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Neil Vidyarthi - SocialTimes.com
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Neil Vidyarthi

Managing Editor
I've been interested in the cultural and business implications of social graphs since Facebook launched their app store. I've had the pleasure of working with Electronic Arts, Research in Motion, Epson Japan and Level Social, and from those experiences found my true passion: writing. I enjoy covering this emerging space and helping our writers find their own voices and interests as well.

Follow me on Twitter @neilvidyarthi or email me at neil "at" socialtimes.com
Social Media

We’re proud to announce that the latest edition of Social Times PRO includes two new fantastic reports, including Facebook Credits: Deployment Strategies in Facebook Games and Facebook Ad Networks: A Guide To Monetizing Facebook Games & Apps.  The two have been crafted from research over the last few months and will help anybody in the [...]

Social Media Marketing Bootcamp Banner

The newest Social Media Marketing Boot Camp is starting tomorrow, and I have to say that the speakers and itinerary are really incredible.  We’ve had a big success on the past few boot camps, and now with our relationship with Inside Network we’re able to centralize a lot of experts from a variety of fields. [...]


Serial Entrepreneurs Brian Norgard and Dan Gould, founders of Newroo (acquired by News Corp) and Ad.ly (the largest micro endorsement platform), experimented their way into next creation: the world’s first real-time global conversation community.

Today, that community exists in limited release alpha at Namesake.com. Compared by many to Twitter, Quora, Facebook, Yahoo Answers and more, Namesake stands on its own differentiating laurels. Operating as a real-time conversation engine, the platform enables members to converse around topics which they are passionate about via an extremely intuitive user experience that has no peers.


Thanks to our new partnership with the Inside Network, we’re now able to present you with harder-hitting data and reports.  As an example, the June 2011 edition of the Facebook Marketing Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to Market Your Brand, Company, Product, or Service Inside Facebook is now available.

Social Media

Our mediabistro team has put together a fantastic roster of online courses for the summer, and if you sign up today you’ll get 25% off your registration fee!  I personally have taken a few of the courses and found that they really will push you to complete your homework and formalize your education in whatever [...]


The power of a social network, when done right, is out of this world. Professional social technology analysts will pore over statistics and demographics in years to come and make startling conclusions about our relationship to online social networks. As time has passed, I’ve found that LinkedIn is beginning to become an essential 2nd account for me, and one that I increasingly frequent just to see what’s going on in my professional world. I’ve made a list of 5 features you may not be using, but should be, on LinkedIn.

Social Games

The battle’s been raging for years to try and put together a ‘social network for gamers’.  The idea is that gamers everywhere need a place where they can hook up with one another, share their scores across all their platforms, challenge one another and find new games.  I’ve seen it tried in some form by [...]

Business Development and Design

Like all of us, it began as a mere twinkle in the eye of its creators. In less than 10 years, Skype has matured to the pride of its Swedish, Danish and Estonian parents, and has just been sold for $8.5 billion to Microsoft. In this fantastic infographic by Online MBA, we take a look at the whole process.

Structure Event

SocialTimes community members register now and receive $100 off your ticket and a free report from GigaOM Pro on cloud and infrastructure.


Remember when Pluto was still a planet? How about when MySpace dominated the social space? Like the universe, the geosocial landscape is constantly changing—as new stars are born, black holes are developing.

So the JESS3 team thought it was about time we updated The Geosocial Universe infographic that stormed the interwebs last August.