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Six-Figure Jobs: Mobile Applications Developer - CBS MoneyWatch.com
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Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

Seemingly every week, another publication or website comes out with its list of the “Best Jobs of the Year” or the “Hottest Careers,” purporting to show the best fields to get into for job stability and earnings potential. The problem with many of these lists is that the jobs and careers on them often require years and years of training (see: biomedical engineer), offer an extremely small overall pool of jobs (see: meteorologist), or really don’t pay all that well (see: home health aide).

So we’ve put together a list of jobs that suffer from none of these disadvantages. Using statistics from the Bureau of Labor, salary sites, professional trade groups, and recruiters, we identified eight jobs that don’t require more than two years of additional training to secure a position, have a reasonably large and growing number of overall jobs, and offer six-figure salaries to top earners in the field (generally, the top 10 percent of those employed). These, to our mind, are the true dream jobs.

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Mobile Applications Developer

  • Salary for Top Earners: $115,000
  • Projected Job Growth: 131 percent this year alone
  • Additional Training Required: Programming experience in mobile platforms is necessary, but depending on your background, you can fine-tune your knowledge with a DIY approach or perhaps an online certificate program that typically takes one year to complete.

Developing and building applications for smartphones, iPads, and other tablets and notebook PCs is one of the most in-demand jobs in the world right now. So enticing is the revenue from mobile apps — Gartner estimates that worldwide revenue could top $15 billion this year — that Google recently announced it’s hiring dozens of mobile developers in an attempt to counter Apple. Reality check: This isn’t a field for dilettantes: it requires serious programming and IT skills, but the growth potential is huge.

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    03/01/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Ok; all I want is a job to earn some cash to pay bills and have some left to ENJOY my so-called-life... I would LOVE to write apps; or, how about this, debug them! I don't have a programming background and all the apps courses I see say you must have this.
    I can't find a customer service job because I'm not bilingual ...
    Alright; while I go back to school for 4/5 years to learn progrmming, etc, I'll open an on-line store and sell ... some...thing ...
    Mmmmm, 1 moment while I locate those several thousand customers to visit my site ...



    03/01/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    "I can't find a customer service job because I'm not bilingual "
    this is VERY common here in Miami



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    this IS the USA, where our language is english, isn't it? This is so sad. Soon only illegal immigrants will be qualified to work here to satisfy the illegal immigrants who won't pay taxes because they are working under-the-table, so not only won't U.S. citizens be able to get work, but they'll also have no money to purchase thing because of this chain of events.



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Blaming the economy and your lazy ass on illegal immigrants?
    Hmmmmmm? Let know how that works for you DARNTIRED!


    Uncle Sam son´s nephew

    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Well, nowdays in every country (not just in the US) if you want a decent job in customer service area you NEED to be bilingual, depending the clients -country you are providing services.

    For example in Mexico, in some companies you need to be fluent in spanish, english and portuguese! In some others you need to speak french. And it is a known fact that those employees pay way more taxes and earn way less income than the ones hired in the US.

    So "darntired", consider yourself lucky you?ll just need to learn spanish, the second more widely spoken language in the world ...yes more than english! surprised?



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    I have been retired for ten years. I wish I could do
    it all over again. I am not a whiz-bang person, but
    there is more opportunity in this country now than
    ever before. Just go for it and never give up.



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future


    The illigals do not help this situation of finding employment. I don't want to hear the "they are doing jobs that "regular Americans won't. In this economy, "regular Americans" will do just about any job.



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future


    will all due respect, I am asking for knowledge how is there more opportunity in this country now than ever before?


    Ray Rodriguez

    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Put it this way ilegal immigrants come to this country and have to learn the language, the customs, the uncerntainty of a future , survival, a need for a place to live , food, no healthcare, doing odds jobs and sometimes not getting pay for it, education, being beat up or sexually molested, racezism. Oh my God, should I keep going. So do me a favor darn tired shut the f--- up. I bet you never slept in the street, park, shelter,church, under a bridge,abandon bldg or any other God forsaken place or eaten out the garbage leftovers, work just for food. The odds are so stock up against us is not even funny.



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    I work in the Software industry and would say that the 6 figure jobs are not as easy as this report seems to imply. But the advise I would give to anyone wanting to make a better living is to get into the HealthCare development. Many companies are hiring people without experience in software - just a willingness to work hard and learn. I have hired 4 people in my department in last year with little or no experience and they are making good living. Not six figures yet.



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    My fiance works as a chef for a 5-star restaurant, makes minimal pay and has the worst hours, working past midnight sometimes. He wants to get a degree in business, but I want to encourage him to pursue something lucrative that provides security and longevity. We both want him to make a better living You said that Healthcare development is a good field. Can you tell me what degree would be worth pursuing?



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    My fiance works as a chef for a 5-star restaurant, makes minimal pay and has the worst hours, working past midnight sometimes. He wants to get a degree in business, but I want to encourage him to pursue something lucrative that provides security and longevity. We both want him to make a better living You said that Healthcare development is a good field. Can you tell me what degree would be worth pursuing?



    03/04/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    i am on h4 visa no meaning of jobs to me done MBA in mkt but can't work.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    @ businessgirl77

    A business degree is just fine for security in the long run, now in days its considered the "general" degree. You should rather have him persue a degree that hes interested to finish on time or ahead of time, my sister has a degree in finance and her job has nothing to do with it. ( shes a counselor at UCLA) What matters most to people hiring is the fact you have a degree than anything.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Several comments are flying by the view of the readers. I would like to commit.
    1. Immigrants: Illegal.....No human is illegal in this Gods earth all man kind is equal, on every single inch of his earth.
    2. Bi-lingual...It is an asset to be able to speak as many language as possible as it is asset to be master in as many field of jobs.
    3. Six Figure jobs.... There are hard working , honest, God fearing men and women in the playing field. Jump in the field and prod along. May the best to the best.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Yes this is the United States of America and we speak many languages here, not only English and Spanish. I happen to be an interpreter for Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and I also speak Ukranian, Russian and Italian. And believe me it is such an asset to be able to go anywhere in the world and be able to understand different people, at least I don't have to pay for an interpreter. It is the best education someone can have. So Danrtired why don't you ask your parents or grand parents were did their ancesters come from, I bet you they all came from another country. Unless you are a true native American. Maybe you are also a son or a daughter of an immigrant. So why don't you start respecting other races and learn another languange, because that is what US is all about, a melting pot and that is why it has been one of the greastest countries in the world. Why don't you put yourself in their shoes because some day you might need help, and guess what that person might be an immigrant and you won't even know that they are an immigrant because they speak English without an accent. So just be a little humble and be nice to everyone. We are all equal and should help each other instead of being envy and criticizing. Best of luck.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam


    Funny how some people talk bad about illegal immigrants.... how did we all get here? How was America populated? By IMMIGRANTS from other countries. Irish, Portuguese, Italian, Asians, etc. I'm sorry to say but the majority of Americans think that Landscaping, pool cleaning, and waste management jobs are "beneath" them. The people who have these jobs are the people who went after them. If you are unemployed then why haven't you applied at a landscaping company? Yet here you are reading about how to get a 6 figure job.... LOL.... hypocrites.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    @ businessgirl77

    I am a registered nurse pursuing a master's degree in nursing
    informatics, but for those without a nursing background, health
    care informatics is an another degree with huge earning
    potential. Technology in the health care field is growing immensely by the day and with the mandate of computerized
    medical records by 2012, informaticists are going to thrive. Good
    luck to your fiance.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Celticgypsy..if regular Americans were willing to take any job, then a "homeless" couple that inhabits my town would be gainfully employed by now. My husband and I moved back to our hometown after he lost his job. We arrived back, March of 2010 unemployed, stayed with family while we looked for work and by mid April we both had jobs. We were able to move to our own place at the end of April and get settled. This couple that arrived on the scene after our return is still sitting with the same "homeless help me " sign at the same corner. It is no secret that there are some people that will always find someone other than themselves to blame for their misfortune. It's easier for them than admitting they are lazy or afraid.



    03/05/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    i have bachlors degree in science n still looking for a job,and also i want to do masters in health administration ,any idea about it,i want to change my field



    03/06/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    I am amazed & sickened at the number of typos, misspellings, and overall poor grammar I encountered while scanning this board. If you want to be taken seriously you must "take yourself seriously!" Employers across the country have invested serious capital and manpower to ensure they hire the best candidates. It is a fact that discussion boards (identical to this one) are accessed by potential employers conducting background checks and can cost you a job and/or interview. Employers have almost unrestricted access to anything we do online. The competition is fierce right now and if you have no pride or confidence you will be devoured by those of us truly "hungry". The ability to communicate ones arguments, opinions, and beliefs concisely and effectively is critical! I would have to dismiss more than 50% of the above posts (regardless of the desperate and impassioned words chosen within) due to the careless efforts of the author. Cliche: "Say what you mean and mean what you say!" I know for a fact a few of you are straight-up lying about your qualifications for whatever reasons. I can only hope it is ignorance and not laziness that ruined the expressions for the rest. What purpose is there in writing a message that cannot be received due to the language being butchered and the structure is so disjointed the author appears mental? You don't actually believe that professional adults can't see through the facade and deduce on our own most of you lack the basic education, qualifications, and experience a six figure career requires. You are either dreaming or you have a huge sense of entitlement (much the same as cousin Eddie-played by Randy Quaid in Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.) Though he had no education, experience, or stability he turned down lower level jobs because "he's is holding out for management position"! Funny but delusional!



    03/06/11 | Report as spam

    Don't give up!

    A lot of people give up easily but sometimes you have to use your imagination.
    I'm actually working in China.Would I rather work in the US?
    Heck yeah, but for now this will help to build my profile.
    I am about as bilingual as a person could be but I don't want to work in Miami.



    03/06/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    I know what it like I can not speak spainsh to and I have
    over 20 yr in retail, and I can not get in any retail, food or
    cutomer service job, I love what my friend did the job she
    apply for
    they ask her if she was bilingual and she is, so they hired her
    but they did not ask her if she spoke spainsh, she does not
    she speak Hebrew, they try to fire her but they could not
    her brother a lawyer Im not allowed to say any names
    so she still have the job, she trying to teach company an
    people that bilingual mean english and other languish( sorry
    no spell checker on here) not just spainsh it ahsame that the
    ileagal are runing this country I use to welcome every one
    here now i say if you want to work in USA speak english then
    your welcome


    yolanda fb

    03/06/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    the biggest problem we have here in the USA is we all want everything in life.as a naturalized citizen, i love this country and it's people of all colors.as a nurse for almost 38 years i'm one of the hard working middle class americans who have not been on six figure job.i am loaded with professional experiences,but i have no regrets.do i wish i have attained a six figure job?of course,yes!i held 1 to 2,and even 3 jobs at one time to help support my family.to attack other's integrity will not solve your problems nor our beloved country's,the USA, financial chaos right now.yes, true ,there are lazy ones who find all kind of excuses not to go to school or work and found all kinds of techniques to manipulate the system so they can depend on welfare.try your luck in another state,do not give up.stop criticizing others.it is a waste of time.my son couldn't find work in las vegas for 2 yrs.after economic downturn., he got fired even when he's such a good peaceful,caring person,loved his job, because of accusation of racism issue.he did not allow this to take him down. he did fall in line for unemployment nor welfare.as family i supprted him meanwhile.he moved to texas and got a job in 2 weeks.i told him to get to six figure job,you need education, competitiveness,a drive to get there and usually you start from the bottom. nothing is given on a silver platter for you.you have to work for it, people and be qualified!envy and hate do no take you anywhere.



    03/06/11 | Report as spam


    In addressing the main topic in this article it would be nice to read some valuable, useable information in these comments. Not much can be gleaned from subjective, biased and sometimes anal opinions. Remember; a mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's opened. Thank you!



    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    Message has been deleted.



    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    Message has been deleted.



    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    i have to admit,seeing most things you all writeand post makes me wonder what i might face out there after i graduate,i'm 20 and in my 3rd year with job(little non related to my field of study) that pays 1/4 of my fees.Always thought that it would be easier with a degree,that's what i always thought though.Now to why i started writing this in the begining,i wanted to know if any one has an idea where an electrical and electonic engineer(me) might find hope of working.In the next 1 year.

    Though this might seem like a very unrelated topic that which the above post have shown i'd still add that i'm not asking for 6 figure jobs in particular,if it comes fine or else i believe experience is what granted those guys those mind blowing amounts,i need somewhere that has an OK pay hopefully begin gathering experience for the future and at the same time put what i have studied to use.Thank you



    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    In order to earn that "six-figure job" that most people desire,
    it takes more than being bilingual. Sure, being bilingual is
    an added benefit to a lot of resumes, but more importantly it
    is the quality of the person who is looking for a job. If you
    have the right mindset, skills, and dedication to what you
    want in life and in an occupation, you will find that career
    that will pay you big money for what you do best. But
    without those qualities, and more, you'll more or less likely
    be on here complaining like everyone else on why they don't
    have that "six-figure job."

    In my opinion though, being your own boss and setting your
    own expectations is the best way to go.




    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    In order to earn that "six-figure job" that most people desire,
    it takes more than being bilingual. Sure, being bilingual is
    an added benefit to a lot of resumes, but more importantly it
    is the quality of the person who is looking for a job. If you
    have the right mindset, skills, and dedication to what you
    want in life and in an occupation, you will find that career
    that will pay you big money for what you do best. But
    without those qualities, and more, you'll more or less likely
    be on here complaining like everyone else on why they don't
    have that "six-figure job."

    In my opinion though, being your own boss and setting your
    own expectations is the best way to go.




    03/07/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Thanks Cerebrum:
    I think you're right.I hope that I can make my bilingual skills into a saleable skill but I also have to rely on other talents.
    It does help to have college degrees and experience.
    That one guy needs to lighten up on the angry rhetoric a bit but I do actually agree with his asssertion that Mexicans run the country in grand part.We do a lot of the really hard work behind the scenes and get very little recognition.
    Did you notice that the economy began to fail after we began all of those mass deportations?
    We would do better if we allowed some of the work to be done by a team of Mexican workers as long as we also created jobs for Americans at the same time.The whole thing would require some degree of give and take and the conservatives are out for blood.(our blood) and I'm a 4th generation Mexican.
    Anyway, my only advice for young people is to stay in school until you've made something of yourself.Good luck everybody!
    I hope this year brings jobs to al of you liberals and conservatives alike.



    03/08/11 | Report as spam

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    03/17/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Here is how you really find your dream job - Google
    Realtime....type in the job you want, the general area, and
    watch the feed like there is no tomorrow.

    Knowing where to look is half the battle.



    04/13/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    This is a joke article right? Am I reading this on the Onion
    and not CBS? I can speak for the tech jobs and most of
    these positions require 3-5-10 years of experience to get in
    the door. Go look at a mobile app developer job posting.
    Sure you only need a BA, but you also need to be fluent in
    multiple programming languages, have years of experience,
    and fight off the 100's of other people trying to get the job.
    Want a job at Google or Zynga? Add a couple years on to it
    and expect to be paid less. A management position, add a
    couple more years on. Online certificates and DYI education?
    I want to live in the fantasy land where this author resides
    because it looks like a happy place.

    This is one of the toughest job markets of the last century
    and articles like this are pure folly. With the economy in the
    tank, it is nearly impossible to find a a 100k gig...unless you
    are related to the person hiring.

    This article has little or no basis in reality.



    04/14/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    this country is soo ass backwords. its the best yet it is also the verry worst place to live your life. the education system is not that great, and after you leave school good luck on finding a "JOB". Because your job just got outsourced to china, india, or another one of those country's we give our hard earned tax money to.




    05/06/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    After 38 years in the workforce, I can tell you that there is no such thing as a "dream job."


    Honest Opinion

    05/09/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    For Ray Rodriquez. Oh so now I should feel sorry for what illegal immigrants have to go through when they come here? That's like saying "I am sorry you had to case the bank before you robbed it"! Also my ancestors absolutely immigrated here. LEGALLY! Through the front door not the back fence. That is the difference. And why don't you throw out the race card too?
    Only thing is I think the illegal Irish immigrants who are in Boston right now need to be deported too. And I feel like the Somalis who are here because they are in danger of death there have the right to be here. So how am I racist?
    And yes if no illegals could work here the jobs they have now would have to be compensated by legal wages for American workers who would then gladly take the jobs they deserve. As for other languages that should be by choice not to serve illegal people in America. Just want it right.



    06/28/11 | Report as spam

    RE: Dream Jobs: Six-Figure Salaries and a Bright Future

    Dream job...How about offering a solution for the desperate people struggling to make ends meet? With the economy expected to get worse. My family has cut back in all areas but still continued to struggle. I am so thankful because someone shared with me an opportunity to eliminate my family?s grocery and gas expense. If this would help you check it out: http://www.groceriesforfree.biz/gaz

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