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Western Davenport WAP - Water - Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport
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Western Davenport Water Allocation Planning

The Water Allocation Planning Process for the Western Davenport Water Control District

In 2007 a Water Control District was declared for the Western Davenport region. In 2009 the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport commenced development of a Water Allocation Plan for surface water and groundwater in the Western Davenport Water Control District (the District). The plan will define the rules for the sharing and allocation of this water for the next ten years. It will cover the whole of the District. The development of a Water Allocation Plan is of vital importance to people in this region who depend on its water resources, as well as critical for the protection of natural assets which maintain Indigenous cultural and environmental values for future generations.

It was anticipated that the Water Allocation Plan would be developed following consultation with stakeholders and the local community. The Western Davenport Water Allocation Plan will include an assessment of:

  • water availability from this resource, taking into consideration environmental and cultural water requirements, and community needs.
  • sources of future demand, including needs arising from growth in existing and emerging activities including public water supply, pastoral stock and domestic use, horticulture and indigenous economic development opportunities. 
  • community response to the economic opportunities associated with the use of water from this resource.

The development of the Water Allocation Plan will be the first step to sustainable management of this resource. It will provide security for water users and define the rules which will enable developments that depend on groundwater to proceed in a sustainable manner.

The development of a Water Allocation Plan for the Western Davenports is now well underway. A draft Plan has been released for public comment and the submission period closed on 15 July 2010. A final Plan will now be prepared which responds to those comments and is expected to be available in late 2010.

To receive notification of the release of the final Plan send an email to alicewaterplan@nt.gov.au or to get more information about the planning process please contact the Alice Springs Water Planner on 08 89519202.

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