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Nation Topics - World Leaders | The Nation
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Nation Topics - World Leaders | The Nation

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Nation Topics - World Leaders


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Family members of Egyptians killed during the revolution are protesting as a crucial trial keeps gettting postponed by a judge with ties to Mubarak.

Police in Haiti

A secret US Embassy cable describes how Haiti's business elite armed and deployed police units in pro-Aristide strongholds like Bel Air and Cite Soleil after the 2004 coup.

Amid economic stagnation, polls show increasing skepticism about the competence of German elites. Can a resurgent Green Party bring political renewal?

Ollanta Humala's defeat of Keiko Fujimori in a run-off election is a victory for progressives and for Brazil. But can Humala bring about “growth with social inclusion”?

Manuel Zelaya

Millions rush to greet the former president, but the deal allowing his return says nothing about accountability for human rights violations that took place during the coup.

How the media frenzy obliterated the presumption of innocence and relentlessly impugned both Strauss-Kahn and his accuser in vulgar stereotypes.

The Palestinian accord is a good thing, and Obama should resist Israel's efforts to scuttle it.

Editors and colleauges of Shane Bauer, a Nation contributor, urge Iran to release him and his friend Josh Fattal.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

The Syrian president is is facing unprecedented pressure rooted in grievances over government repression, corruption, a weak economy and lack of civil liberties. He cannot hunker down and wait for the storm to pass.


From The Archive

The article reflects on protests in Islamabad, Pakistan over cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that were published in several European newspapers. The article suggests that the demonstrations are also a challenge to Pakistani President-General Pervez Musharraf. His main challenger is the Muttahidda Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), a parliamentary coalition of Pakistan's main Islamist parties. It insists that the large-scale protests were instigated by the Jamaat Islami, the dominant faction of the MMA, which has forged an alliance with its middle-class cadre and alienated youth.

March 13, 2006

From The Archive

The author comments on the State of the Union address delivered by U.S. President George W. Bush. Bush did not mention the government's defense pact with the Shiite leaders who will dominate Iraq. While Bush paid tribute to civil right leader Coretta Scott King, antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan was tossed out. Bush addressed issues like healthcare, education and gas prices. He thinks we have too much insurance, so he offered to privatize healthcare. Bush didn't mention that he has not funded his own education programs and is cutting education spending. He remains in denial about global warming.

February 20, 2006

From The Archive

The article focuses on the powerful Alexander Strategy Group (ASG), the Republican lobbying firm founded and run by former senior staffers of ex-House majority leader Tom DeLay. ASG blames its problems on the publicity from the Jack Abramoff scandal. In fact, the firm was caught up in several scandals in Washington, D.C. ASG was established in the nineties as a secret war room for attacking Democratic candidates. ASG should be scrutinised for its role in scandals involving Abramoff, DeLay and Randy "Duke "Cunningham.

February 20, 2006

From The Archive

The article comments on current events and world politics. Socialist Party leader Michelle Bachelet, Chile's first woman president, is not expected to bring economic reform to the country. A quote from Al Gore focused on warrantless wiretapping in the United States. The Maryland legislature passed a bill that requires Wal-Mart to provide health insurance to their employees who have relied on Medicaid programs. Two economic studies, by Scott Wallsten of the Brookings Institution, and economist Joseph Stiglitz with Linda Bilmes of Harvard, indicate the costs of the Iraq War will be more than $1 trillion. An essay contest sponsored by "Nation" is mentioned.

February 6, 2006

From The Archive

This article discusses Israel's future after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke. It suggests that the dismantling of twenty one settlement in Gaza and four in the West Bank as well as the disengagement of Israeli military forces from Gaza followed by Amir Peretz's victory over Shimon Perez for Head of the Labor Party have fueled a drastic change in the political landscape.

January 30, 2006

From The Archive

This article reflects on the Palestinian legislative elections which would be conducted on January 25th. It argues that the possibility that the elections would be held have been bleak, even before Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke. The elections for the legislature are part of a reconfiguration of Palestinian politics caused by Yasir Arafat's death a year ago.

January 30, 2006

From The Archive

The article looks at the challenges that will face Bolivia's president-elect, Evo Morales. Morales is the first indigenous president in Bolivia's history. He has suggested that Bolivia should manage its natural resources for the benefit of its citizens. Morales is the former leader of the coca growers' union. It is suggested that the pressure on developing countries to satisfy the interests of foreign investors could undermine Morales's proposed reforms. Morales has pledged the nationalization of oil and natural gas reserves in Bolivia.

January 23, 2006

From The Archive

The article presents five political cartoons reflecting on news stories of 2005. Topics covered include former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, intelligent design, gay priests in the Catholic Church, and U.S. President George W. Bush's declaration of victory in Iraq.

January 23, 2006

From The Archive

The article discusses racism and the War on Terrorism in Australia. Australian Prime Minister John Howard stated he does not accept that there is racism in the country. Howard has allowed immigration but refused to apologize to the country's Aborigines for brutality at the hands of Australia's British settlers and their descendants. Discrimination against Aborigines, Muslims, and immigrants is prevalent. The article discusses raids by the Australian Security Intelligence Organization that captured alleged Muslim terrorists. The Australian Parliament has passed amendments to anti-terrorism laws to make it easier to prosecute people for planning a terrorist act.

January 9, 2006

From The Archive

The article looks at how General Augusto Pinochet spent his 90th birthday under house arrest after being indicted for tax evasion and passport fraud in the corruption scandal relating to secret United States bank accounts. The article also reports that Jonathan Kozol was award the Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship.

December 19, 2005