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7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today

By | July 15, 2011

Owners' Manual

Jeff Haden


Jeff Haden

Jeff Haden

Jeff Haden learned much of what he knows about management as he worked his way up the printing business from forklift driver to manager of a 250-employee book plant. Everything else he knows, he has picked up from ghostwriting books for some of the smartest CEOs he knows in business. He has written more than 30 non-fiction books, including four Business and Investing titles that reached #1 on Amazon's bestseller list. He'd tell you which ones, but then he'd have to kill you.

Visit his website at: www.blackbirdinc.com

I admit it: The idea of receiving perks once seemed really cool. Fortunately I wised up.

I started my first “real job” (finally out of college, trying to build a career) as an entry-level manufacturing employee. Every day I walked across a huge parking lot, past the spots reserved for managers near the entrance to the plant.

I wanted one of those spots. Not because I minded walking, but because having a reserved spot would mean I was a big dog.

Years later I took a management position at another plant and got a reserved parking spot by the entrance to the office area. I parked there the first day and thought, “Why do I need a reserved spot?  What makes me special?”

The answer? Nothing.

So I started parking on the side of the plant where the other manufacturing employees parked.

Here’s the problem with most perks. Perks may be intended as rewards, but all they really do is create artificial distinctions based on arbitrary, sometimes self-serving criteria.

That’s why dropping silly perks is a great way to break down a few barriers between you and the people you most need to connect with: your employees.

Here are seven that need to be eliminated today:

  1. Trips with vendors and suppliers. In many industries the “vendor fishing trip” is a time-honored tradition. Forget tradition — stop accepting. Why put yourself in a position where influence could be implied? Besides, your employees don’t get to go, so why should you? A great vendor doesn’t provide tickets to a ballgame or a fancy meal; a great vendor provides excellent service and quality products at a great price.  Caveat: If the vendor agrees, you could put all employee names in a hat and draw a few lucky winners at random.
  2. Reserved parking spaces. You don’t need to park close to the front door. A little rain won’t hurt you.  Caveat: The only time reserved spaces make sense is when they are reserved for employees who work late at night and go to their cars alone. (And if your parking lot is potentially dangerous during off hours, make sure you do more than set up reserved spots to make it safe.)
  3. Different lunch or break areas. Think the executive lunch area is a bygone relic?  Nope. In the last year I’ve seen six. Use the space for another purpose and get out and mingle. And when you do, don’t sit at a table with your peers. Always sit with the rank and file; you spend enough time with the other managers as it is. (In fact, your rule should be “No more than one manager or supervisor at a table.”) Caveat: Maintaining different lunch or break areas based on geography or employee convenience is fine, but make sure your area is no nicer than any other area.
  4. Different doors. Okay, so you have a master key that opens all doors. And it’s really convenient to enter the facility through the side door. But if no one else can use that door, you shouldn’t use it either. Caveat: If entering through a specific door has a tangible business purpose, like carrying in equipment or supplies, that’s fine. If only because you’re “special,” no.
  5. Offices with doors. Don’t take the door off its hinges, but do leave it open except during confidential discussions with employees. Your office is just another tool that supports your job function; it should not shield you from employees. Caveat: I know sometimes you need peace and quiet to complete a project; just do so sparingly.
  6. Meeting refreshments. Is it customary to get bagels and beverages for a meeting? Fine — but who pays? If the company pays, stop. Managers have a lot more meetings than employees, and you would be surprised by how many employees think, “Oooh, it’s bagel day again… must be nice…” Besides, if your meetings run so long you need nourishment to keep going, you have an entirely different problem.  Caveat: If you are meeting with employees, providing refreshments is very cool.
  7. Leaving the facility during the work day. I know you work long hours and shoulder tons of responsibility. It’s only fair if you run out to a doctor’s appointment during work hours, right? If your employees can do likewise, without penalty, fine. Otherwise no. When you arrive late or leave early or flit in and out of the building during work hours… and others don’t enjoy the same discretion and freedom… all you do is prove that standards are applied very differently. Caveat: No caveat. Nothing irritates an hourly employee more than watching a manager “run out for a couple hours.”  Trust me.

What do you think? Fair or unfair? Know any other perks that do more way more harm than good?


Photo courtesy flickr user Florian, CC 2.0

Talkback 6 Talkbacks

RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
Agree on most of these. I once worked for a very senior executive who insisted on being in an open office space together with everyone else, including his MT. We were designing the new offices. The HR MT member insisted on putting him in a separate office. I had to redo the plans numerous times in order for all the MT and my boss to be in the open plan. Funny that - it works both ways - not everyone wants the boss to be so open and accessible and ´normal´.
ZDNet Gravatar
07/15/2011 05:30 AM
RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
This is interesting as most of these "perks" are design to separate and insulate the businesses leaders from the rest of us. American companies are known to have a lot of distance between ground level employees and the company leadership. In Sweden, if you work for a large organization, you could just walk into the CEOs office anytime you wanted and casually talk to them about ways to improve the company and that CEO would feel like they owe you an explanation as to why he doing things the way he is. There is almost NO distance there. In America, CEOs LOVE their distance.

Have you noticed any trends of this kind of "distance" being diminished in the US?
ZDNet Gravatar
07/15/2011 06:09 AM
BNET Blogger
RE: RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
@tigerianwinter: I think overall the distance has diminished, but it's still very individual. Some CEOs/mgrs/supervisors seem to actively create the distance, while others arguably go too far. So I would say less distance, but individual results definitely vary.
ZDNet Gravatar
Jeff Haden, Owner's Manual
07/15/2011 06:25 AM
RE: RE: RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
@Jeff Haden, Gotta say Jeff, great post first and foremost... I really like the topic! I totally agree with #6 in particular - eliminating refreshments and food during meetings (mainly because of what you said, mostly its just upper management conducting "the majority" of the meetings anyway).

And I do want to say something to Tigerianwinter also... I personally feel that some (if not most) of the "leaders" of today's top industries are still ATTEMPTING to "balance" the playing field, mainly threw the methods that Jeff is articulating in his 7 points. I mean if your "acting" and/or giving off the "impression" that what you are doing HAS TO, and MUST BE something that ALL other employees have the privilege to do - before you "as upper management" would ever consider doing it - then that's a true Leader in my book!

Great post again Jeff and great comments so far. (thought provoking :-))

Chief Technology Officer
ZDNet Gravatar
07/16/2011 01:35 AM
RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
These perks to distinguish the "specials" and the "ordinaries" are especially prevalent in Chinese run companies.Just about everything in the office is a function of your place in the pecking order.

If you got no perks, then you are the grunt.

Make manager then you got a larger chair (without headrest), private cubicle with a larger desk, internet access, a reserved car park and free newspaper every morning.

Make assistant VP, you get a circular shaped extension to your desk.

Make VP, you get an even larger chair with a headrest, a room with a cupboard and your reserved car park gets moved to a "special floor" which is off-limits to everyone else.

Make Senior VP, you get one company sponsored club membership plus stock options.

And on and on....
ZDNet Gravatar
07/17/2011 10:01 PM
RE: 7 Perks Every Leader Should Eliminate Today
I especially agree with the reserved parking issue.

That spot should be reserved for who comes to work earliest.

If a manager wants the spot then he/she needs to get in early.
ZDNet Gravatar
07/18/2011 08:13 AM

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