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  • [-]I'll try this again: TT teacher here. (Middle grades) Any questions?

    18 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    08.08.11, 07:32 AM Flag ]
    • what is the hardest thing you have to deal with as a teacher at TT school?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 07:43 AM Flag
      • np: the parents that think their child is the most wonderful creation on earth and baffled why everyone else doesn't agree.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.08.11, 07:45 AM Flag
      • Oh - I didn't see this. Parents with unreal expectations. that's the most difficult thing.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.08.11, 07:51 AM Flag
    • Do you expect tips/bonuses from parents at Christmas?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 07:44 AM Flag
      • absolutely not.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.08.11, 07:52 AM Flag
        • but do you accept them from the parents, if so what is the most you ever received?

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 08:02 AM Flag
    • Have you ever been pressured to give a student a higher grade than they achieved?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 07:44 AM Flag
      • all the time!! by parents who feel that the grade their kid has EARNED (key word here) doesn't fit in either with 1) what they expect their kid to deliver or 2) what they feel will make the "perfect" future for the kid. both infuriating.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.08.11, 07:53 AM Flag
        • How do you deal with this? I know a teacher (private school, not NYC) who was pressured by administration to inflate students' grades because the parents are big donors. I am not saying you do this or are expected to do this but I wonder how you deal with parents who think they should have the last word in their children's education.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 07:55 AM Flag
          • I've been pressured, as have other teachers, but luckily, my administration supports me. i think it's a question of where the administration says it stands and where it really stands when the situation arises.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.08.11, 08:01 AM Flag
        • How much do you factor effort into grading? Obviously the work needs to be at a certain level, but do you consider their overall ability, effort, and discipline in your grading? Just curious. Not saying you definitely should or shouldn't do this.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 08:58 AM Flag
    • No responses....okay.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 07:51 AM Flag
    • How well do non-wealthy (sub-$500k) kids interact socially with wealthy kids?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 07:51 AM Flag
      • Depends on the kid from the non-wealthy (as are mine, both in tt) and the kids w/money. it's not easy for lower income kids to remember that they don't need to be defined by country houses, vacations, clothes, etc., but it's a reality that kids define each other through these things first. I've found that once the kids see who's an a-hole and who's cool (accepting, open, smart - in tt schools, "cool" is usually synonymous with academically successful) they rethink likability through wealth, but they always know that wealth brings status, even if the kid is an a-hole.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.08.11, 07:57 AM Flag
        • I'll also add that frequently, the wealthier kids are those who are least academically successful. Not always, but that's a trend. The most prominent class of kids in my school and other tt schools are those whose parents work really hard to send them to the school, earn too much for financial aid, don't earn enough for lavish additions outside of school, and whose kids work pretty hard.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 08:00 AM Flag
          • OP - Yes, that's our situation. Having to put two through TT with $475k and mtg means few vacations, no second home, car with >125k miles, etc. So we are somewhat concerned about kids' ability to make real friendships with kids from wealthy families. But good to learn that similarly-situated kids are present in good numbers, not just kids from income extremes at both ends. Also nice to know that smart = cool.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.08.11, 08:40 AM Flag
    • OP: Something came up, have to close, but will try this again later this eve for those who are interested.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 08:02 AM Flag
    • Do you think it's possible for a hardworking kid to get through/keep up without tutoring?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 08:52 AM Flag
  • [-]PS 199 PS 87 or PS 9 any experience with any of these schools, which one is considered the best on the UWS?

    13 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.28.11, 05:14 PM Flag ]
    • 199 is best, 87 close second.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 05:29 PM Flag
    • Many like 452 although very few people have dcs there

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 05:35 PM Flag
    • Traditionally 199 but with a very large wait list and the back up school is failing. Then 9

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 06:09 PM Flag
      • I would argue that 87 is better than 9.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.28.11, 06:45 PM Flag
        • Really why is 87 better? better scores?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.29.11, 01:27 AM Flag
          • np: No actually the scores are better at PS9, PS87 has rep for weaker academics or, as parents there say, far less test prep than 9 or 199, and you can see it in the scores. Supposedly the younger grades are stronger but it remains to be seem how the scores will change. The new ones are coming out in the next couple of weeks so feel free to check for yourself.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.30.11, 05:12 PM Flag
            • 9's scores have always been combined with the G&T, so its hard to delineate if you are trying to compare gen eds - and they were combined with Anderson when it shared their space too.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.01.11, 01:47 PM Flag
              • They have not been combined with Anderson since Anderson became PS334 which is at least 5 or 6 years ago, so any scores you look at now are just PS9. Yes it is combined but even so almost all dcs perform at least at grade level (compare the 1s and 2s at 9 vs. the ones at 87 and you will see).

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.08.11, 08:18 AM Flag
        • Upper grades at 87 are not academic enough, with a few weak teachers

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.29.11, 05:16 AM Flag
    • I think PS9 is an amazing school, with a great sense of community, strong teachers and it doesn't have the nightmarish overcrowding issues that 97 and 199 have.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 01:50 PM Flag
      • Meant 87, not 97.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 01:51 PM Flag
        • PS 9 is going to have overcrowding issues very soon.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 07:16 PM Flag
    • I wouldn't move into the 199 zone because you might not get in and the overflow school, 191, isn't one you would actually send your dc to. You'd either move again, get g&t or go private.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 01:58 PM Flag
  • [-]Is anyone, ANYONE, actually going to apply to the Grace high school? Really?

    21 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    08.05.11, 05:18 AM Flag ]
    • Ha ha! Hmmmm...

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:18 AM Flag
    • I am considering but not very seriously. The publicity they are generating seems a little disingenuos. I recognized my friend's dd on their website, trying to pass her off as a high schoool student. Stupid.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:20 AM Flag
    • If we are desperate I might have my ds apply. But as of now, no.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:25 AM Flag
    • Avenues!

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:26 AM Flag
    • what's the issue -my kids are young

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:30 AM Flag
      • Having just had my dcs recently graduate from the school, if the high school is run anything like the current middle school, don't touch it.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 05:35 AM Flag
        • + 1

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 05:46 AM Flag
        • What would you change about the current middle school?

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 06:01 AM Flag
    • Current 7th and 8th grade Grace parents - do you intend to apply?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 05:56 AM Flag
    • There will only be around 80 spots to fill. There will be applicants. Neighborhood kids I know who attended Grace and are now in high school don't like their commutes to other neighborhoods. Kids are getting a lot less sleep.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 06:05 AM Flag
      • Oh please, commuting and lack of sleep will not be a draw for the grace high school. I have a kid in the 7th grade -- will NOT apply, thanks.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 07:31 AM Flag
        • There are downtown kids who will appreciate the option.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 08:02 AM Flag
          • And uptown kids too. Tons of kids commute for HS, and downtown is closer than Riverdale or Brooklyn, where uptown kids from K-8s routinely do. I don't get the hate, kids certainly need more private high school spots, it is getting harder and harder to place everyone as more and more families balk at boarding school.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.05.11, 08:22 AM Flag
            • Actually, if you're UWS, Riverdale is probably more convenient.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.05.11, 11:07 AM Flag
              • I was talking about UES, most K-8s seem to be there.

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.08.11, 08:05 AM Flag
    • Are you kidding me? My dc is at K-8 school and a bunch of kids are applying. Now that few kids want to go to boarding school high school spots are really tight, and Grace has a pretty good reputation. They will have no problem filling up, there are always kids scrambling for spots.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 08:16 AM Flag
    • Not sure where the attitude is coming from. They will have more than enough quality applicants. Key admin announcements seem pretty solid.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.06.11, 09:50 PM Flag
      • Then why is there so much resistance among the current 7th and 8th grade parents to apply?

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.07.11, 05:43 AM Flag
        • It's New York, and there's chatter. Nothing more.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.07.11, 11:30 AM Flag
        • Parents, really? At our K-8 kids have as much of a say in where to go next as the parents. But in any event, if it is anything like our K-8 (which is perpetually discussing the HS though has not made the decision yet) there is a percentage of families/kids that do want to change, whether to go to boarding school or another day school. But I would bet at the end of the day close to half if not half of the kids will stay for HS. And the school will have no problem at all getting new kids from other schools, either.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 08:13 AM Flag
  • [-]TTT Nursery Schools = All Souls, Beginnings, Brick, Episcopal, First Presb, Hollingworth, 92Y

    107 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.27.11, 07:30 AM Flag ]
    • Tippy Top Tier? if so I totally agree.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 07:32 AM Flag
      • is that kind of like double secret probation?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 04:49 PM Flag
    • really? woohoo my dcs went to one of them

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 07:32 AM Flag
    • No doubt about that.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 07:34 AM Flag
    • I thought Beginnings had, like, 28 kids in the 4's/5's class, is that really tt?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 07:35 AM Flag
      • My dc went to Beginnings, and I guess it is the equivalent of tt downtown in that it is the best known and has the best exmissions, but it is so *not* like the tt schools in any other way. For better or worse, there's no Episcopal or 92Y equivalent downtown.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 08:04 AM Flag
        • lol you said Beginnings is the best known and best exmissions downtown...come on TOOT TOOT.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:19 AM Flag
        • I have dcs much older (I'm sure) than yours and I've been in this preschool game for long while (still in it) and I can tell you this so called TT downtown that you mentioned wasn't highly regarded let's say 8 yrs ago. I'm happy if it's doing better to help it's reputation but you're wrong when you said it's no 92Y. It's the closest school downtown that has the reputation of attracting the same type of parents that want the 92Y and that's not something to be proud of

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:28 AM Flag
          • have to completely disagree on all counts. 1. Beginnings

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 09:58 AM Flag
            • ^ Beginnings' exmissions are not all that, unless you are a sib/leg/diverse. Too many kids to place. 2. The parent body is not at all the same as the 92nd St Y, much more low key, arty and diverse though there are plenty of finance types, they are not the Gordon Gekko types you find uptown. 3. The only truly TT preschool downtown is First Pres in terms of exmissions.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 10:02 AM Flag
              • glad to hear that Beginnings is getting more artsy types. When we applied for preschools back in 2002, Beginnings was way to snooty for us. Wasn't impressed by them. I knew teachers there that wouldn't send their kids there because of the "attitude" of the parent body and staff. ITA with First Pres. Been strong for many yrs

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.27.11, 11:06 AM Flag
                • I don't know where you are getting your information from, but it isn't accurate. Least snooty parent body around. Always been artsy. You definitely sound like you have an ax to grind.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.27.11, 11:16 AM Flag
                  • Please.....all Beginnings parents say this. Escalades out front, mothers dripping in diamonds, the whole flywheel clique. The $$$ culture is gross.

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.27.11, 04:44 PM Flag
                    • There are no Escalades out front, most parents are on their way to work or in jeans. You have just outed yourself as a troll. Get a life.

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      07.27.11, 06:40 PM Flag
                    • Your confusing this school with the 92y.

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      07.28.11, 09:23 AM Flag
                      • downtown parent who sends DC to the 92Y with lots of friends at beginnings and ITDA. Beginnings parent body is not really that much different than 92Y parent body. if those parents lived uptown, they'd have applied to the Y.

                        [ Reply | More ]
                        07.28.11, 09:39 AM Flag
                        • I hate the way Beginnings parents refer to the school as "artsy, low-key, down to earth." It's like people who say they are going to their "cottage," for the weekend and then you get there and it is 4000 square feet on 6 acres.

                          [ Reply | More ]
                          07.28.11, 11:24 AM Flag
                        • I hate the way Beginnings haters are such trolls on this board and have no clue what the school is really like.

                          [ Reply | More ]
                          07.28.11, 11:34 AM Flag
                        • Wrong.

                          [ Reply | More ]
                          07.28.11, 11:35 AM Flag
                        • I'm the OR and I have plenty of idea of what beginnings parents are like. I know A LOT of them. My DC also got in to Beginnings. I am not a beginnings hater. In fact, we quite liked the school. but trying to say you are different and low key and artsy is a joke. at least the Y moms know it about themselves.

                          [ Reply | More ]
                          07.28.11, 07:07 PM Flag
                        • that is a cottage. medium sized house on very small acreage.

                          [ Reply | More ]
                          07.30.11, 08:42 PM Flag
              • Love the way people dismiss a school's exmissions record as not so great because of sibs. did the parents send their oldest kid to a different preschool and then decide "great, I've got a good ongoing so now all the rest can go to Beginnings?"

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.02.11, 07:00 AM Flag
                • np: not just at Beginnings but any preschool - oldest kid if not sib or leg likely to have been visibly diverse (child and both parents) and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  08.02.11, 07:42 AM Flag
      • There are 2 4/5s classes.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 10:05 AM Flag
        • Beginnings didn't fill its 3's class this year. They had to scramble, calling everyone (even those who had already told them no thanks) on the last day. That doesn't sound like a "TT" school to me.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.08.11, 08:06 AM Flag
    • lol. These schools are full of tt ongoing connected families AND wannabes. And the wannabes generally end up at less than tt ongoings (for obvious reasons). Glad my kid went to a "lesser" preschool.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 07:38 AM Flag
      • np: post is funny and all but please don't make a blanket statement like you just did. My dcs went to one of these schools and we aren't connected nor wannabes. We picked a school we liked and was a good fit for our family. I've met very nice ppl there too. I'd never say to you...well you're jealous because your dc didn't get into one of these schools because if I would say something like that, I would be an ignorant ass

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 07:42 AM Flag
        • Not everyone lives close to these schools and applies to them-you do not make a 4yo commute 30 blocks each way. IMO those who claim that dc goes to a tt per-school are FOS and those obsessed with pre schools can end up like Jack Grubman. Do these schools track their alumni to 13 years and keep college acceptance stats?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 07:57 AM Flag
          • nnp: we live a mile from our preschool and it's a quick 15min ride on the bus. No biggie

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 08:17 AM Flag
        • How did you do in the ongoing process? That's what matters (not where kid learns to fingerpaint and wipe his bottom).

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 07:59 AM Flag
          • we did fine in the ongoing process. Dcs got multiple accepts and got into the school we thought was the best fit

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 08:13 AM Flag
      • np: what exactly is a wannabe? a wannabe what?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 07:42 AM Flag
        • Wannabe tt family. If you're not connected, All Souls (or whatever) isn't a "feeder" for X tt. If X tt has six sib/leg applicants in your unconnected kid's preschool class, well, those kids would have to be horrible candidates for your kid to even get a look.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:05 AM Flag
          • are you saying being unconnected automatically makes someone a wannabe?

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 08:30 AM Flag
          • Visibly diverse child (including both parents) is as good or even stronger than sib or leg connection.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 08:38 AM Flag
            • So true. And being dirt poor is as strong as being filthy rich. These privates are on a social justice mission.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 11:30 AM Flag
          • Lol. If you're well connected then you don't need the 'feeder' nursery. Any preschool will do.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 04:28 PM Flag
      • um, Hollingworth is a feeder to the top ongoing gifted programs, Speyer and Hunter. Sorry, but wannabes won't qualify.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 08:04 AM Flag
        • Speyer is a "top" school? Please. And Hunter isn't "fed" by any preschool.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:06 AM Flag
          • Speyer is certainly not for everyone. It can't be. Their program is designed specifically for a particular population. Believe what you want but many others would agree that it is indeed a top school for what it does. In fact it is the only private prep school in NYC that does what it does. As already mentioned, it's not for everyone. In fact, it isn't for the vast majority. But for the right child, there is absolutely no close substitute (in NYC at least).

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.28.11, 03:14 AM Flag
            • ^It's true that many of their kids are coming from Hollingworth which btw is the only nursery school (in NYC) whose program is specifically designed for a particular population.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.28.11, 03:20 AM Flag
              • np- agree if you're only interested in private, but there are public options too particularly for families with gifted kids who can't afford speyer's $35K tuition.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.28.11, 04:33 PM Flag
            • when you say it's not for the vast majority, does that mean they only accept kids in the top 1% or is it the top 1/2%? curious since my niece (IQ is estimated to be 1/1000) is heading there for K.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.29.11, 04:53 AM Flag
          • 7 kids from Hollingworth got into Hunter when my dd went joined a few years back.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.08.11, 07:04 AM Flag
        • Exactly! Acceptance is totally independent of wealth, race, socioeconomic or visible diversity. And no sibling policy!

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:13 AM Flag
          • Hunter is all about visible diversity.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 08:16 AM Flag
            • hunter is for gifted kids. speyer is for gifted rich kids.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 08:18 AM Flag
              • Speyer is for kids who didn't get into Hunter or tt whose parents want the "gifted" label (whether or not it fits). And, yes, generally they can pay.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.27.11, 08:27 AM Flag
              • Hunter is for gifted kids. Speyer is for gifted kids with trustfunds.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.28.11, 03:35 AM Flag
                • speyer is for hedgefund kids

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.28.11, 05:10 PM Flag
            • How can anyone make this claim with a straight face? Hunter is nearly all white and Asian.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.31.11, 11:51 AM Flag
              • so true, and very, very upper middle class.

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.08.11, 07:06 AM Flag
        • We're not at Hollingworth but just got dc's ERBs (99x3, sss = 145+). I know we've got more hurdles to jump to qualify for Speyer and PSD told us there's no guarantee. Truly feel it will be the best fit for dc. Wish us luck.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 09:02 AM Flag
          • Huh? You haven't even looked at most of the schools yet (most don't offer spring tours)!

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 09:10 AM Flag
          • That's a rare score. You have a shot but your PSD is right it's not a shoo-in score. Speyer was our first choice but dc (also 99x3) never made it off their waitlist. He's happy and doing fine at his so-called tt school. Good luck.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.27.11, 09:11 AM Flag
            • The Speyerspammer is back in action.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 09:17 AM Flag
              • Wrong, but nice try. We needed substantial aid from Speyer though am not sure that's the reason dc got waitlisted. Collegiate came through with a good FA package.

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.02.11, 06:56 AM Flag
            • how is this possible? the only people i know sending kids to speyer were SO out of every other ongoing school and took it as a last choice.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 09:38 AM Flag
              • Exactly. Such a crock. Kid got into "so-called tt" but couldn't get off wl at Speyer? BS.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.27.11, 10:02 AM Flag
              • wtf! The one kid I know at speyer got into a TT but chose speyer for financial reasons and no I don't have a kid there.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.28.11, 09:29 AM Flag
                • So did the family get FA from Speyer? The cost to send your kid there is no different from any of the top Manhattan privates.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.28.11, 04:52 PM Flag
                • relax. there's a troll on board. she's an insecure poster known as SpeyerHater mom. she's obsessed with speyer and likes to spread false rumors. you should simply ignore her bitter, jealous rants.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.29.11, 09:33 AM Flag
                  • np: maybe it's a parent who wants to dissuade the competition. beware of frenemies. they will bash/talk down certain schools which are secretly their first choice. crazy things happen during admissions season.

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.29.11, 09:43 AM Flag
            • Thanks. I know full well it's not a shoo-in. We are applying to one other school (our back up where dc is is double generation legacy and godmother is a trustee). It's pretty much a done deal there but we want to pursue what we feel is ideal for dc.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 10:11 AM Flag
              • which school? tt?

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.27.11, 10:36 AM Flag
                • I'd rather not say but yes UB would consider it 'TT' though honestly I (and especially dh, who attended the school) think the 'TT' stuff is nonsense. He's an insider and says things aren't always what they seem. That said, we both feel there are at least a dozen 'TT's.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.27.11, 10:41 AM Flag
              • you are fortunate to have a fall back. we are also very interested in speyer. psd feels dc might be a good candidate yet still strongly advised us to apply to at least 7 schools. fwiw, dc scored 99x3 (high sss).

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.29.11, 08:06 AM Flag
            • np: what was the sss? also, i heard speyer focuses on certain subtests of the erb, the sections most linked to innate intelligence.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.27.11, 11:34 AM Flag
        • Do the preschoolers at Hollingworth have a higher chance of getting into Speyer?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.28.11, 08:12 AM Flag
          • Not officially, but I there were 5 or 6 Hollingworth kids in my dd's Speyer K last year.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.08.11, 07:09 AM Flag
        • Hollingworth might be a feeder but 92Y has at least one exceptionally bright kid heading to Speyer.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.29.11, 03:32 AM Flag
      • True but sometimes (not always) the connected kids don't get into the TT ongoings especially if some of the unconnected happen to be very strong applicants. Thats just what happened when ds #1 applied out 2 sibs and 1 leg got rejeted from hm allowing 2 unconnected kids to get in.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 08:04 AM Flag
        • That happens sometimes, but the connected kids have to have issues or very bad erbs (that don't improve significantly on the re-test schools give connected applicants with poor scores).

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 08:15 AM Flag
      • these weirdly bitter posts are so puzzling to me--our dc went to All Souls, and we have no connections. i guess that made us wannabes, especially since we traveled by bus to the school, because it was hands down the best early childhood program we saw--and, frankly, when you're paying $20k for preschool, why not pick a great one? i know many, many families at different preschools and not one had as as great an experience as we did. and somehow our older child got into a tt ongoing, but according to OR that's impossible as well.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 09:36 AM Flag
        • all souls sends kids to all the TT so there is a wider range whereas episcopal and brick are more popular with the SS.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 10:45 AM Flag
    • Does TT nursery increase your dc's chance getting into a TT kindergarden or is there more competition at a TT nursery School for the few spots available to any one nursery school. If I am unconnected and I have a choice to send my obviously outstanding dc to a TT nursery or a very good non-TT nursery...what would you do?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 09:09 AM Flag
      • I sent my kid to non tt. Now dc attends fc tt ongoing.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 09:12 AM Flag
      • i really wouldn't choose a preschool because you're somehow trying to game the K applications process. your dc will spend 2-3 years in preschool--choose one where you think your child will thrive, and where your family will have a great experience.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 09:39 AM Flag
        • np It's PRESCHOOL. Most of them are great. No small animal torture or cult rituals involved.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.27.11, 10:03 AM Flag
          • Those are some standards you have there. Well, you should have a very large pool to choose from, so have at it.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.28.11, 06:45 PM Flag
      • There's no one correct path. That's the kicker. If you send dc to a "tt" nursery school you will get more guidance from the PSD, probably more feedback throughout the process so you can communicate your FC to the schools even without writing a FC letter. The downside is that everyone's interested in the same schools and there will be a large # of siblings and legacies.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 09:41 AM Flag
      • the op isn't talking about TTs. she's talking about TTTs. Big difference!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 09:52 AM Flag
      • kids from daycare and public prek get into tt schools as well. it's much harder if you need a lot of aid.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.31.11, 11:13 AM Flag
    • Are you trying to put together an admission list? If so, here are my two cents: we applied to a few of those above, going into one and decided to go with a lower key school instead. This is because we realized that our DD would have had a better chance to get into a good ongoing school this way. In most so-called tt preschools (though the definition is ridiculous) the only kids who go on to top ongoings are the very connected ones and the legacy kids. That is where the focus of the PSD is gonig to be. As far as everything else is concerned, we saw very many preschools, and the differences amongst them were minimal.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 10:19 AM Flag
    • This. This is The List.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 10:47 AM Flag
    • what about garden house? anyone have any experience with that one? and claremont?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.27.11, 11:17 AM Flag
    • Agree these are TTT. So which schools are just TT?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 07:19 AM Flag
      • On UES? Emanuel, PAC, STMPG

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.28.11, 07:39 AM Flag
        • What about UWS?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.28.11, 07:43 AM Flag
          • No idea. On the UES, there is a TTT, which, in my opinion, is only Episcopal and 92Y. Then in the next grouping is Brick, All Souls, CCDS, PAC, STMPG and Emanuel. And if exmissions have to be considered, then GHS deserves to be there too (and Episcopal, frankly, should be taken out).

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.28.11, 11:08 AM Flag
    • Any admissions people from TT kindergartens out there? If so, without identifying exactly who you are but just saying from TT kindergarden admissions so we know to take what you say seriously, what do you think about this whole post.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 10:14 AM Flag
      • My close friend in admissions at a single sex TT says that GHS is the best at fighting for its kids.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.28.11, 11:09 AM Flag
        • I know this sounds ignorant but what school is GHS?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.29.11, 01:27 PM Flag
      • I also have a friend in admissions at a TT SS and she told me that the sibs and legs take up alot of places that the school can give to certain preschools like episcopal and brick. So if episcopal has 7 sibs applying to spence your unconnected 99x3 dd has almost 0% chance of getting in.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.30.11, 09:11 AM Flag
    • you are all over the map so I won't answer you. Pick an area near where you live and then ask

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 11:22 AM Flag
    • CADS.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.28.11, 05:22 PM Flag
    • This post is really hilarious!

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.30.11, 08:50 PM Flag
    • My two dc went to Temple Emanu-El. They loved it and so did I. Just sayin'

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.30.11, 08:51 PM Flag
      • There are never any comments about TE. Did they get into TT?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.31.11, 11:10 AM Flag
  • [-]How would you rank these international schools? Do they do well with college admissions: UNIS, LFNY (Lycee), Lyceum, FAS?

    41 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.20.11, 03:51 PM Flag ]
    • FAS probably has the best college admissions results. I received their application materials and was very impressed. Don't know about LFNY, UNIS, or Lyceum as they do not post them

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 03:56 PM Flag
      • FAS in Larchmont? Their placements for 2010 and 2009 aren't all that impressive IMO if you're just looking at US colleges. UNIS does have a list of where most of their kids have gone to college in the last 5 years - a better list of American schools.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 08:06 PM Flag
        • Here is FAS results:

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.22.11, 03:26 PM Flag
        • Here are FAS results:http://www.fasny.org/page.cfm?p=646

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.22.11, 03:27 PM Flag
      • LFNY admission results: http://www.lfny.org/en/index.php/academics_activities/college_counseling/matriculation/

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 01:08 PM Flag
        • It's just one yr. for LFNY and even that's not updated. FAS has better stats for the 2 yrs. they have available

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.22.11, 03:20 PM Flag
          • Sorry 3 yrs. and at least it's updated!!

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.22.11, 03:29 PM Flag
          • I counted the very good US schools, U of Chicago and up vs all US schools and LFNY is substantially better. But I wouldn't worry about it too much. Both have decent admissions if you look at US only. I think a lot of the non-US French speaking students go to French schools and certain Canadian schools, like McGill, for free, so that skews things. LFNY has a very nice new school building.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.22.11, 05:14 PM Flag
            • The Canadian accepts don't mean anything academically and don't skew the results because Canadians attend for free only by virtue of being citizens, NOT because they qualified for a scholarship of some kind. Sorry but LFNY is not better. LFNY is also MUCH bigger though this yr.'s FAS class is the largest yet. Given that LFNY in the past was 3x as big as FAS and yet had equal number of accepts to ivys etc., I'd have to conclude FAS is probably a bit stronger

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.22.11, 05:39 PM Flag
              • I disagree. FAS is more Americanized... This means that the kids are stronger in different areas, i.e. they do more extracurricular activities and things like that. If you look at the program itself, they are identical. If you really want to know who is performing better, look at the Bac results (the kids are sitting the same exam)...

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.26.11, 04:52 PM Flag
                • FAS is not any more "Americanized" than the LFNY. Their bac results are on a par with LFNY and in fact their grads in the past used to attend LFNY for bac and improved the overall test scores for the school. Please do not post misinformation. That said, LFNY is also a good school but LFNY families and administration want to have a monopoly on French education in NYC ... hence some of these skewed comments

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.27.11, 07:13 AM Flag
                  • np - Aren't the FAS schools in Westchester?

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.27.11, 07:19 AM Flag
                  • I am an alum who attended a couple lycées in the States and currently lives in France. I have no reason to post mis-information. But as someone who came from an English speaking background, I can attest to the challenges of learning a minority language. When you have a target language that no one in your country or home environment speaks, you are facing an uphill battle. Period. If you want to learn the minority language and achieve true fluency, you are better off being surrounded by the largest number of French speakers. When I moved to NYC and attended the lycée, I noticed that most of the FAS kids were from more diverse/anglo backgrounds. This is no big deal, it's just not what I find to be ideal.

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    08.08.11, 06:53 AM Flag
                    • If you are French, I'd say it doesn't matter. If you are from an English speaking background, I'd want to see data on retention (i.e. how many non french speakers end up counseled out). Remember BAC rates only matter if your kid stays that long...

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      08.08.11, 06:55 AM Flag
      • Seems like FAS is a great place. However, it is more English heavy (more kids speak French as a second language). Also, when I graduated from LFNY, a bunch of the FASNY (FAS) kids had transferred to LFNY. There isn't a longer matriculation list because FAS only created its Senior High School within the last couple of years...

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.26.11, 04:47 PM Flag
    • "International" or otherwise, neither UNIS nor LFNY are famous for their academics. Not familiar with the other two.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.21.11, 05:17 AM Flag
      • UB has a bias against international schools like LFNY and UNIS. Probably because most of the posters don't understand non-US curriculum.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 06:43 AM Flag
        • True. The UNIS kids who take the SHSAT so they can attend another high school don't understand it either.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.21.11, 09:20 AM Flag
        • That's not it. LFNY has terrible post-secondary acceptances, whether in France or in the US. It has nothing to do with bias. Facts are facts. This is mostly because the student body is weak and admissions are not merit-based like in France itself

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.22.11, 03:46 PM Flag
          • Look a little more closely. Their admissions are not terrible. They are better than a lot of NY private schools. Not as good as the TT, but LFNY is a different thing.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.22.11, 05:16 PM Flag
          • Many kids go to McGill for college because French Citizens have a great tuition deal in Quebec. French higher education is a real crapshoot, where you go to Classes Preparatoires in order to get into top schools. It's so risky, that most students who can would rather avoid the system and go to McGill...

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.26.11, 04:50 PM Flag
    • Wouldn't Avenues be considered an international school too?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.21.11, 09:24 AM Flag
      • LOL!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 10:31 AM Flag
      • it might eventually, but doesn't have any college admissions yet.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 01:10 PM Flag
      • No, it will be a WORLD SCHOOL. Once it opens, anyway.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 04:04 PM Flag
        • A WORLD SCHOOL led by all white men and women. What a WORLD! only racists families need apply.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.21.11, 08:40 PM Flag
          • It's nice to keep the racism flame running, right?

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.22.11, 06:27 AM Flag
            • np - While the poster above is a bit inflammatory, she has a point, don't you agree?

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.22.11, 03:26 PM Flag
              • Uhm, no. Making a connection between the fact that the school may be run by white folks (I have no idea if this is actually the case) and racism is not really having a point.

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.26.11, 06:35 AM Flag
                • Taking out the racist remark which I agree is inflammatory and dumb, the point I took away is that the school is run by white Americans while calling itself a global school.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.26.11, 10:25 AM Flag
                  • Yes, so what? Are white people unable to run a global school? Why should skin color matter? As long as the school is indeed global and attracts kids from all over the world....

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.26.11, 11:04 AM Flag
          • Wow, now you're racist if you're white and hang out with other white people

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.22.11, 03:40 PM Flag
            • no, only if you run a WORLD school and only have all white people in senior leadership. Oh, yes, they'll have some "diversity" with their admin staff, cafeteria workers, and security guards. If that is what WORLD school is, and what they teach as the WORLD, they can keep their AVENUES brand out of NYC. Sickening school.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.23.11, 09:44 AM Flag
    • Graduated from LFNY and went to Yale. By the time I graduated, I think there were about 5 of us on campus. In my class, 1 kid went to Princeton, a couple went to Penn, 2 or 3 went to Cornell, 1 went to Harvard and at least 1 or 2 went to Columbia. That was in 2005, so this could all be dated...

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.26.11, 04:44 PM Flag
      • From what you're saying, it seems like the results are consistent: 1 or 2 a yr to certain ivys (fewer per year to HYP)

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.27.11, 07:18 AM Flag
    • People I know at UNIS are very happy. I would choose that over the rest besides the fact that it's near my apt. Unfortunately they don't offer huge aid

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.08.11, 06:54 AM Flag
  • [-]do you like the name of your school?

    42 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.19.11, 07:03 AM Flag ]
    • huh?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:09 AM Flag
      • do you like the way it sounds, independent of the school itself. i was just thinking of the Avenues name, and other school names, that's all.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 07:11 AM Flag
        • Avenues should really be called something more powerful... HIGHWAYS would be more appropriate, no??

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.19.11, 07:16 AM Flag
    • No. Its not nearly as posh as it should be.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:09 AM Flag
    • Well I went to Johns Hopkins, and no..Lots of people say it wrong and leave off the S. (who names their kid Johns anyway?)

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:10 AM Flag
      • Me too. They told me the first week at Orientation that it was his mother's maiden name - fairly common at that time.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.07.11, 06:08 PM Flag
    • ds is heading to a Beginnings Nursery, a hot preschool but people (outside nyc) seem to confuse it with the Bright Beginnings, a daycare chain.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:13 AM Flag
      • Oh, no! You mean the people you speak to don't realize your child is going to a "hot" preschool? What a shame! Do you have to explain it to them, so they'll be suitably impressed?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 07:37 AM Flag
        • The funniest thing is it is all a myth. It is not hard to get into Beginnings. Also the classes are really short and very expensive. People like it though so OR enjoy but don't go around calling it a hot preK - it sounds so stupid and pretentious.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.19.11, 08:20 AM Flag
      • poor you

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 08:18 AM Flag
    • No, it's a daycare called The House of Little People. But I've thought about World Class Learning as a new school with a dumb name. Who would want to say that? They should just pick an actual name.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:14 AM Flag
      • Is your child a dwarf?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 07:39 AM Flag
    • Avenues has the worst name. It sounds like a bar or cheesy chain restaurant.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:15 AM Flag
    • My school or my kid's school? Either way, yes.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:23 AM Flag
    • Yes. It's a public school with the name of a famous African American. Makes us sound all liberal and cool.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:39 AM Flag
    • No. I went to Tufts. Seriously, people, you couldn't pick something better?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:41 AM Flag
      • Lol, my ds is there now. Loves it but no one can say that easily--tufts (of what? hair?).

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 08:16 AM Flag
        • ^^oh and the mascot is Dumbo--needless to say that is not so cool either ;-)

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.19.11, 08:17 AM Flag
    • Fair, but Avenues: the World School is pretty wretched as the name of a school. They blew it in that part of their creative marketing. It could possibly keep me from applying, it is just an embarrassing name.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:42 AM Flag
      • What would you name it?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 07:45 AM Flag
        • np: Something that more stately. The Chelsea International School; Chealsea Academy... Name it after someone really old. Anything would be better.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.19.11, 08:01 AM Flag
          • The name existed before the Chelsea location. Original plan was for west 50's.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.07.11, 08:55 PM Flag
      • Agreed. It sounds so superficial and dated.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 10:42 AM Flag
    • Of course. I would never choose a school with a name I was not pleased with. ;)

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 07:53 AM Flag
      • Keep your priorities straight! First on the list should be cuteness of uniforms.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 07:55 AM Flag
    • what a stupid question

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 08:18 AM Flag
    • I really like the number of dc's school. PS XX. It's the coolest number around.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 08:44 AM Flag
      • No way! My ds's school is PS XX--way cooler!!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 11:36 AM Flag
    • I live near Holy Name of Jesus - that always makes me laugh. Sounds more like a curse then a school.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 09:49 AM Flag
      • My friend went to Immaculate Conception. Virgin sex. Nice.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 10:26 AM Flag
    • A friend told me that they were sending their DC to the World Class Learning Academy... I thought they were being ironic! seriously... there really IS a brand new school called "World! Class! Learning! Academy!"

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 11:06 AM Flag
      • Yes, I saw that on the LES!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 11:39 AM Flag
        • Hilarious!! Any school (urr... pardon, ACADEMY) that needs to *say* that they are "World Class" is most assuredly not

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.19.11, 12:16 PM Flag
      • Nothing subtle about that!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.19.11, 10:29 PM Flag
    • PS 166 isn't very sexy

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.19.11, 11:10 AM Flag
      • The Richard Rodgers School (PS 166) is a terrific name and connects the kids with the great musical theater tradition in NYC. Mary Rodgers, Richard's daughter, has become involved in some small ways -- including making a donation to the grand piano the school acquired last year.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 12:23 PM Flag
    • Dalton and yes and no. I like that it's short and doesn't man anything. It's just a name (as compared to, say, Avenues). On the other hand, I can't quite figure out how to pronounce the "t". I've never given a thought to pronouncing anything but this one kills me (ps DD is going into K which is why I'm stumped). Wow, have I over-analyzed a stupid topic. You asked!

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.07.11, 07:50 PM Flag
    • Mine, or my kids'?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.07.11, 09:00 PM Flag
  • [-]OK, I get that Avenues would be attractive to downtown families since there are so few spots downtown. I think it's great that they make learning Mandarin/Chinese a priority. I think it would be great to go to a school where you could do stints at their schools overseas. But why is everyone so gaga over the team they've assembled? I went to Yale under Benno and, honestly, I never got the sense that he was plugged into what was going on. (Admittedly, Bart Giamatti is a tough act to follow.) And I went to Exeter before Ty Tingley's time, and sure, he sounds like a nice guy from the alumni magazine, and it's great that Exeter offered free tuition to families with under $75k of income. Not sure I'd follow him to an unproven school, though...

    40 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    08.01.11, 12:30 PM Flag ]
    • ^^Mandarin/Spanish

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.01.11, 12:35 PM Flag
    • it's an innovative idea, supported by a lot of successful administrators from some top schools (who could have chosen to work elsewhere). what's there not to get. any new school is going to be unproven - that's the whole point of assembling an experienced and successful team from other top schools. a lot of private schools in nyc are offering the same education they offered 100 years ago - and they do it well - but there are families who are seeking something new, for the next 100 years. my kids are already in school, but i don't see why there's anything wrong with being excited over something new, backed by a lot of great people.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.01.11, 12:42 PM Flag
      • omg, gag. i can't even breathe in here the spam is so thick.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 12:43 PM Flag
        • or: i don't see why you think this is spam. i just don't see why people have to be so closed-minded. i think that a headmaster of a top school, who steered the school through the largest fundraising campaign in history - for some really amazing purposes - is considered a success. i'm not saying he reinvented education. simply that the ex-headmaster from Exeter generally has his pick of jobs - he's choosing to do something like this, most likely because he believes in it and he has a vested interest in making it a success. what do YOU think it takes to make a school successful?

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 12:49 PM Flag
          • What is clearly true here is that Avenues has a person who goes over these boards daily and composes a brochure for Urban Baby encompassing the absolutely wonderful things that Avenues is. In truth, what it is is a hugely financed business venture that will need to start making money pretty soon and that seems to be at odds with the fact that 95% of all schools are not for profit for a reason. Is Collegiate, Brearley, Trinity, Dalton, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Sidwell Friends, Exeter or any top school you can mention a 'for profit' institution? Profit and effective comprehensive education have never mixed and there is no good reason to believe they will do so at Avenues. I want my children in a diverse (in all respects) educat...

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.04.11, 09:33 AM Flag
            • educational environment and so with a board to answer to, I find it completely impossible to believe there will be significant scholarships given to achieve such diversity. And no Ms/Mr Ringer for Avenues, I don't need your partly line answer to this because for my part, my intuition is a much more valid indicator.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.04.11, 09:39 AM Flag
      • I ask again: what have the administrators done to be considered "successful"?

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 12:44 PM Flag
        • well, chris whittle bankrupted edison schools. Tingley's been around great schools, but keeps getting let go. w/ the exception of schulman, these are people who are "all hat, no cattle". run, don't walk from this place. or at the very least, wait until you see it ina ction people. your children deserve better.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 12:47 PM Flag
          • or

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.01.11, 12:50 PM Flag
            • ^^^ or: what is "better"?

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.01.11, 12:54 PM Flag
          • NP: Tingley was not let go from Exeter. I'm a very involved alum who sits on Alumni Council. I've had many discussions with the school about why historically a great headmaster would serve for 20, 30, 40 years and why that doesn't happen any more. and the consensus is that in particular, the demands of fundraising on a headmaster today are so huge, that there is burnout after a decade. that their role is different than it used to be. so it's unlikely you would get a headmaster who was willing and able to stay on for more than a decade.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.01.11, 12:53 PM Flag
        • so, to be clear, you are still representing that you just "happen" to know all of these facts but tht you are in no way associated with or being paid by the school? give it a rest. it's painfully obvious what's going on here.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 01:10 PM Flag
    • it's not attractive to anyone except those without other options. and your new strategy of being an op w/ a seemingly negative post and then defending it isnt flying. 1) they accept anyone 2) those submitting deposits will do so as a backup plan 3) in 10 years, it may be as interesting as an ecfs or something, but the history of new schools in this city doesnt lie. it's hard to be great. it is what it is.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.01.11, 12:43 PM Flag
      • OP: not a spammer, though I knew when I posted this that people would think that I was. Honestly don't care whether you believe me or not. Just trying to understand the hype. While I'm happy with DCs' school, I figure I should be informed about what other options are out there.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 12:54 PM Flag
      • compared to schools like collegiate and trinity, schools like riverdale, dalton and horace mann are new. the demand for private schools in nyc is greater than it's been in a long time and the demographic of nyc has changed as well - people are looking for different things than they once were.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 12:58 PM Flag
        • lol. mandell and claremont are new. bis is new. horace mann was founded in 1887. stop with the talking points already. you are so pathetically obvious it strains all credibility

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 01:08 PM Flag
          • right, but collegiate and trinity were founded in the 1600s - so when a whole bunch of schools were being started at the turn of the 20th century, those too were "new" relatively. but then they became established schools. it's funny, that my defense of a school with which i am so not involved is viewed as spam. i just don't understand why people are so upset about new schools - i mean if they fail, they fail. but i swear, people love the idea of new public schools and hate the idea of new private schools. why is that...

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.01.11, 01:32 PM Flag
            • i'm fine w/ a new private school. i hate spammy bullsh!t.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.01.11, 02:12 PM Flag
              • fine. but i'm not the OP, and people keep saying spam bc i'm supportive of a new school. i think that there is a need for new private schools in the city and i really do think that it upsets the status quo - in the same way that the single sex schools are still a bit defensive about coeducation and the traditional schools are still a bit defensive about progressive education.

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.01.11, 02:30 PM Flag
        • UB police, please investigate this spammer and revoke their name or charge them for the free advertising.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 01:09 PM Flag
        • Just not another corporate, for profit entity if you please.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.04.11, 09:40 AM Flag
      • Not true. We are DT but well connected and have lots of options (Friends, Grace - connected with Board) but Avenues seems like the best fit for us and our DC. No doubt that the technology will be 100x better than Grace could ever hope for, and from what I understand, teachers are falling over themselves to be interviewd for the (high-paying) jobs at Avenues. Who are you to say it is for people w/o options? I think I speak for most when I say that YOU are the SPAMMER with an axe to grind - probably a Friends parent for whom it is painfully obvious that the school has lost whatever pedigree you thought you were signing on to...

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 02:07 PM Flag
        • ITA. Lots of defensive Friends parents on this Board....

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 02:10 PM Flag
        • NP. please, give it up. you are clearly not that connected at Grace. no one in their right mind would choose Avenues over Grace.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.01.11, 06:26 PM Flag
          • NP: Plenty already have

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.02.11, 01:07 PM Flag
    • np-so funny- went to Yale at same time and cannot get over this same exact reaction.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.01.11, 01:29 PM Flag
      • OP: Thank you! No one shed a tear when Benno gave notice. Whereas everyone was so sad to see Bart go!

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.01.11, 01:53 PM Flag
        • Bart was also from a different era of university presidents. What I can't understand is why Levin hasn't yet left. I don't think he has earned himself a robust legacy ddespite having served for decades.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.02.11, 01:11 PM Flag
    • lol I think the mandarin thing is ridiculous and I'd much rather my kid learn spanish. Many of the schools teach M

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.02.11, 01:13 PM Flag
      • the mandarin thing is nice just like some of the other Avenue's gimmicks. In the end though, they are just gimmicks. There is no way Avenue's will be the school they are touting it to be...They simply can't accomplish 'instant' top tierdom.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.04.11, 09:43 AM Flag
        • Interesting that they are selling the 'international' component that there will be schools abroad like a time share that the dc's can attend. So why is their first international expansion in Brooklyn NY?

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.04.11, 09:46 AM Flag
          • Easy, there is a need in Brooklyn for a school and...wait for it...there is money to be made there. That pesky 'for profit' thing is showing again.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.04.11, 09:47 AM Flag
    • I don't understand the push for languages. Most peole after attending these schools come out knowing 2 or more languages and then all is gone after 5 years.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.02.11, 02:45 PM Flag
      • That's absolutely not true. Most people remain bilingual throughout their lives.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.03.11, 05:19 AM Flag
        • But not when your not among the culture. I came out of high school knowing latin and spanish I can still speak but very little. I don't speak as well as I did 15 years ago.

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.03.11, 08:28 AM Flag
          • Did you go to a bilingual or immersion school?

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.03.11, 09:00 AM Flag
            • No latin was a must in 8th grade and spanish was just an option I took. I don't have anyone around me (work, family) who speaks them.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.03.11, 09:18 AM Flag
          • If you don't use it you will loose it. Our kids will be traveling the world more than we do, just like we travel the world more than our parents did. China is obviously going to be a big part of our kids world. Speaking the language enables you to be part of the culture, part of the group. It is great that Avenues puts such a focus on Mandarin, really great.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.07.11, 07:39 PM Flag
    • I've liked Avenues but until recently didn't think seriously about applying there. My dc is going to a TTT nursery school. That is good and bad in terms of getting into a TTT kindergarden etc. Trinity, Horace Mann, Dalton and the SS schools are great, but a bit stuffy if you know what I mean. Avenues seems fresh and the international focus is forward thinking. I have faith in the team, we can transfer out if it doesn't work for us and it is downtown. It will be on our list. If we are lucky enough to get into TTT school(s) and Avenues, it will be a tough call. But, you never know where you'll end up with NY private schools.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.07.11, 07:45 PM Flag
  • [-]For those who went to an Ivy (undergrad), what do you think tipped the scales for you to be accepted? Just wondering what some of the paths are that lead to Ivy admission.

    60 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.20.11, 05:09 PM Flag ]
    • I was first generation college goer.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:09 PM Flag
    • I went to Bx Science, and Columbia recruited heavily at our school. I had good SAT scores, a good average, and a lot of AP classes.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:10 PM Flag
    • I got straight A's at Emma Willard, was a double legacy, acted in school plays, played the clarinet in the orchestra, volunteered at a homeless shelter on Saturday mornings, and was captain of the softball team. All of those things combined got me into Columbia. I think going to a good boarding school definitely tipped the scales for me. The head of college admissions at Emma knew I got into Columbia before my official acceptance letter arrived.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:15 PM Flag
      • Wow, that's a lot of effort. I went to Stuy and had a solid B average, nothing else going on. Went to Columbia.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 05:18 PM Flag
        • LOL, yeah I was (and still am) a big nerd. In retrospect, maybe I should have aimed higher! Just kidding.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 05:21 PM Flag
          • What/where is Emma Willard? I went to Harvard and never heard of it. Is it like Andover and Exeter? Is it all girls?

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.20.11, 05:26 PM Flag
            • np: I misread it as constant billard and thought OR was making a gossip girl joke.

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.20.11, 05:33 PM Flag
              • Nope, I'm a real person. Emma Willard is in upstate NY. First all girl's school in the USA!

                [ Reply | More ]
                07.20.11, 06:15 PM Flag
                • Aren't you talking about the Ethel Walker School, which is also a girls private school? I thought they were the first all girls school.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  07.20.11, 07:06 PM Flag
                  • np - Although I know nothing about school, I looked it up and Emma Willard, in Troy, was founded nearly 100 years before Ethel Walker

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.20.11, 08:08 PM Flag
                  • ^^^I know nothing about either school, that is

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.20.11, 08:09 PM Flag
                  • NP: You don't think she knows the name of the school she attended for four years?

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    07.20.11, 08:09 PM Flag
    • I was a good writer and my high school teachers liked and respected me so in addition to having the grades, I had great teacher recommendations. I had a genuine love of learning, thanks to my spectacular parents, who emphasized knowledge and creativity for their own sake and never pushed for results. But it was easier then than now.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:18 PM Flag
    • I was editor of the newspaper, on the state board of a language honor society, and founded a human rights club which my ultra-conservative school board shut down. I started an underground branch and linked up with social justice groups at nearby colleges instead.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:20 PM Flag
    • My Dad was the head football coach at a different Ivy (and I had no interest in going to that school - Dad still worked there while I was in college). I was put into the faculty/staff pile in the admissions offices at the other schools.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:21 PM Flag
    • My TT boarding school. (ducks)

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:24 PM Flag
      • Do you think that a TT boarding school (like an Exeter or a Groton) helps more than being from a TT day school like Horace Mann or Trinity? Is it the same, or do Ivy League schools give greater weight to the TT boarding school applicant?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 07:09 PM Flag
        • np - No, not according to matriculationstats.org. The schools with the highest % of kids going to Top Schools are Andover and St. Paul's with 61.8%. There are 5 NYC day schools with higher percentages (Brearley, Chapin, Trinity, Collegiate & Spence) and the 6th, Horace Mann, is close with 60.9%.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 08:13 PM Flag
          • Yea, but in HYPMS and in Ivys the top NY day schools beat the top boarding schools by a much bigger margin. But, but, it is all about what is the best place for you. Boarding schools are great for some kids. Years ago I tried both, and there were parts I liked about both. A big part is how well your parents are getting along. If they are fighting or if you just don't along with them then boarding school might work, though there is a big authority figure at boarding school too. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to loose my kids so young, I want them to go to day school, even if they don't get into as good a college. There are more important things than the school you go to.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.03.11, 05:21 PM Flag
            • Previous poster, whoops, I read the post above mine wrong. On all measures on matriculationstats.org the top NYC days schools beat the top boarding schools, but there are an awful lot of kids at all those schools that don't go to top schools, so again, find the best fit for your kid.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.03.11, 05:31 PM Flag
    • I was a B/B+ student, but a ton of great extracurriculars. Also went to a then hot boarding school & was a legacy & used all my connections to get into Columbia.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:25 PM Flag
      • That is depressing to hear. Basically a legacy can get in with just mediocre grades? Think of all the students they turned down who worked so hard in HS.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 06:03 PM Flag
        • Yes, but i would guess that your legacy status only helps if your parent contributed to annual giving on a fairly regular basis? I doubt that ALL legacies get preferred treatment.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 07:11 PM Flag
        • I have to agree. This one really did not deserve to go and took the spot of a much more deserving student. But "used all my connections" is the attitude that gets one far in NYC, sadly.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 07:11 PM Flag
          • Wah wah wah. I had a 3.41 GPA and got into Princeton. 1250 SAT. The reason is likely that I was a first generation American and had interesting extracurriculars. You can't judge based on numbers alone. I went on to Harvard Law (much better #s that time around).

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.20.11, 08:18 PM Flag
          • It bothers me that suddenly B's are so bad unless you are a legacy.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.04.11, 08:28 AM Flag
          • ita even with high paying jobs. I see 26yo guys working in finance making 3mil/year because daddy made a few phone calls to get them a job.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.04.11, 08:33 AM Flag
    • Compared to some of the responses, I have no idea how I got in! Went to a regular suburban public high school, played 2 sports (XC and softball) but was mediocre at both, played an instrument but not outside of school orchestra, did Model UN and debate but not at a very high level, ranked high in my class but not 1st or 2nd... went to Princeton, graduated in the early 2000s. Am I the only average Ivy grad here?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:35 PM Flag
      • I posted below you - I was a horrible student w/ no extras. My GPA was over 4.0 - just because of honors classes - didn't waste my time w/ AP and barely went to class the last two years. Good suburban HS - competitive. I really think there's a cut-off w/ the SAT scores - over 1450/1500 (old scoring) and you had a spot. I'm not smart - just good at standardized tests. Honestly - I'm really good at doing very little work for the quickest results. Nothing to be proud of!!

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 05:40 PM Flag
        • That's true, I did have high standardized test scores. And don't sell yourself short - doing very little work for the quickest result is probably what half of us in the corporate world get paid to do! You just grasped the 80/20 rule early on ;)

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 05:57 PM Flag
          • I always feel guilty for not being very 'driven' - but I make a decent living and have a very happy life - no complaints here :)

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.20.11, 06:27 PM Flag
        • In the good old days all you needed was high SAT scores and viola! Now they want to see student killing themselves for a spot.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.21.11, 08:50 AM Flag
      • It's called diversity. Either geographical or racial.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 06:22 PM Flag
        • wow, is western NY really "diversity"? Or Anglo-Irish roots?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 07:07 PM Flag
          • NP: It's just how average white people make themselves feel better about not getting picked for the team..

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.20.11, 07:40 PM Flag
          • Sorry, but she's the average one. By her own admission she was a mediocre student and had mediocre extras. I got in, but was a standout. She had something else that tipped the scales. That may have been geo diversity, or maybe she was the first to go to college. They didn't just love her smile!

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.21.11, 08:40 AM Flag
      • Sounds like you had alot though. Back then you didn't need to be part of an orchestra or be captain of the softball team.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.21.11, 08:52 AM Flag
    • SAT scores - hands down. No extras.. I worked. I think the top 10% of the class helps too.. No AP classes - none of the schools I applied to gave credits for anything less than a 5... I wouldn't suggest those stupid SAT prep courses though - my mom forced me to do that and wasted a bunch of money on it - my score dropped by over 100 points after it -made me question my responses and less confident.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:36 PM Flag
    • good SATs, graduated top 5 in my class, suburban public, national merit finalist, three varsity sports, but do you know what they focused on when they interviewed me? they were interested in my competitive cheerleading squad. kind of ironic if you ask me.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 05:56 PM Flag
    • Good SAT scores. I was 18th in my class, had a few extracurricular activities, summer jobs, the usual well-rounded stuff, but it was my SATs that tipped the scales, I think.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 06:08 PM Flag
    • You might want more current information. Many of us wouldn't get into our alma maters if we were applying today.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 06:23 PM Flag
    • my preschool! just kidding. 93 average at HCHS, and I guess I was an interesting candidate in other ways b/c believe me the guidance counselors there acted like that was just ho-hum. Extra-curriculuars, etc. I transferred in after 1 year elsewhere (which wasn't a good fit for me). And I am just so freaking smart. (FWIW I never got the impression they cared a lot about SATs as long as they aren't low. I had a 1390, which I deemed perfectly fine- I never considered actually studying or retesting to see if I could do better).

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 06:33 PM Flag
      • What kinds of extracurriculars did you do?

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 08:15 PM Flag
    • Art Editor of Yearbook, Editor of Student Newspaper, VP of Drama Club, all AP classes Jr. year, National Honor Society, Chair of Homecoming, 1580 SATs. Also was Girl Scout for 9 years, founded an Explorers Troop, had after-school job at local library, and student volunteer at local art center. Didn't have any sports though. Never thought of it as "effort" - it was just what I did.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 06:40 PM Flag
    • me in 1987- mostly As at good (not top) boarding school, 4 "5s" on AP placement tests, 99 percent SATS, editor literary mag, volunteer work. I'm a really good writer and tester and teacher recs were great. More recently a family member got in based on legacy, mainly As at good suburban high school, theater and debate (major wins/roles), only "ok" SATS, diversity, deep commitment to public service all through high school, and most importantly stellar, stellar recs by principal and teachers about what an unusually kind person toward all walks in the school, total opposite of a mean girl.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 07:06 PM Flag
    • Most consistent traits of everyone at my Ivy? Just plain old love of learning, the kind of respectful diligence that yields good teacher recommendations, above average smarts, and some ambition.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 07:46 PM Flag
      • OR: I forgot to add -- Geographic diversity.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.20.11, 07:47 PM Flag
        • And yet I'll bet that the vast majority of your classmates at your Ivy came from the east coast.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.20.11, 08:16 PM Flag
          • Nope, check the stats at any of the schools. They like kids from around the country.

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.20.11, 08:20 PM Flag
            • I have and I was wrong in that I did think 51%+ came from New England/Mid-Atlantic. But Harvard is approx 40%, Columbia is 45%, Dartmouth is also 45%, Yale 43% - all re the class of 2014. IMO those are pretty high numbers even if they don't qualify as "vast majority".

              [ Reply | More ]
              07.20.11, 08:39 PM Flag
    • I went to a mediocre public school in the 'burbs, 3.67 GPA, lots of APs, 1350 SAT, played an instrument for the state symphony, involved in local politics. Nothing special or extraordinary. I will say that I was rejected from Notre Dame, UChicago, Stanford, Georgetown; accepted at Columbia, Penn & Princeton. Admissions is strange.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.20.11, 08:15 PM Flag
    • I got in with mostly A's and B's, volunteered during my school lunch break and alot of luck got me into Columbia. Most I know had alot of connections and were B students.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.21.11, 08:41 AM Flag
    • I don't do well on standardized tests, so I didn't do well on SATs. But, I went to a top 50 school, got nearly 4.0 GPA, and transferred to Ivy.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.21.11, 08:47 AM Flag
    • I was a B student at Bx Science with no connections at all. I went to Harvard for undergrad and Columbia for my PhD.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.21.11, 08:56 AM Flag
    • I annexed and governed a small Indonesian island.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.03.11, 03:20 PM Flag
    • I had a friend who got into Ivys because he had an article published in Esquire when he was in high school. Another went to a top public school, was president of the student body and did very well overall, father and brother went to a different Ivy for graduate school. Another was a good student at a public school out west and put together an amazing and simple public service project. All the people I know went because they were very good students and did something special.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.03.11, 05:26 PM Flag
    • I was pretty much FOB (2 years in the country), straight A student, good SAT math. Not much else.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.03.11, 05:50 PM Flag
    • I was valedictorian of my medium-sized rural high school in a western state (not Cal.), editor of the school newspaper, captain of my athletic teams, did drama and selective choir, a National Merit semi-finalist (decent, but not stellar SATs), and active in the community. But if you ask some people, they'll tell you that I only got in because I'm African-American.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.03.11, 07:20 PM Flag
      • Africans don't have to have high SAT's. If you did have high SAT's you would have been accepted regardless of all the extras you did.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.07.11, 08:14 AM Flag
  • [-]So my daughter is going to be attending the new G&T program at PS 32 in Brooklyn and we got a generic letter in the mail saying she's going to be in "K4" but no mention of her teacher's name or anything. I'm just paranoid and double checking that she's been assigned the correct class since there is no mention of G&T in the letter.

    8 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    08.04.11, 04:29 PM Flag ]
    • Just curious, which gen ed are you zoned for since so many people in district 15 choose to stay local.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.04.11, 08:45 PM Flag
      • np: I wonder if that is because they were offered G&T at ps38. That school is half a step from Lord of the Flies.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.06.11, 02:29 PM Flag
    • Sounds like just a class number, and no cause for concern.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 03:56 AM Flag
      • I'm not concerned about the class number, obviously it's just a descriptor of which class she's in. My short experience with the school system has already given me the impression that they are not always very precise or attentive in these matters and I wanted to double check. We're zoned for 124, probably the only gen ed in district 15 that people don't like. I struggled with the decision because we live so close to 124 and we have to take the subway to 32 but finally decided we should at least give it a chance and see if it's worth the trouble.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 04:50 AM Flag
        • I understand your concerns, but I don't think there is anything in what you posted that should give rise to any concerns. I have gone through the G&T process, so I completely understand your paranoia. But I think you really are okay here!

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 05:49 AM Flag
          • I guess part of my concern is that the letter itself was clearly not very well proofread. Although it was addressed to "kindergarten parents" it refers to Pre-k at a couple of points, including at the heading of one of the 2 supplies list. The "kindergarten" list just says spare clothes and book bag, and there is a much longer and specific list of school supplies under the "pre-k" list. Making it confusing about what we're supposed to provide for school and bringing up uncertainty regarding how attentive the office staff is. I'm sure you're right and its fine, she's my first one off to school and I guess I'm extra fidgety about it.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.05.11, 07:08 AM Flag
    • Get a grip, lady. Suppose that for some bizarre reason, they put your kid in the non-G&T class by mistake (and there is absolutely no reason to even suspect this right now). Once the mistake was discovered, they could just switch your kid into the right class. If it makes you feel better, official communications from our school never label the G&T class as being G&T.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 08:24 AM Flag
      • You seem kind of grumpy, that's too bad. Thanks for participating though, your comments are always appreciated.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.06.11, 02:04 PM Flag
  • [-]On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your Kindergarten experience so far; and where you are.

    209 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    09.24.09, 11:12 AM Flag ]
    • 8; ps41

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:12 AM Flag
    • 5, PS166

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:13 AM Flag
    • 8, NEST

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:13 AM Flag
    • 10... Hunter

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:14 AM Flag
    • 10, PS 173.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:14 AM Flag
    • 11, Speyer

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:16 AM Flag
      • LOL

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 11:16 AM Flag
        • Stop laughing. Another Speyer, 11++++

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.26.09, 05:18 PM Flag
          • thanks, spamela.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.26.09, 07:47 PM Flag
            • Now that Speyer is up and running and parents are happy, you need to lay of the SPAM accusations, Hunter mom.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 01:13 PM Flag
              • not a hunter mom. i just find the speyer spam really obvious (i guess the spammers aren't as intellectually gifted as the dcs?) and inappropriate. as for the parents, the defensiveness is amusing to say the least.

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.28.09, 02:35 PM Flag
                • NP: I would not, for one second, believe someone responding in this poll that they are happy with Speyer is spamming. They are happy with the school. Period. Move on.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.28.09, 05:18 PM Flag
                  • oh, please. speyer 11++++++++? that's clearly either spam or pathetic defensiveness!

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    09.28.09, 05:25 PM Flag
                    • No,it's probably a relieved parent with a seemingly happy, busy child.That Speyer K class is a happy, bright bunch.Why are you so anti?

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      09.29.09, 06:48 AM Flag
                      • in ten yrs speyer will likely be long gone so let it go

                        [ Reply | More ]
                        10.08.09, 02:48 PM Flag
    • wow, I am surprised how many kindergarteners are posting on UB. Go figure

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:21 AM Flag
      • And not a single private school parent

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 11:23 AM Flag
        • because the privates are so intensely flamed here. All of them.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.24.09, 11:26 AM Flag
          • besides what an absurd post

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.24.09, 11:26 AM Flag
            • what's absurd? kids have been in school for a few weeks now. interesting to see how everyone is liking or disliking their school.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.24.09, 11:31 AM Flag
            • then don't read the thread

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.24.09, 11:35 AM Flag
          • no more than any other school.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.24.09, 11:27 AM Flag
            • Umm, I do not really see publics getting flamed here, with maybe exception of G&T

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.24.09, 11:33 AM Flag
              • Anderson, NEST, 199 and Hunter all get flamed regularly here.

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.24.09, 11:36 AM Flag
                • didn't I say with exception of G&T? Never seen 234 flamed here etc.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.24.09, 11:37 AM Flag
              • no one needs to flame the publics b/c there's the assumption that they are all horrible.

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.24.09, 08:24 PM Flag
          • why are they flamed?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:34 AM Flag
      • I'm surprised that no one gets your post.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 04:52 PM Flag
    • Dalton, 9

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:31 AM Flag
      • Why just 9?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 01:24 PM Flag
        • How are you so sure all the information is accurate?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.24.09, 01:45 PM Flag
    • 10 Anderson

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:34 AM Flag
    • 10, LL

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:39 AM Flag
      • 7 LL

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.26.09, 07:01 PM Flag
        • why only 7?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.26.09, 07:47 PM Flag
          • I feel that we haven't received a "curriculum" for the K groups yet. "Reading workshop" is picking a book and reading by yourself. Half of the kids there don't know how to read yet so I don't understand how it’s helping them. To be fair, I don't know if the teacher is going around and sitting with the children individually to check their reading levels. According to my dc the teacher hasn't approach dc yet. They're tracing letters however, my dc came home with the same sheet twice, same five letters. Administration is short with their answers and are quick to assume new parents aren't new at all there for should know the answers. I along with other K parents feel this way. Too much information is coming to us from all kinds of ange...

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.26.09, 09:24 PM Flag
            • LL parent of an older child here - I don't think you should worry so much about this - they definitely get more intense about reading, with very specific, and I believe excellent, instuction. It is really just the beginning of the year. My dc is thriving there, and I have been very satisfied on all levels with their curricular approach.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 03:53 AM Flag
            • There is a curriculum week in october.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 07:32 PM Flag
            • Oh, boy. First of all, curriculum week is coming up in a week. Second of all, this is Kindergarten. Not sure if you noticed this but both K teachers are very well grounded to earth and are very good at what they are doing. The TAs they have with them are incredible as well. Thirdly, yes, there is an emphasis on reading and if your child cannot read, yet, so s/he will have fun just thumbing through the book. Those workshops are usually made up by strong and weak readers, i.e. everybody will get something out of it. Fourthly, I have no idea what you are expecting from the administration but they sure will not coddle you and your child. They are there to run the school and after a couple of years at LL I must say they sure know how to do that...

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 06:27 AM Flag
            • From what you "heard", eh? Yes, wait for your lunch/recess volunteer day and make your own observation. If the kids don't need much supervision why should they not talk to each other? There are so many adults around during recess. I agree with you about the PTA and the daily blasts by Gina. It can be overwhelming. Just pick and choose. There are some important things you have to do but you can ignore most of the PTA stuff if you are not up to it.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 06:29 AM Flag
            • LL parent here, and you really sound like a PITA prima donna. Big deal, the guard is awful. Honestly.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 01:26 PM Flag
              • agree. but there's this exact type at 41 too. see posts below.

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.28.09, 02:34 PM Flag
              • I appreciate the feedback and I am looking forward to curriculum week too. I can understand why some of you feel so defensive but I never said the school was horrible nor did I say that the kindergarten teachers didn’t know what they’re doing. The question was "On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your Kindergarten experience so far; and where you are." SO FAR...I rated LL a 7. I was asked why and I answered it. I was fair with my answer. Do you want me to post great qualities about the school, ok: The “Read-A-Thon program is great. The kids come home feeling rewarded and accomplished. The kindergarten teachers make time for you when you need them. The “Fall Fair” was a great way to earn money for the school, the kids have blast ...

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.28.09, 02:37 PM Flag
                • Ugh you make me sick

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.28.09, 05:46 PM Flag
                  • ^^^^^ ATTENTION URBAN BABY READERS: The woman is sick, hand her a candy to suck on or hold her hair back when she hurls. I mentioned LL was a 7 for the first three weeks of school...I'm sorry. It's a 10, a 10 I tell ya. Please don't look at us LL parents as a 7, we're a 10 damn it. Don't judge them because of what I said, I AM SORRY. Can I join the PTA now you hag?

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    09.28.09, 08:43 PM Flag
                    • You. Are. So. Scary. Wow.

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      09.29.09, 04:34 AM Flag
                    • Why are you on UB if you lose it so easily? Your posing just came across as high-maintenance and we pointed it out. You base your rating partially on hear-say. We pointed that out.

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      09.29.09, 05:16 AM Flag
                      • Nicely put. The freaky thing is that she can't see how totally off the rails she is.

                        [ Reply | More ]
                        09.29.09, 05:55 AM Flag
                • Oh boy, I guess that is what happens with anon boards...

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.28.09, 07:10 PM Flag
                • Which guard are you talking about? The one on 95th St or the one on 3rd Ave? As long as you treat them nicely and don't come across as prima donna they treat you well. If you come across as dork they sure know hot to get back to you.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.29.09, 05:20 AM Flag
            • K teacher here, would like to share a little about reading workshop...typing fast, so please excuse grammar and punctuation...first of all, the first 6 weeks of k are all about socialization, and i don't just mean chatting at lunch. k kids need to learn to follow directions, sit amongst peers on the rug, move about the room in a peaceful and careful way, use materials in an appropriate manner, etc. if a teacher can't manage a class, how could any real teaching happen? it's not like teaching one kid to read...you've got 20something 4.5 yr olds in front of you. the beginning of rw is so that kids can learn what is expected of them at this time of the day, and become independent at doing it. this includes sitting quietly and listening to a who...

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 05:22 PM Flag
      • 9 LL.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 09:29 AM Flag
    • 10, Berkeley Carroll in Brooklyn; couldn't be happier

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 11:47 AM Flag
    • 10, 151

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 12:03 PM Flag
      • That's great. You're pioneers :)

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 12:24 PM Flag
        • Can you please post more. We live in the zone!

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 08:58 AM Flag
      • 10 for us, too. It's early days, yet, but it seems like a gem! Warm, bright, clean space. Principal seems motivated and on top of everything. Caring teacher. We were cautious at the start, but are very happy. Diverse population, in all the best ways. "Regular" seeming parents.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 09:45 AM Flag
    • 8 166 gt; waiting for playground to be finished.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 12:14 PM Flag
      • what is gt?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 12:49 PM Flag
      • another 166, 8 is about right. I wish the K playground were finished too. (gened)

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 01:07 PM Flag
      • Where are the kids playing if the playground's not finished?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 07:48 PM Flag
        • They're running around in the reading garden. Normally there's a playground just for the kindergarteners, and the classrooms open up directly to it.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 06:28 AM Flag
          • this would bother me too. why doesn't it bother Anderson parents, with no playground for any children?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.25.09, 07:00 AM Flag
      • the K playground at 166 is almost finished. It's been redone through a grant/Ed Schlossberg's firm, and the rain in the summer postponed the completion. Some of the climbing equipment is now in. It should be open in a couple of weeks.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 07:29 AM Flag
        • That'll be great, thanks for the information.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 08:56 AM Flag
      • we are at 166 and I give it a 10!

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 07:30 AM Flag
        • In K or another grade?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 09:52 AM Flag
      • 10. We are also at 166 K (G&T). Our DC wants to go to school on weekends.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.28.09, 11:36 AM Flag
      • 10 at K (G&T) 166. Our teacher is great and our dc wants to go to school on weekends.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.28.09, 11:39 AM Flag
        • Do you have a male teacher?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.28.09, 05:07 PM Flag
    • 20 Trinity

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 12:15 PM Flag
    • 10, NEST+m

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 03:14 PM Flag
      • ditto

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 05:32 PM Flag
      • ditto

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 04:56 AM Flag
      • Yep, ditto!

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 07:53 AM Flag
        • ugg, why don't I see this! I'd say a 3, commutes suck teacher is a Nazi.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 01:14 PM Flag
          • guess this depends on where you live doesn't it?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.27.09, 08:38 AM Flag
          • Pick a school closer to you and you must be the problem because I think all the K teachers are excellent. Signed Veteran NEST+m parent.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:29 AM Flag
      • ditto

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 08:15 PM Flag
    • 10, Speyer

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 05:03 PM Flag
      • how is connie? we miss her...

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 07:50 PM Flag
        • NP: How is it going with Heather? Former Hollingworth parent wondering how the school will do without Connie.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.26.09, 05:20 PM Flag
          • really well, from what i can see.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.28.09, 07:52 PM Flag
        • Connie's great - she is so in her element and the kids love her.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.27.09, 01:13 PM Flag
          • i am so, so, so happy and relived we didn't get into speyer. truly. it was a last-minute thought and then toured other schools and OMG, how sad to have gone there if almost any other private is an option, no way!!! that school is for connie-kool-aiders or shut-outs with spectrum kids.

            [ Reply | More ]
            10.08.09, 04:03 PM Flag
            • NP: My ds didn't get accepted to Speyer either but dh and I still feel it would have been an amazing place for him.

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.04.11, 12:04 PM Flag
              • what school is your ds attending?

                [ Reply | More ]
                08.04.11, 12:13 PM Flag
                • HM

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  08.04.11, 12:19 PM Flag
                  • first choice?

                    [ Reply | More ]
                    08.04.11, 12:21 PM Flag
                    • No, but among our top 3 along with Speyer and Dalton.

                      [ Reply | More ]
                      08.04.11, 12:25 PM Flag
                      • so was speyer your fc? did your ds get into dalton?

                        [ Reply | More ]
                        08.04.11, 12:27 PM Flag
    • 10 CPE1

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 05:04 PM Flag
      • 10,anderson

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 05:05 PM Flag
        • nice to see so many happy parents! i hope we are all so happy six months from now :)

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.24.09, 05:06 PM Flag
      • Have a great time; we ALL loved CPE1.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.29.09, 07:01 AM Flag
        • thanks, nice to hear! so far my child loves it.

          [ Reply | More ]
          10.07.09, 01:29 PM Flag
    • Dalton, 10!

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 06:07 PM Flag
    • 10, Hunter

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 06:17 PM Flag
      • you have no idea what's going on yet. enjoy it while you can

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.28.09, 01:10 PM Flag
        • HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA! Jealous much?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.29.09, 11:08 AM Flag
          • I have two kids there, why would I be jealous. It's just not a "10" school.

            [ Reply | More ]
            10.08.09, 01:32 PM Flag
    • 2, PS41

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 07:49 PM Flag
      • wow, why so low??

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 08:07 PM Flag
      • Oh, boy. I always felt PS41 was far too chaotic and I don't like the TERC math at all and didn't want it for my kids, but I wasn't expecting a "2"

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 10:31 AM Flag
        • please. this is obviously a bitter troll trying to stir the pot. 41 is the school everyone loves to hate. oh, you always felt what? even though you have no experience with the school? right.for the record, the school is not chaotic (even though you often post here cluelessly that it is) and many schools use terc. you didn't want it and we don't want you. it all worked out.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 05:47 PM Flag
          • agree. "2, ps41" poster does not have a dc at the school.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.25.09, 05:51 PM Flag
          • It is chaotic with 7 K classes. That is a lot. I do have experience with the school. It is fantastic at community building and raising money and being a great family. Academically, it isn't top tier.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:56 AM Flag
            • i know how many k classes there are. have you actually been inside the building during the school day this year? it couldn't be quieter or more organized imo. is pick-up chaotic? of course! as it is at most schools. as for the academics, the test scores prove you wrong. it seems you are just looking for reasons not to like the school.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.30.09, 09:52 AM Flag
      • I am currently at PS 41 and for one child I would rate it an "8" and the other child a "1". The "1" is for a kindergarten class. So disappointing.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.26.09, 06:33 PM Flag
        • there are seven classes, two more than the school can reasonably accomodate. what did you expect?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.26.09, 07:43 PM Flag
          • Wow! There are 7 K classes?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:31 AM Flag
            • yes, but next year it will be back to five.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.30.09, 09:53 AM Flag
          • Yikes.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:57 AM Flag
        • np. we are a 41 k family and we love it. but maybe we have no basis for comparison. or maybe we have a better teacher? sorry--hope it gets better for you!

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.26.09, 07:46 PM Flag
        • Why the 1?

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.28.09, 10:01 AM Flag
          • sounds like it must be the teacher. and it sounds like poster needs to give her more of a chance.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.28.09, 12:25 PM Flag
      • k last year at ps41 was a 9 for us. sorry it is not for you!

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 05:05 PM Flag
    • very good. my biggest complaint is that they have a very long day. dc comes home stumbling and bleary-eyed.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 07:58 PM Flag
      • How long?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.24.09, 08:21 PM Flag
        • gets home at 5pm.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.24.09, 08:23 PM Flag
          • NP: I'm sorry, but our school dismisses at 3:10. Why 5:00?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.29.09, 10:58 AM Flag
            • they end school at 4:15 or 4:30 (i'm not even sure) and the bus gets here at 5pm. poor kid comes home stumbling and bleary-eyed. but he loves it.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.29.09, 11:10 AM Flag
    • Collegiate - 7. The parents, teachers and admin have been totally amazing, exceeding my expectations even. But DS is shy and hasn't found his stride yet. But we're only two weeks in!

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.24.09, 08:12 PM Flag
      • It'll get better! Soon he will walk around like he is king of the school :)

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 02:50 PM Flag
      • Ditto, I'd rate it a 7-8. I know it's a great school but DS is shy and he hasn't made any friends yet.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 02:07 PM Flag
        • He will. If you get worried, talk to his teachers. They are very responsive. My guy is in 2nd grade and I've give an 8.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.27.09, 06:39 PM Flag
        • mine's a little shy too so maybe the 3 of us should get our shy c boys together for a playdate!

          [ Reply | More ]
          10.06.09, 06:43 PM Flag
      • How was he at the school playdate? When I think of shy I think the kid just didn't speak to anyone doing his own work and since there are so many kids to chose from why take a shy child.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 03:12 PM Flag
    • St Ignatius Loyola - 10! Love the teachers, principal, families...most of all, dc is VERY happy!

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 05:23 AM Flag
    • 2.5 - PS 59

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 06:35 AM Flag
      • Yikes. What's going on?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 06:48 AM Flag
      • whoa! i'm sorry. bad couple first weeks :(

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 02:54 PM Flag
      • which teacher?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.28.09, 05:15 PM Flag
    • 10; PS 9 G&T

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 07:31 AM Flag
    • I had a great Kindergarten experience, but that was over 20 years ago. Why does it matter about my experience in Kindergarten?

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 08:22 AM Flag
      • glad you're not my mom

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.25.09, 08:24 AM Flag
        • np: yes, it would suck growing up around dry humor

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.25.09, 10:01 AM Flag
          • nnp. actually, it sucks dealing with really bad, predictable jokes. the old "yuck, yuck i'll pretend you're asking about ME instead of DC to try to get a laugh" couldn't be more tired on UB.

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.25.09, 05:54 PM Flag
            • yuck, yuck, haha

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 02:08 PM Flag
            • The "we go to XXX school" couldn't be more tired. Please, your dc goes to school, you don't.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 04:53 PM Flag
              • you couldn't be more tired.

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.29.09, 11:09 AM Flag
    • 10+, Dalton

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 05:53 PM Flag
    • 0. PS 198

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.25.09, 08:00 PM Flag
    • 5 Friends, very large classes, little communication other than handouts,not a very personal or private school feeling.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.27.09, 06:38 AM Flag
      • that sounds disappointing. what's your dc's class size?

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 06:52 AM Flag
        • 24 kids, 2 teachers

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.27.09, 08:46 AM Flag
          • seems large for a private school

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.27.09, 08:48 AM Flag
            • Brooklyn friends has had some large classes like that (in the 20's) and I think one reason for it is as insurance against attrition in higher grades (like 2nd, 3rd, 4th). Why turn down K applicants when the class sizes later on might be smaller than optimal?

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 03:03 PM Flag
            • is your child happy?

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.27.09, 03:03 PM Flag
              • overwhelmed by all the kids. The rooms are too small for 24 kids. Cattle for 38k

                [ Reply | More ]
                09.27.09, 08:32 PM Flag
                • how can it be 38K? Is that with extra fees or something? Is that base tuition? How can it cost that much?

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.27.09, 09:18 PM Flag
                • I agree, the classrooms are too smal for 23/24 kids and it feels tight. My kid is having a great time, very happy. Sorry that you and your child are unhappy, try and make the best of it. Would you consider going elsewhere next year.

                  [ Reply | More ]
                  09.28.09, 05:41 AM Flag
          • this will be changing soon. they are restructuring the lower school so there will be smaller classes across the board.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.04.11, 08:33 AM Flag
    • SH 10

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.27.09, 06:52 AM Flag
    • 8 PS 59

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.27.09, 08:25 AM Flag
      • is 59 in the new place yet or still the old one? If so how are the new facilities? Considering moving to the zone instead of 116 because of overcrowding issues

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 08:39 AM Flag
        • do you have dc in 116. always thought dc would go there, but opted for private instead.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.27.09, 03:08 PM Flag
          • not yet - dd is 3. I heard it's getting so crowded, however, everyone I know who goes there loves it and it gets better every year in ratings. May I ask why you went private and which one? Do you still live the area and commute?

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.28.09, 04:09 AM Flag
            • Oh and I know people who turned down g & t to just go to general ed there that's how highly they regarded it

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 04:10 AM Flag
        • It's in the transitional place, which is very nice, and they have avoided being overcrowded so far. Don't move to the 59 zone in order to attend, though; there will be a lottery for seats even if you live in the zone, and they are petitioning to have one less kindergarten class next year. Great for those who get seated, not so great for those who don't. We really like 59 a lot so far, (despite the comments we see here), but recognize that if we had gone the private route what we would have purchased would have been a lot more certainty about the final "product"--a fact which was driven home to us when we first learned that our zone didn't gaurantee our child's seat.

          [ Reply | More ]
          09.27.09, 05:02 PM Flag
          • Will this change once the new place is opened? We still are 2 years off from K

            [ Reply | More ]
            09.28.09, 04:20 AM Flag
            • NP: I thought the new place was no more. Or very, very delayed. No money.

              [ Reply | More ]
              09.28.09, 06:43 AM Flag
              • Don't know if it will change or not but in the present climate I can't picture them building a new school in an overcrowded district and not making it bigger than the school it replaces; the new school is about 3 years away. The project is definitely going forward. They are working with architects and picking out wallcoverings and construction materials.

                [ Reply | More ]
                10.01.09, 10:12 AM Flag
    • Cathedral, 10

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.27.09, 02:40 PM Flag
      • Us, too! Dd is happy as a clam, warm teachers, lovely community. Dd is so excited to learn and be a part of the school. A gem.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.27.09, 06:41 PM Flag
    • don't ask, don't tell.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.27.09, 03:07 PM Flag
    • 10 for Hunter

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 01:14 AM Flagged
    • Yes, I micromanage my dc. I love how the question is phrased rate YOUR kindergarten experience.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 09:07 AM Flag
    • 10, Collegiate. DS is thrilled and I haven't found a flaw yet. So far, so good!

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 11:41 AM Flag
      • ditto--10+ and NOT looking for any flaws, just checking his happiness quotient each day!!

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.28.09, 02:57 PM Flag
        • is dave letterman's kid acting out in collegiate K due to the scandal?

          [ Reply | More ]
          10.07.09, 01:19 PM Flag
    • 9 for K and 10 for 1st (ps 212-MTW)

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 12:14 PM Flag
    • 10,VCS. dc very excited to go to school every day! Excellent communication with parents.

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 04:37 PM Flag
    • 10, Trinity

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 05:12 PM Flag
    • 9.5, PS 3

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 06:52 PM Flag
    • 9.27, ps11

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.28.09, 07:12 PM Flag
    • 7.5 PS41

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.29.09, 11:17 AM Flag
    • 7, STEM

      [ Reply | More ]
      09.30.09, 07:07 AM Flag
      • How is STEM? Very curious about it.

        [ Reply | More ]
        09.30.09, 07:26 PM Flag
    • 10; PS87

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.01.09, 07:49 AM Flag
      • agreed. although i guess I would say 9 because of the space issue. bums me out that all kids don't have gym.

        [ Reply | More ]
        10.08.09, 04:15 PM Flag
    • 11+++++ bedford road school, westchester

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.01.09, 12:50 PM Flag
    • Claremont Prep, 9.

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.02.09, 10:58 AM Flag
    • 10, PS 199

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.02.09, 04:59 PM Flag
    • 10 riverdale

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.03.09, 05:09 PM Flag
    • 8 at least, PS 166. There are lots of choices in the after-school activities on site and since I work, I'm grateful the afterschool goes to 6 pm.

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.07.09, 12:36 PM Flag
    • 8, PS151

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.07.09, 01:22 PM Flag
    • PS6 - 9; Hunter - 9

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.08.09, 02:11 PM Flag
    • K called "Cherry tree", would give it an 8. SAHM now. Oh, and K was 35 years ago

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.08.09, 04:06 PM Flag
    • 10+ bwl

      [ Reply | More ]
      10.09.09, 06:09 PM Flag
  • [-]Gen ed at 166 or PS9: buying new apt in West 80s. Is one gen ed definitely better than the other? WWYD...

    14 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    07.24.11, 08:13 AM Flag ]
    • Tough call. PS 9 is increasingly overcrowded. Is PS 166 the one getting a new principal this year?

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.24.11, 08:17 AM Flag
      • Ps9 is fine now they capped at 4 classes and no g&t. I would chose it over 166

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.24.11, 08:41 AM Flag
        • They capped at 4? How many kids in each of the 4 classes?

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.24.11, 09:20 AM Flag
        • This is in theory. How much do you want to bet there will be 5 Ks at PS9 in the fall? Diane Brady does not want 27 kids in K, there are over 100 kids registered and she does want to take the siblings too.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.24.11, 12:38 PM Flag
          • Nothing, she will not take siblings until she is told she can do if there is space in September. They will not have a 5th k. They are expecting to lose a few families to UWSA

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.24.11, 04:49 PM Flag
    • Ps9. The curriculum was the same for gen Ed and g&t

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.24.11, 10:38 AM Flag
      • Just like at PS166.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.24.11, 12:39 PM Flag
        • No g&t is advanced, or so they told people at the open house.

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.24.11, 04:50 PM Flag
    • Just keep your ears open for any mention of rezoning of D3 (north of PS87). Based on CEC members' statements, it is one possible agenda item for the CEC this year.

      [ Reply | More ]
      07.24.11, 10:51 AM Flag
      • Yet, the new chancellor has said there will be no rezoning. 1both of the schools mentioned have space.

        [ Reply | More ]
        07.24.11, 11:12 AM Flag
        • NP: When did he say that? Not doubting you, I just am curious. Also, we all know that you cannot rely on the DOE's "promises." The DOE informed families that the G&T at PS 9 would be eliminated at the worst possible time (after they had submitted rankings).

          [ Reply | More ]
          07.24.11, 11:52 AM Flag
          • At the town hall meeting after the withdrawal of g&t at ps9. There is not a need at the moment. The only wait list is 199 and that would be solved by additional seats at 191. No need for rezoning just withdraw g&t from schools when needed

            [ Reply | More ]
            07.24.11, 12:02 PM Flag
    • Definitely 9.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 01:52 PM Flag
  • [-]What is the process for Hunter. I know there's an application and then a test, but is there anything else I need to know (other than it's a total long shot and some folks hate the facilities/lack of joy) for DC to apply? I know that he's the correct age, but that's it.

    10 replies [ Reply | Watch | More
    08.04.11, 07:35 PM Flag ]
    • Don't bother, lady. It's a waste of your time.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.04.11, 07:43 PM Flag
      • Don't bother? Is that bad or just nasty advice? I have two friends with dc's starting Hunter in the fall.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 06:37 AM Flag
    • that's it. go on the website, get the form, send it in. you will get names of testers. test within a time limit (30 days I think). if your kid scores in the top about 250 kids, you will be contacted for an interview in January. you will have very little to do with any of this - just bring the kid and wait, both times. it is entirely merit based. my child is in an upper grade at Hunter and I have almost no idea what went on during those procedures.

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.04.11, 08:12 PM Flag
    • You have to live in Manhattan and stay there--at least until child is in 7th grade..

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.04.11, 08:14 PM Flag
    • Know that if your kid makes Round 2 you have to be okay with not being picked. They choose kids based on how they want the class to look. If they have 3 of the same kid they probably won't pick your DC. Just make peace with it and you should be fine. GL!

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.04.11, 08:51 PM Flag
    • We will be applying also. A few questions: Can you obtain everything online, or do I have to go over to Hunter to pick up the application packet? Once I pick up the application, does my child have to be tested within 4 wks of that date?

      [ Reply | More ]
      08.05.11, 03:55 AM Flag
      • 1) it's all online 2) once you receive your identification number (which is mailed to you), then you make the testing appointment.

        [ Reply | More ]
        08.05.11, 05:32 AM Flag
        • Thanks. How much lag time is there between the time I pick up the application and when I receive the ID number through the mail?

          [ Reply | More ]
          08.05.11, 05:47 AM Flag
          • np--The Hunter elementary website says within two weeks: http://hces.hunter.cuny.edu/?m1=1&m2=1 They also say application fee can be paid by money order only--not by check.

            [ Reply | More ]
            08.05.11, 07:59 AM Flag
            • omg, i'm laughing. i totally remember that. what is this, 1979?

              [ Reply | More ]
              08.05.11, 11:36 AM Flag
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