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Quote of the Day: Dr. K.'s Holocaust | The Nation

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The Dreyfuss Report

Quote of the Day: Dr. K.'s Holocaust

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Quote of the Day

About the Author

Robert Dreyfuss
Robert Dreyfuss, a Nation contributing editor, is an investigative journalist in Alexandria, Virginia, specializing in...

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"If they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern."

--Dr. Henry Kissinger, caught on tape in discussion with President Nixon, 1974.

Of course, putting Vietnamese in gas chambers would have been all right with Kissinger, too.

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1. posted by: hkaplan at 12/12/2010 @ 7:05pm

Totally hypothetical. The Soviets didn't gas any Jews. Besides, they saved many more Jews than they killed. (see Stalin's massive relocating of Jews as Hitler's armies advanced.) Besides, Kissinger is a creep--not to mention Nixon!

2. posted by: DejaVu at 12/12/2010 @ 1:55pm

.....and a few more volumes about the NYT covering Kissinger's behind, spending most of the piece disparaging Nixon while waiting until the very end to mention Kissinger, whose remarks were far more offensive. (let alone his actions)

Maybe Nixon was right, too. If all the Vietnam War deserters were Jewish, as Nixon claims, it's probably because they were the only ones smart enough to see through Kissinger and Tricky Dick.

3. posted by: sloper at 12/11/2010 @ 12:23pm

Speaks volumes about Kissinger & why he & his values have proven so attractive to so many large US corporations that have retained him & made him wealthy.

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