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Dungeon Siege II for PC Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110830214911/http://www.metacritic.com:80/game/pc/dungeon-siege-ii
Dungeon Siege II Image
  • Summary: It's been a generation since you vanquished the evil that plagued the Land of Ehb, and now a new menace has awakened. In Dungeon Siege II, you will be called on to again wield sword and spell to save the world from a growing abomination many years in the making. A thousand years ago, the crusaders of Azunai crossed swords with the legions of Zaramoth in the final battle of a century-long rebellion. As the tyrannical god Zaramoth struck the final blow through Azunai's trembling shield, the earth shook. In that moment, the forces of magic were unchained, and both armies were consumed in a brilliant cataclysm that stretched for leagues across the Plain of Tears. Only a scarred wasteland remained as final testament to the First Age of Man. And for a millennium, magic has continued to spread to the farthest corners of the world, freely flowing to any who would command it. But the tide of magic has begun to wane, heeding instead the call of an ancient legacy. From the Plain of Tears a new heir beckons, and with each day his strength grows. Consuming those who submit, eradicating those who resist. With none to oppose his ascendance, the circle will be complete, and an ancient age will begin anew. What fate will befall the Second Age of Man? The time for judgment is nigh. [Microsoft] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 51
  2. Negative: 0 out of 51
  1. It's a winning combination: the same great concept that made Dungeon Siege a hit now with new story lines, new features and improved graphics. It's a great choice for dozens of hours of gameplay this fall.
  2. A superb sequel that takes the great gameplay of the original and, while stripping out some of those party options, updates the presentation so that everything looks and sounds wonderful.
  3. Dungeon Siege II will certainly please fans of the original game, although the simplistic combat system does mean that criticisms about a repetitive experience are bound to fill forums in the forthcoming weeks and months.

See all 51 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 29
  2. Negative: 5 out of 29
  1. This game still maintains elements from the first Dungeon Siege, but overall the gameplay is a lot different to the first. The second installment is slightly harder than the first, with the easiest difficulty a lot harder (I think) than the easy difficulty on the first. This makes the differences from the first quite substantial meaning that real hardcore fans of the first may not enjoy this game. Yes it copies Diablo, but once again this smashes it hands down as like the first, you can feel you have a purpose for playing it. For new players to the game, im sure that Dungeon Siege II will prove quite popular. In addition to this, Dungeon Siege II has extremely nice graphics for a game of 2005. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  2. Jamie
    I started DS2 up with great anticipation and hope - only to be sorely disappointed. If you've played DS1, or Aranna, it's just more of the same. Tediously so. Three years and four months after the original DS1, gas powered games have served up DS2 with.... the same engine, and the same gameplay. "Oh, but the graphics engine is tweaked" they tell us. Really? Well then maybe you shouldn't charge us full price for a "tweaked" game then. And how the hell does it take more than three years to serve up a sequel with an engine that's "Tweaked"? DS was by it's nature a game full of repetition .. kill things, pick up stuff, sell stuff, and repeat ... which means that, even more than the average game, each new version needs to be different in some substantial way to achieve freshness. By now the low-polygon environments and models that were good enough three years ago look dated. The colours are bland and subdued. The environments feel claustrophobic with small view distances. All of these things were good enough before but now we have seen games like Far Cry or Half life 2 and DS2 just looks mediocre. In fact I'm not even going to call it DS2 any more, I think it's really DS 1.5. I rate this version of DS a six. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  3. JimC.
    Gone is the clean interface from DS I. The screen is cluttered. Voice acting below average. Unlike DS I, the story doesn't draw you in.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes

See all 29 User Reviews


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    • Release Date: Mar 31, 2002
    • Platform: PC
    Dungeon Siege Image
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