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The Heinz Awards :: Anita Borg
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110710121445/http://www.heinzawards.net:80/recipients/anita-borg
Senator John Heinz


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  • Tom FitzGerald authors op-ed article defending use of the Clean Air Act to reduce pollution to protect human health go >>
  • Paul Farmer writes op-ed in The Harvard Crimson on what the university can do to advance global health go >>
  • Dr. Donald Berwick interviewed on CPAN's "Newsmakers" go >>
  • Ashok Gadgil shares the European Inventor Award for the UV Waterworks go >>
  • Cary Fowler receives honorary degree at Rhodes College in Memphis go >>
  • James Comer to receive Lifetime Achievement Award from NAACP New Haven branch go >>
  • Bruce Katz is interviewed by Dean Barber on the future of cities go >>
  • Dean Kamen and his FIRST program are profiled in Success magazine go >>
  • Geoffrey Canada highlighted in Time's "100 most influential people in the world" go >>
  • Paul Farmer's Partners in Health receives the 2011 Notre Dame Award for International Human Development and Solidarity go >>
  • Dean Kamen receives the inaugural Hunt Institute Visionary Award go >>
  • Joel Salatin named as "best food advocate" by Treehugger go >>
  • Elizabeth Kolbert writes on ocean acidification for National Geographic go >>
  • Chris Field talks to The Economist on climate change, natural carbon sinks and the earth's hot spots go >>
  • Ashok Gadgil receives the Olympus Lifetime of Educational Innovation Award go >>
  • Elizabeth Kolbert explores the alarming decline of bat populations in the eastern U.S. in Yale's Environment 360 go >>
  • Bob Berkebile talks about water and how it relates to energy in Metropolis magazine. go >>
  • John Holdren co-authors an op-ed in the New York Times regarding "space weather" go >>
  • Rita Dove honored in the new class inducted into American Academy of Arts and Letters go >>
  • Marian Wright Edelman pens “Ain’t I a Woman” in tribute to Sojourner Truth go >>
  • Marian Wright Edelman writes editorial for Huffington Post on children and dental health care go >>
  • "I was a dancer" is published, a memoir by Jacques d'Amboise go >>
  • Mark di Suvero among those honored by President Obama with the 2010 National Medal of the Arts go >>
  • Elizabeth Kolbert has essay in National Geographic magazine about the "Anthropocene - Age of Man" go >>
  • Emory University presents “Entering the World Through Language,” a Women’s History Month series featuring Rita Dove go >>
  • Dave Egger's 826 Valencia inspires the Sydney Story Factory in Australia go >>
  • Paul Anastas's work at the EPA profiled on "Living On Earth" radio program go >>
  • Daniel Sperling gives innaugural RITA Transportation Innovation Series lecture go >>
  • Hugh Herr and his BiOM "bionic leg" profiled on CNN Money go >>
  • Cary Fowler discusses the looming global food fight due to climate change in Huffington Post go >>
  • Paul Anastas interviewed on WHYY's Radio Times regarding the future of Green Chemistry go >>
  • Geoffrey Canada is interviewed for New York's City Limits magazine go >>
  • Berkeley Lab’s Ashok Gadgil takes fuel efficient cookstoves to Ethiopia go >>
  • Dorothy Height honored in song by B.B. King, Taj Mahal and others in Chicago go >>
  • A feature on sculptor Mark di Suvero as his new exhibition in La Jolla gets underway go >>
  • Dr. Paul Farmer and Ophelia Dahl on recovery efforts in Haiti in LA Times interview go >>
  • Paul Farmer and Partners In Health instrumental in opening first rural health facility of its kind in Rwanda go >>
  • Geoffrey Canada keynotes the Social Justice Leadership Conference at Wesleyan University go >>
  • Marian Wright Edelman discusses the Black Community Crusade for Children in Huffington Post go >>
  • Joel Salatin named one of The Observer's "Green Giants" for 2011 go >>
  • Paul Farmer part of Council on Foreign Relations "expert roundup" on rebuilding Haiti go >>
  • The Boston Globe looks at Haiti one year later through the work of Partners In Health and Paul Farmer go >>
  • Dean Kamen pushes for a national funding initiative to support FIRST robotics programs in public schools across the country go >>
  • James Nachtwey photographs a medevac unit in Afghanistan for TIME go >>
  • Robert Greenstein predicts budget woes with new House of Representatives rule go >>
  • Nature magazine examines two decades of 'green chemistry' led by Paul Anastas and others go >>
  • Leroy Hood to receive the 2011 Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize, a biennial award recognizing bioengineering achievement go >>
  • Thomas Friedman introduces Teresa Heinz at 16th Heinz Awards in November go >>
  • Dave Egger's 826 National makes inroads into Kenya go >>
  • Geoffrey Canada appears as a guest on The Colbert Report go >>
  • William Thomas is one of three past recipients named to Long Term Living's 10 Most Influential People go >>
  • Elma Holder is one of three past recipients named to Long Term Living's 10 Most Influential People go >>
  • Robert Butler is one of three past recipients named to Long Term Living's 10 Most Influential People go >>
  • James Goodby writes article for Brookings on U.S. relations with North Korea go >>
  • Steve Wozniak pens open letter to FCC on net neutrality in The Atlantic go >>
  • James Balog is profiled on Voice of America go >>
  • Jane Lubchenco, head of NOAA, is named Nature magazine's "Newsmaker of the Year" go >>
  • Robert Berkebile's firm, BNIM, receives the 2011 AIA Architecture Firm Award go >>
  • Paul Farmer appointed University Professor, Harvard's top faculty honor go >>
  • Geoffrey Canada named 2010's No.1 "good man" by the Good Men Project go >>
  • Paul Farmer co-authors Newsweek piece on how to stop cholera in Haiti go >>
  • Global Crop Diversity Trust, led by Cary Fowler, launches 10-year initiative to gather and save the wild relatives of essential food crops go >>
  • Mildred Dresselhaus honored on her 80th birthday with symposium and celebration at MIT go >>
  • Amory Lovins is co-recipient of award for leadership in energy efficiency from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy go >>
  • Amory Lovins pens new strategy for reducing U.S. dependence on fossil fuels by 2050 go >>
  • Cary Fowler talks about how the world's future food supply is key to climate adaptation go >>
  • Paul Ehrlich discusses the creation of the Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior (MAHB) go >>
  • Richard Goldman, environmental philanthropist, and recipient of the Heinz Awards Chairman's Medal, dies at 90 go >>
  • Jane Lubchenco, head of NOAA, talks with The Washington Post about the agency's challenges go >>
  • Bruce Katz co-authors Metropolitan Policy Program report on state policy and the economy go >>
  • Richard Feely is part of the Global Carbon Project reporting on global CO2 emissions go >>
  • Marian Wright Edelman testifies before the U.S. Senate on the state of the American child go >>
  • C. Everett Koop speaks about AIDS at the National Press Club go >>
  • Leroy Hood is interviewed for Discover magazine go >>
  • Rita Dove receives a Huston/Wright Legacy Award for poetry go >>
  • Robert Moses receives the James Weldon Johnson Award for Civil Rights go >>
  • Dean Kamen is awarded the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering go >>
  • Paul Farmer co-authors post on multi-drug resistant tuberculosis for Science Speaks: HIV & TB News go >>
  • Paul MacCready to get a memorial at his Rose Bowl test site for the Gossamer Condor go >>
  • Jerry Franklin among 19 honored as “conservation heroes” by The Nature Conservancy go >>
  • Dee Boersma among 19 honored as “conservation heroes” by The Nature Conservancy go >>
  • Dean Kamen and his new television show profiled at Forbes.com go >>
  • Donald Berwick outlines his goals for new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation go >>

The Heinz Awards


Anita Borg

Anita Borg receives the Heinz Award for Technology, the Economy and Employment for her tireless, tenacious, visionary and inspirational role in attracting women to the computer industry, and for creating and sustaining innovative programs for women in computer science.

Anita Borg's example of mixing technical excellence and fearless vision has interested, inspired, motivated and moved women of all ages, from teenagers to septuagenarians, to embrace technology instead of fearing or ignoring it. She has touched and changed the lives of countless women in the computing fields and beyond. She is responsible for including women in the technological revolution - not as bystanders, but as active participants and leaders.

Anita Borg didn't find her way to a computer keyboard until she was in her mid-20s - and even then it was the result of boredom with a dead-end job and pure happenstance. Still, she turned out to be a natural. After receiving a Ph.D. in computer science from New York University in 1981, she embarked on what was to become a brilliant research career for some of the new industry's commercial giants.

During the 1970s and early '80s, the situation for women in technology was grim. There were only a handful of female professors and graduate students, and few undergraduates were entering the ranks. And, as bad as the academic situation was, industry was much worse.

Dr. Borg's brilliant success in breaking through the "silicon ceiling" was an exception that proved the rule. One day, attending a major industry seminar, she looked around and realized that there were only a handful of women in the room. She pulled that small group together and started Systers, an e-mail list and information-sharing network that now provides mentors, support, encouragement, contacts and ideas via the Internet to more than 2,500 women in 38 states and foreign countries.

In 1994, Dr. Borg co-convened the first Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Named in honor of a World War II computer pioneer, that first conference was attended by almost every notable woman in the field from all over the world - admittedly a small group.The fourth Grace Hopper Celebration will be held in October in Vancouver, with several hundred women attending.

Dr. Borg feels that, by presenting the major purpose of computer technology as solving straightforward technical challenges, we have lost the interest of many brilliant technical minds - often female - because their interest lies more in solving real problems than in creating technology for technology's sake.

In 1997, Dr. Borg left the industry to found and lead the Institute for Women and Technology (IWT). In addition to assuming responsibility for a number of existing programs - including Systers and the Grace Hopper Celebrations - IWT is an experimental research and development organization focused on increasing the impact of women on technology, as well as enhancing the positive impact of technology on women around the world.

Today, women are still in the minority in the technology community, but the tide is beginning to turn. Women are contributing key technologies, starting companies, becoming full university professors, and training and hiring the next generation of graduate students. By promoting excellence and equality in every aspect of computer technology, Anita Borg has played a pivotal role not only in the dramatic turnaround of the numbers, but in the nature and focus of technology creation itself.

Note: This profile is excerpted from the commemorative brochure published at the time of the awards' presentation.


Anita Borg passed away on April 6, 2003.


August 2006 - The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI) announce the 6th Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference to be held in October 2006 in San Diego. A total of 38 corporate sponsors (including Intel, Cisco, Google and HP) and 17 academic sponsors (including CalTech, Harvard, Michigan State and UT Austin) provide financial backing for the world's largest technical conference for women in the field of computer science. Over 1200 attendees are expected. - Business Wire

September 2003 - The Institute for Women and Technology holds a fundraiser gala to honor the life and work of Borg. At the event, the institute is officially renamed the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology and several awards and scholarships that were created in her memory are awarded. - Electronic Engineering Times


October 2002 - The Institute for Women and Technology holds its 4th annual Grace Hopper Celebration, which was founded by Borg. The conference "celebrates those who are creating, improving, researching, and studying computer-related technologies and sciences," and the theme at this years gathering was "the ubiquity of the impact of computing on our daily lives and the ubiquity of the impact women are making on this technical force." - Canada NewsWire


3/12/2002 - Acceptance Speech

I would like to thank the Heinz Foundation for recognizing with this award that the development of the technology for the future must have positive social and human impacts. In the near future, technology will affect everything: our economic, political, social and personal lives. Will technology be used to help solve problems of energy, food, water and clean air? Control disease? Nurture our children? Care for our elderly and disability? Will technology be used to increase literacy, particularly among women? Will it enable a fair global economy? Will we live in peace? Will it be used to solve the problems or create the futures that women want? Thank you to Teresa and the Foundation for helping those who ask those questions.

Around the world, women are not full partners in driving the creation of the new technology that will define their lives. This is not good for women and not good for the world. The involvement of women can bring important perspectives and directions to the technology of the future. Women must have dramatically higher representation in technical fields. But bringing women into the existing system as technologists is not sufficient. All sorts of women - technical and non-technical, rich and poor, from the developed, developing, and underdeveloped worlds, must define the technology of the future. The system that creates the technology of the future must change to include all of these women, as women, not just as faceless technologists.

And now a few thanks. Thank you Teresa. When you called me, I was completely flabbergasted. I am sure you remember that I cried and laughed at the same time. Thanks to the Heinz Family Foundation and thanks to the judges and nominators.

I have a few personal thanks. First, I'd like to thank my family of rebels. Dad showed us that we could choose our own paths and try wild things. I am sorry that he could not see this - he would have been very proud of his revolutionary daughter. Thanks to my Mother and my sister, Beverly and Lee Naffz who are here and share their own fantastic lives with me. Then to two dear friends who are here - Gerald Belpaire, my rebellious thesis advisor, and Caroline Kearney who with me was part of a wonderful group in the 80's learning about politics and feminism. Telle Whitney has been my co-conspirator creating the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing and making sure that it has a disco! Finally, there is my husband, Winfried Wilcke, a great scientist and friend, who, at the age of 50, completely swept me off my feet.

I want to take a few words to honor all of the women who are now working in computer science and technology as programmers or researchers or systems developers, building the future in the way that they think it should be built. It is often difficult to continue in spite of the fact that their environments may not be supportive. To any women who has stuck with her ideas, believing that there are different ways to do it, thank you for sticking with it!

Finally, thank you to the people, women and men, who share and support the passion and vision at the Institute for Women and Technology. We can change the world!
Anita Borg
Anita Borg