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Duke Nukem Forever for PC Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110623201644/http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/duke-nukem-forever
  • Summary: The release date of this game is "When it's done". Anything else, and we mean anything else is someone's speculation. There is no date. We don't know any date. If you have a friend who claims they have "inside info", or there's some game news site, or some computer store at the mall who claims they know - they do not. They are making it up. (So is Metacritic!) There is no date. Period. And yes, we know the game has taken a long time. There's no possible joke you could make about the game's development time that we haven't already heard. :) [3D Realms] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 32
  2. Negative: 11 out of 32
  1. Jun 17, 2011
    Definitely looks like a game from 2007 and can't match the visuals of modern shooters. Single player is fairly short and multiplayer is mostly a tickbox feature, yet Duke Nukem Forever manages to capture some of the magic of the original and has that spark that seems to be missing from most games these days - it may be rude, shocking and decisively old school, but I had fun!
  2. Jun 14, 2011
    An extinct approach to first-person shooters, like a game locked into a time capsule that has been relased now (which is almost what happened). There are indeed many better shooters out there, but very few as charming, although the game might dissapoint some who are just looking for a FPS by today's standards.
  3. Jun 20, 2011
    At the very beginning of the game the United States President tells Duke Nukem he is a relic from the past. As sad as it seems, perhaps he was right.

See all 32 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 70 out of 237
  1. 8
    I played the full game and had fun mostly all along the way. The PC version works well and has decent graphics. It's enjoyable and something just plain fun. I gave an 8 because the numerous harsh critics really don't do justice to this game. Does it have the nicest graphics and the sharpest looking levels? No. Will you have fun with it? Yes. If you set aside the fact that 3d realms screw over for 14 years, scores below 5-6 range are just not deserved. Expand
    • 2 of 2 users said yes
  2. Having just beaten the game, I can honestly say that Duke Nukem Forever is not as terrible as many people are claiming it is. For everyone that is absolutely sh&^%ng themselves over what a disappointing game this is for the wait, I have to say I'm a little baffled. It's really no better or worse than these other "Triple A" titles getting churned out in less than a year coming out the gate lately. In an industry filled with disappointing redundant sequel after disappointing lack of improvement sequel, it's kind of nice to have this blast from the past finally get released. In my time playing the game I encountered only one glitch, which by my count is frankly surprising. Considering what a train wreck this game must have been to work on once 3DRealms was out of the picture I expected to encounter a lot more hiccups than I did. The graphics look and feel a lot like they do in Prey. Dated by today's standards, but still passable. The real tragedy here was the lack of consistency in development and if, god forbid, Gearbox had had more time to work on it this could have been an even better game. There are certainly glimmers of the game that could have been sprinkled throughout the experience, and to be honest that's not such a bad thing. I'm glad some of the old Duke charm actually made it into the final product instead of none at all. Hopefully when work starts on the sequel they can focus their efforts on improving the gameplay instead of having to clean up a mess first. Expand
    • 9 of 11 users said yes
  3. Been on the 3dR forums since '97, have the magazine in which DNF was revealed, still say that Duke3d is the greatest FPS ever made... but DNF is total crud. Seriously, the only reason to play it is just to see for yourself the abomination that it is. This is a nearly heart-breaking Duke Nukem catastrophe, I wish I could go back in time 14 years and tell myself to not wait for DNF and not waste attention on it because it's going to blow to the fullest possible extent. The only problem with that, though, is that I'd never believe my future self, as I had so much confidence in 3dR... and how could I not? Considering they made Duke3d, as well as releasing dozens of fantastic smaller games prior? How the mighty have fallen, and how greatly sad it is Be warned, there is absolutely nothing old school about this game, not in the least, and especially nothing resembling Doom or Duke3d style shooting. This game is the exact opposite of Old School. DNF is slow moving, with slow movement speed, limited sprint ability, few enemies with combat that is spaced far apart, 2-weapon carry-limit with universal ammo crates, regenerating health, quicktime events, and wtih completely linear & boring level design. Anybody who dares try to trick you into buying this game by suggesting it is old school in even the slightest manner is lying to you through their teeth or simply has convinced themselves of a lie to rationalize the 14 years they've wasted waiting for this game. DNF is no more old-school than it is a space-pony training RPG that takes place on Mt Olympus. Expand
    • 5 of 9 users said yes

See all 237 User Reviews

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