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  1. Here it is: is.gd/Upek93 RT @horaceblanding: @thenation: where can I get the sports edition?
  2. Yes! RT @profsteed: @thenation if I sign up for a year's subscription will you send me the sports issue now?
  3. Thanks! RT @ChPilgrim: "Jocks vs. Pukes" | The Nation - bit.ly/q4aUxf via @thenation @agoodcuppa I love the Nation's sports issue already.
  4. America's Deepest Closet by Sherry Wolf http://thenat.in/r4ArUu #sports
  5. Colbert Challenges the Poverty Deniers by @KatrinaNation http://thenat.in/qEnhch
  6. Colbert Challenges the Poverty Deniers by @katrinanation! bit.ly/qrg8DL
  7. @JoannDiNova This short conversation explains why we think sports are worth our attention: bit.ly/oyIfg1
  8. Jock culture is a distortion of sports ...http://thenat.in/ocIFdZ
  9. WATCH: @KatrinaNation - The #GOP wants to sabotage the economy http://thenat.in/qCZCk5
  10. Who Was Your #Sports Hero Growing Up? We'll be publishing a reader forum. bit.ly/oRMWEl