhile he is focused on another customer getting his hair cut. He whispered to me, "Look mom, he has a mo-hawk". I could tell he was very excited and giggly at the thought. I asked him if he was interested in getting his hair cut in the same way. I think he was surprised that I was even considering it and then even more surprised when I let him go through with it.


I have to admit, I was a little gun shy at first but its super cute on him. :)

8th Birthday - Take 2

Can I just say that its super hard to get a good shot of a mo-hawk!

8th Birthday - Take 2

And here is the back

8th Birthday - Take 2

8th Birthday - Take 2

I want to wish him another wonderful year full of learning, friends, fun and family. Happy Happy Birthday to my not-so-little Man!

And just for prosperity, a cutie baby picture.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Fourth

Camping for the Fourth is becoming a yearly tradition. This holiday falls near my son's birthday and this year he picked his favorite place to spend our weekend. He had a great time playing in the pool and going down the water slides. Also playing basketball.

July 4th Camping

July 4th Camping

Then a quick snap of these two together..giggling.

July 4th Camping

This dragonfly hung out with us for the afternoon. I guess he liked our company.

July 4th Camping

I was told that this dress would be worn on the 4th so I then made her pose for me. She made a special 4th of July, sea shell sand art to go with and made sure I captured it as well.

July 4th Camping

She had to show me her teddy bear sand art as well.

July 4th Camping

And then this new face. What's that about??

July 4th Camping

Another great weekend.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Of course we went camping! What fun we had splashing around the pool and the water slides and playing on the playground.

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Hanging at the camper, playing with our new Father's Day Present (a new phone).

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Getting hugs.

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Then a fun game of laser tag with the baby as a shield. :)

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E thought it was super fun to shoot Daddy.

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Z loved it too.

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Then Sunday a nice BBQ and a game of Frisbee.

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We love you Daddy!


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Welcome to my family blog. I am a mom to three, work FT and love to take pictures. Please visit my website to see more of my work.



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