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Deus Ex: Human Revolution for PC Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110830131119/http://www.metacritic.com:80/game/pc/deus-ex-human-revolution
  • Summary: In Deus Ex: Human Revolution you play Adam Jensen, a security specialist, handpicked to oversee the defense of one of America's most experimental biotechnology firms. But when a black ops team breaks in and kills the scientists you were hired to protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes. At a time when scientific advancements are routinely turning athletes, soldiers and spies into super-enhanced beings, someone is working very hard to ensure mankind's evolution follows a particular path. You need to discover why - because the decisions you take and the choices you make will be the only things that can determine mankind's future. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Aug 24, 2011
    Just as the people in the colourful world of the Human Revolution want to be better people, the game itself was eager to propel high above the competition from all other games and succeeded quite masterfully. It's true that Human Revolution sticks too much to story templates of the original Deus Ex, but this minor objection becomes irrelevant when the third Deus Ex is in fact your first.
  2. Aug 23, 2011
    An amazing game, the likes of which we haven't seen in over ten years. If you're at all interested in cyberpunk, transhumanism, action, stealth, exploration, conspiracy theories, roleplaying, futurism, or old-school PC gaming, pick up Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  3. Aug 29, 2011
    It's worth every second of these 11 years of waiting. It's a true Deus Ex sequel we all begged for. [Sept 2011, p.16]

See all 35 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 126
  1. I'd really, REALLY, love to give this game a full 10! The reason I'm not is for one little, yet important detail... a NewGame+ mode. I realize after reading the forums, watching the behind the scenes, and the making of, that they didn't want to add it because they didn't want the player to be a "Augod". But even though they didn't WANT them too, many players really enjoy a second play-through as an overpowered fighter. Other than that ONE little detail, this game is flawless. It's fluid, graphics are amazing, and mechanics are workable and without fault. I'm extremely disappointed I wasn't able to give it a 10, but I can't get over the fact that there's no NewGame+. Expand
    • 5 of 5 users said yes
  2. JLF
    DE:HR did not live up to the hype. And let's face it, the game's marketing was off the charts. The console casuals had all the "press a button for awesome" to look forward to and the PC gamers were promised a true sequel to the original Deus Ex. Still, it's relatively well made and better than most games this year (I'm looking at you Bioware). The PC version felt pretty native, even with it being a console port. What saddens me most is that they had to cut out an entire city hub to meet the deadlines. I swear, my first Deus ex playthrough was twice longer than this. It was fairly obvious they couldn't hire any decent voice actors either, but that's not a major issue. I'm giving it 5 for "average", as in "good, but there is room for improvement". Expand
    • 13 of 47 users said yes
  3. 1
    This game is not good. In short, the plot is pretty dull, the voice acting is average (excepting a few characters), and the aesthetics are completely uninspired. It's all just amber monitors and 'future shine' with tons of useless clutter thrown in everywhere. I wouldn't really care much about those things if the game play was any good, but it's not. Dues Ex doesn't do much but sample and dilute the game play from superior titles. It doesn't do stealth nearly as good as splinter cell, thief, or Hitman. It doesn't do combat as good a myriad of recent and ancient titles too long to list, and the RPG elements are pretty bare bones. It's basically, talk to it, shoot it, stun it, or walk around it (hacks / stealth). And Stun it and Shoot it are the same thing for all intents and purposes; just another body to drag into a vent. [As dragging corpse simulators go, it's not even that good. Sling the **** over your shoulder and hussle would you.] More Gripes: Hacking Mini-game? Haven't we had enough of this crap? (The only enjoyable instance of this was in Dead Space 2 for the tension it brought). Please stop giving me a puzzle a goat with Down's Syndrome could solve and call it game play. Weapons? Completely uninspired. They just put a 'future' skin on the same dull weapon archetypes you see in every shooter since time immemorial. You can have a rifle, a pistol, a grenade of some kind, and some heavy guns. This is all they could think of? Oh, you can also have those things in ' stun ' versions, so you can be a pacifist. And the 'Typhoon' Weapon...? Nothing says "we're out of ideas" more than an autokill button. Also, Max Payne called, he wants his spin animation back. AI? Terrible. The same old, ''oh no a dead body, lets investigate... oh well he's not here, resume combat patrol.' This day and age, and with a budget as big as this game, this is INEXCUSABLE. They make up for this by just making them super accurate and giving you limited health, to disguise the fact that the enemies are dumber than Doom zombies. Game play innovations? None. Zero. Not one thing is new in this game. And as I've said, they can't even STEAL from games properly and make it fun. Plot? Pretty dull Tom Clancy style thriller with some allegorical crud about augmented people being a new minority. Not to mention it heavily cribs from Mass effect 2 / Dead space 2 with the whole Hospital Resurrection after traumatic event scenario (Not that that concept wasn't done to death a decade ago). At least he didn't get amnesia as well. Want a better plot? Why not make it the protagonists choice to augment himself. Make it a moral issue. Give some **** conflict too it. Nope, he just wakes up with some cool new arms and a heads up display. Augmentations? Boring Boring Boring. 6 or so levels of 'energy enhancer.' In the far future, I'm picking up Zelda Hearts. Woop-de-doo. There's An eye enhancement that literally tells me when enemies will resume their combat patrol. And some other miscellaneous nonsense that lets me run faster or pick up heavier items or steady my aim. RPG-wise this is just a JAVA fantasy RPG rapped in sci fi skin, but you don't have spells to make it fun. Cover Based Fighting? I don't mind this in games, but Dues Ex manages to make it clunky enough to not want to use, but necessary to use almost 100% of the time if you're going for stealth. Have fun sticking to walls wherever you go. Also, This game can't decide to be first or third person, and generally picks the worst of both worlds. Auto KILL / Stun? You can press Q to instantly kill or stun someone near you. You get to watch an animation. They don't even give you a quicktime event to be bored with. Climbing? Nope, YOU NEED TO STACK BOXES, even though you're a superhuman killing machine. And to get around this, you can buy an upgrade to let you jump higher. Whatever it takes not to make a climbing over short obstacles animation huh? To anyone wanting to play this anyway, wait till it's on the bargain bin. If you spend $60 on this you're a sucker. I've played the original Dues Ex, but this game is Dues Ex in title only, and a pretty cynical attempt to rake in cash based on brand loyalty. I guarantee, if this game had another title and less hype, it wouldn't score past 60% on most reviews. And no, I didn't finish the game, because if it's not fun in the first 6 hours, It won't be fun later, says my common sense so don't give me this 'no-patience, go play CoD crap.' I have patience enough for good games. Expand
    • 14 of 57 users said yes

See all 126 User Reviews

  1. Metascore: 95
  2. Metascore: 90
  3. Metascore: 88
  4. Metascore: 87
  5. Metascore: 86
  6. Metascore: 85
  7. Metascore: 84
  8. Metascore: 82
  9. Metascore: 80
  10. Metascore: 75
  11. Metascore: 74
  12. Metascore: 72
  13. Metascore: 72
  14. Metascore: 70
  15. Metascore: 70
  16. Metascore: 69
  17. Metascore: 54