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Northern Territory Government
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Northern Territory Government

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A-Z Government

In 2011 the Northern Territory Government is made up of 22 agencies, some of which are responsible for a diverse range of functions.

The Government employs about 19,000 people across the Territory, making it the largest employer in the NT.

From these pages you will be able to access the websites of all Northern Territory Government agencies, departments, statutory bodies and government-owned corporations. We've also included links to other governments to help you access the broadest range of government services.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Protecting Sacred Sites within the Northern Territory.
The Administrator of the Northern Territory is appointed by the Governor-General by Commission under the Seal of Australia in accordance with the provisions of the Northern Territory (Self Government) Act 1978. The Administrator holds office during the pleasure of the Governor-General, and is charged with the duty of administering the government of the Northern Territory.
The NT Anti-Discrimination Commission (ADC) is an independent, impartial body that investigates and helps resolve complaints about discrimination and harassment. The ADC also provides training and education about Anti-Discrimination and Diversity policies.
The Northern Territory Archives Service (NTAS) is responsible for the preservation and management of Territory records, both government and non-government. The collection includes diaries, manuscripts, photographic prints and slides, scrapbooks, maps, letters, personal papers. reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, policy files, publicity material, journals, legal documents, plans, posters and oral history recordings and transcripts.
The Auditor-General is empowered to conduct audits of the financial administration and performance management processes of the Northern Territory public sector.
The AustralAsia Railway completes the final link in Australia's rail network. The project is being managed as a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer Back (BOOT) scheme, with lease arrangements covering 50 years' operation before the railway is handed back to the Northern Territory and South Australian Governments.
The Department of Business and Employment's primary responsibilities are to deliver business and industry development services, defence support, employment and corporate shared services. The department works with business to develop and broaden the Northern Territory economic base. This includes the provision of strategic programs and activities to support business and industry development.
The Department of the Chief Minister supports the Chief Minister and Government to develop a confident, growing and socially cohesive Territory.
Information about the Chief Minister and the Cabinet including portfolios and contact details.
This site provides information on human resource management and workforce development policies within the Northern Territory Public Sector.
The Commissioner investigates serious improper conduct in NT public bodies, and protects people who disclose public sector wrongdoing. You can disclose improper conduct by contacting the Commissioner's office.
The Northern Territory Department of Construction and Infrastructure provides top level project planning, budgeting and project briefs for Whole of Government infrastructure, ensuring best practice building energy efficiencies, and with its construction arm ensures that all projects are designed and built to government and industry standards in the Northern Territory.
Contact details for Northern Territory Government departments, agencies, statutory bodies and government-owned corporations.
Darwin has long been Australia pre-eminent port for the export of live cattle and is now becoming the regions primary service and supply base for offshore and onshore oil and gas projects.
The Darwin Waterfront Corporation and Convention Centre will redefine Darwin as the northern gateway to Australia, adding an exciting new dimension to the city and growing tourism, small business and recreational facilities for the next generation.
The principal functions of the Director are to institute, prepare and conduct criminal cases on behalf of the Crown before the Supreme Courts and the Courts of Summary Jurisdiction of the Northern Territory and the High Court of Australia. The Office of Director of Public Prosecutions offers support to victims of crime, witnesses and their families anywhere in the Northern Territory throughout the criminal justice process. There are eight members of the Witness Assistance Service (WAS), five in Darwin, three in Alice Springs.
The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training (DET) provides and promotes quality education and training for all Territorians, whether they are young children or adults, so that they can experience the best possible life and job opportunities.
If you live in the NT and are 18 years of age, an Australian Citizen (or British Subject who was on the Commonwealth electoral roll on 25/1/84, and have been living at your present address for a period of at least one month you are eligible to be enrolled to vote in Territory and Federal elections. Voting is compulsory.
Business entry page for Northern Territory Emergency Service with latest media releases, highlights and features
Business entry page for Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service with latest media releases, highlights and features
Fisheries works in partnership with commercial and recreational fishing industries, the aquaculture industry, Indigenous communities and other stakeholders to achieve optimum sustainable utilisation of the Northern Territory's valuable aquatic resources.
General issues of the Gazette contain notices under the following headings: Proclamations; Legislative (Acts of Parliament assented to, Statutory Rules, By-laws, Regulations); Government departments administering particular legislation or functions; Notices under the Companies (Northern Territory) Code; Planning Act; Crown Lands Act; Private Notices; Tenders Invited; Contracts Awarded.
The Daily Hansard is a draft uncorrected proof of the daily report of the Parliamentary proceedings. The information contained in the database is subject to change and it is made available under the condition that it is recognised as such.
The Department of Health exists to provide services that work together for the health and well-being of our communities: maximising physical health but also the mental, social and environmental well-being of all Territorians.
The Health and Community Services Complaints Commission is an independent Statutory Body that conciliates, investigates and resolved complaints against providers of health and community services in the Northern Territory.
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Regional Services delivers local government, community development, housing, Indigenous housing, Aboriginal interpreter, animal welfare and water safety functions of Government.
The Information Commissioner is an independent officer whose two main functions are to: promote understanding and awareness of Freedom of Information (FOI) and Privacy in the community and public sector; and deal with complaints about breaches of privacy and about FOI decisions made by public sector agencies and local and community government councils.
Services provided by The Department of Justice include - Anti-Discrimination Commission, Community Justice Centre, Consumer Affairs, Correctional Services / Prisons, Courts Administration, Legal Services including Law Making & Law Reform, Licensing, Regulation and Alcohol Strategy, Office of Crime Prevention, Public Trustee, Public Prosecutions, Registrar-General - including Births, Deaths and Marriages, the Land Titles Office and WorkSafe.
The Land Development Corporation is a commercially-oriented land developer. It can position the Territory and its industries to take advantage of the major industrial projects that are about to start or accelerate.
The Department of Lands and Planning has responsibility for developing and providing the strategic planning and growth frameworks, strategies and infrastructure plans required to sustainably develop the Territory. Important areas of focus will include comprehensive analysis of growth trends to inform government decision making, a strategic land use plan for the greater Darwin region, Territory wide residential and industrial land release programs, planning for the City of Weddell and a new regional transport framework.
The Lands and Mining Tribunal is an independent statutory body established under the Lands and Mining Tribunal Act, which commenced on 1 August 1998. The Tribunal is currently vested with jurisdiction in the following areas: (i) making recommendations is respect of compulsory land acquisitions under the Lands Acquisition Act 1978, (ii) decisions or lack of them by the Development Consent Authority under the Planning Act 1999; and (iii) compensation claims in respect of land compulsory acquired as a consequence of orders of the body which preceded the Tribunal.
This database contains all the current consolidated Acts and subordinate legislation of the Northern Territory of Australia.
The purpose of the Department of the Legislative Assembly is to provide the Northern Territory Parliament and its Members with quality and timely support for the operation of the Parliament and Parliament House.
The Licensing Commission is an independent statutory authority with extensive powers to regulate and enforce the Territory's racing, gaming and licensing legislation. The Commission operates as an independent tribunal with responsibility for licensing and related matters covering liquor control, kava management, private security, escort agencies and gaming machines.
Current media releases, speeches and archive of media releases.
Minerals and Energy is responsible for policy development for, and administration of, the mining and petroleum industries in the Northern Territory.
Department of Planning and Infrastructure (IPE) provides motor vehicle inspection and registration, and driving licensing services throughout the Territory.
NT Build is a Government appointed board established under the Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Benefits Act which provides for long service leave and long service benefits for construction workers.
The Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport has been created in recognition of the important link between the Territory's greatest assets - intact natural environment and authentic cultural traditions.
Find details about all current NT Government jobs and employment opportunities online
NTLIS is a dynamic system of inter-related knowledge and expertise, spatial data and information, policies, procedures and standards, information technology and communications. NTLIS is focused on Corporate spatial data and information, which encompasses the spatial, geographic and attribute information required by more than one government agency or industry organisation to carry out core business functions.
The Northern Territory Library is the major reference and research Library, responsible for collecting, preserving and providing access to the Territory's documentary heritage and connecting people to the world of information.
The Northern Territory Treasury is a key central agency in the Northern Territory public sector and is recognised as providing high quality advice and information to the Treasurer and the Government, Territory agencies and the Territory community.
The Northern Territory Treasury Corporation (the Corporation) is the central financing authority for the Government of the Northern Territory of Australia.
The Ombudsman for the Northern Territory is independent of Government and provides a free service to the public. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about government departments and agencies.
Parliament House, Darwin's premier building, is the first permanent residence of the Northern Territory Legislature. It forms part of State Square, which also includes the Supreme Court and Liberty Square, a turfed area that adjoins the Office of the Administrator and Government House.
Within the Northern Territory, the allocation of an official name to a place (be it a locality, suburb, town, community, road, residential park, cemetery, building or natural feature) is the responsibility of the Northern Territory Government under the Place Names Act which allows the Place Names Committee for the Northern Territory to make recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Lands for the naming of a place.
NT Police is committed to working cooperatively with the public and government to reduce crime and provide a safer Territory. The best way for us to achieve this is through the provision of a range of services in partnership with the community we serve. This site details each of these services and provides the latest media releases, highlights and features.
The Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services is referred to as a Tri-Service. Comprising 1350 personnel, the Tri-Service is responsible for the protection of life and property and the provision of disaster and emergency management to widely dispersed communities throughout the 1.35 million square km of the Northern Territory.
Power and Water is the premier provider of electricity, water and sewerage services in the Northern Territory.
Primary Industries is responsible for developing the Northern Territory's agricultural, horticultural and pastoral industries. It works in partnership with producers, industry bodies, community groups and related agencies to promote industry growth.
Public Transport was established in November 1995. Public Transport is responsible for the provision of urban public transport services to the greater Darwin area including Palmerston and the rural area. Public Transport are also responsible for providing a dedicated transport service for students in the Northern Territory, including transportation for students with identified special needs.
Racing, Gaming and Licensing aims to effectively administer legislation and develop policy that minimises harm related to gaming, racing, liquor, kava, private security, prostitution, tobacco and associated activities.
The Department of Resources is responsible for the sustainable use of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Minerals and Energy resources to stimulate and sustain economic growth for the entire NT community and economy.
Secure NT is your gateway to information on emergency situations in the Northern Territory. Extreme weather events are part of life in the Territory, so it’s important to know how to prepare for them – especially during cyclone season. This site offers information on how to prepare for cyclones and other natural disasters as well as advice on response and recovery efforts.
Information and services available for older Territorians including Seniors Card Scheme, Seniors Month, Council on Ageing, Portrait of a Senior Territorian Art Award, Senior Australian of the Year and links to other services.
Sport and Recreation Division provides sports and recreational activities for the community, optimises performance opportunities for athletes and manages sporting events.
The Territory's always been a great place to live, and for senior territorians staying independent for as long as possible is the way to continue to enjoy the great lifestyle. Taking some simple precautions can sometimes make a big difference to your safety, security and your overall health.
the NT Superannuation Office administers the Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities Superannuation Scheme, the Northern Territory Supplementary Superannuation Scheme, the Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Scheme; the Northern Territory Police Supplementary Benefit Scheme; the Northern Territory Administrators Pensions Scheme; and the Northern Territory Government Death and Invalidity Scheme.
The development of Territory 2030 – is a defining moment for the Territory – and an opportunity for Territorians to help shape the future of the NT.
The key functional responsibilities for Territory Housing include improving the provision of public housing, enhancing access to affordable home ownership opportunities, providing housing assistance to Government employees with housing entitlements, and supporting the provision of housing assistance to clients with special needs.
TIO is a major insurance and finance institution, its assets exceed $400 million, with Branches and Agents throughout the NT. Playing a major role in every aspect of life in the Territory.
Through our people, provide the Territory with the most effective and efficient revenue and subsidy management services delivered in a fair and equitable manner.
The Transport Group works to provide the Northern Territory with transport systems that are safe, efficient, and ecologically sustainable.
TravelNT.com is the Official Travel Site for the Northern territory - Experience Aboriginal Culture, Adventure, Nature, The Outback, Fishing, Backpacking, Driving
The Northern Territory Treasury Corporation (NTTCorp) is the Central Financing Authority for the Government of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia.
The Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory is the independent industry regulator, established to oversee those industries declared to be regulated industries. While the Commission has been established as a separate administrative unit within the NT Treasury, it has specific statutory powers and undertakes its considerations independently from Treasury.
Office of Women's Policy in the Northern Territory is the Government's central coordination, monitoring and reporting agency for women's issues and oversees the development and implementation of the Government's Policy Framework for women.
NT WorkSafe promotes safer workplaces and support for injured workers. NT WorkSafe works with employers and employees to ensure injured workers have access to medical, pharmaceutical, rehabilitation costs and income support. Under NT WorkSafe, all employers must hold a workers compensation insurance policy to cover all employees.
The Northern Territory Workplace Advocate is an information, consultation and advisory service to assist Territory workers, employers and their representatives in relation to work-related matters including dealing with employment issues, dispute settlement, unfair dismissal and the setting of wages and conditions, and to promote fair and productive workplace practices in the Territory.
The Office of Youth Affairs provides a whole-of-government approach to policy priorities for young people aged 12 to 25 years and develops effective communication links between young people, Government and the wider community.

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