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SocialTimes Pro offers premium research that connects you to exclusive data, events, and insight.

SocialTimes Pro delivers two comprehensive research reports every month featuring exclusive data and analysis about opportunities in virtual goods, social gaming, and Facebook.

Our research reports combine original data and expert commentary to create powerful tools for making smart decisions. We interpret trends, put breaking news in context, and help you understand new technologies through developments in other industries. Get inside info on the latest in Facebook development, virtual goods, and other emerging topics -- then join us at our many SocialTimes events to discuss the future with like-minded pros.

Latest Research Reports:

The Facebook Economy: Tracking Startups and Investments from '08-'11

In addition to employing more than 2,000 people worldwide, Facebook supports a multi-billion dollar ecosystem of companies -- from brand and agency partners like Buddy Media and appssavvy, to mobile and social game developers' to startup incubators like Seedcamp -- that otherwise wouldn't exist. Call it the "Facebook Economy." So how did this economy develop, and what kinds of companies are being pushed out of the market because of it? Are there really that many well-funded social game companies? And how, specifically, is Facebook influencing the way that investors evaluate other verticals like e-commerce, advertising technology and content management? SocialTimes Pro set out to answer these questions. read more

How Facebook is Giving Virtual Worlds a Second Life: Trends, Strategies and Opportunities

Given the triumph of Facebook and its paradigm of an online, asynchronous network of real friends, many industry analysts have assumed that virtual worlds are no longer relevant. However, SocialTimes Pro finds this isn't the case. It conservatively estimates there are at least 27 million monthly active Facebook users who are associated with at least one virtual world. Many leading virtual worlds from the '06-08 era have to a large degree evolved to use Facebook as an acquisition, promotion, and revenue generating channel, sometimes even integrating their assets to run within Facebook itself. SocialTimes Pro provides case studies and analysis to show how some leading virtual worlds have adapted to and embraced the Facebook world. read more

Coming Up Next:

Case Studies: Using Facebook for Event Marketing

What do Ticketmaster, Eventbrite and The Roxy Theater have in common? They've all had phenomenal success using Facebook to drive ticket sales for various events. Using detailed case studies, Q&As; and campaign metrics, this report provides actionable insights into how to use Facebook to create and execute a successful event marketing strategy.

How to Monetize and Engage Players of Facebook Strategy Games

Zynga's recent launch of Empires & Allies highlights the growing popularity of resource-management strategy games on Facebook, with a total monthly user base approaching 50 million, and monetization rates that are reportedly among the very best in social gaming. SocialTimes Pro talks with leaders in this space to generate actionable advice and forecasts for this promising sub-genre of Facebook gaming.

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Lead Researchers

Wagner James AuWagner James Au covers virtual worlds and goods for SocialTimes and his blog New World Notes. He is a former contributing editor at GigaOm, author of The Making of Second Life, and was most recently the head writer for City of Eternals, a next-gen social MMO. Au has contributed expert commentary on gaming for outlets including CNN, the BBC, NPR, G4 TV, the Associated Press, Harvard Business Review, and Wired Online. He has spoken on the subject for SXSW, O'Reilly's Web 2.0, and ETech. His writing has appeared in publications including Wired, Salon, the Los Angeles Times, and Harpers.

Tameka KeeTameka Kee has been covering the digital media industry with a focus on advertising, social media, and video games for the past four years. As a reporter for paidContent, she covered the business of digital entertainment and gaming, and broke news on companies like Electronic Arts, Playfish, Netflix, and Facebook. Prior to that, she covered social media and search marketing for Mediapost. Kee is listed by many media, publishing, and advertising execs as a source of news on social media and digital advertising. Twitter: @GeekyChic

About AllFacebook and SocialTimes

AllFacebookAllFacebook is a blog dedicated to everything in the expanding Facebook universe. We break news and offer in-depth analysis about apps, services, games, and tech developments. We cover the nuts-and-bolts of the business, including startups, investments, and the personalities behind the business. And we keep a close eye on best practices and innovations in marketing and advertising.

SocialTimesSocialTimes covers the broad expanse of the social web, including apps, video, and social networks. We find out which companies are profitable and why, where VC cash is headed, and the online plays that are poised to make money. SocialTimes pays special attention to social gaming, with a daily newsletter roundup of games coverage.