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Today on Business Owners

  • How to Use Twitter for Small Business: 8 Steps

    by Jeff Haden - August 11, 2011 12:45pm PDT

    I don't need stats to know that Twitter is a good small business marketing tool. Anecdotal evidence is all I need: Even my plumber uses it. Feel left behind? Here's a simple guide to get started.

  • Why Detroit Could Be the Next Big Startup City

    by Cameron Cushman - August 11, 2011 12:23pm PDT

    Many have written the Motor City off for dead. I haven't. Three key figures from, of all things, the world of basketball give me hope that the city is poised for an entrepreneurial renaissance.

  • 5 Tips for Playing Golf on a Budget

    by Admin User - August 11, 2011 11:40am PDT

    Depending on where and when you play, green fees on a respectable course can cost anywhere from $80 to $100 dollars. Some of the most expensive courses can run as high as $500 dollars to play....

  • AViiQ Portable Charging Station Review: Convenient but Pricey

    by Rick Broida - August 11, 2011 10:21am PDT

    Tired of all those AC adapters and that snakes' nest of cables for your mobile devices? This handy (but expensive) charging station lets you leave the adapters at home and keeps the cables tidy.

  • Memo to Congress: Small Business Can Save America -- If You Let It

    by Steve Strauss - August 11, 2011 10:11am PDT

    Look, you've got a tough job right now and I don't envy you one bit. But we need to talk about jobs -- specifically, the lack of them -- and the one solution that should be on the table right now.

  • The Rise of Hip Hop's Entrepreneur-in-Chief

    by BNET Contributor - August 11, 2011 6:00am PDT

    In about 10 years rapper Jay-Z went from selling drugs on the streets of Brooklyn to running multi-million-dollar enterprises. A new book examines the business strategies that fuelled his rise.

  • How to Become a Printer-less Office

    by Dave Johnson - August 11, 2011 4:45am PDT

    Your office is probably a mish-mash of digital and print documents, stored in a myriad of places. Perhaps it's time to consolidate all of your stuff into a single format and single location.

  • The Unwritten Rules of Business

    by Jeff Haden - August 10, 2011 11:10am PDT

    Like every other aspect of life, business has unwritten rules. Violate one and the punishment is often swift and harsh.

  • Entrepreneurs: It's Time to Put Your Head in the Sand

    by John Warrillow - August 10, 2011 9:19am PDT

    The world is ending -- if you listen to the broadcasters, radio hosts, and the fearmongers right now. My advice to the lowly startup entrepreneur: Don't.

  • We Turned Our Revenue Model on Its Head to Save the Company

    by BNET Contributor - August 10, 2011 7:00am PDT

    Most job websites have the same business model: charge the employer for listings, not the job seeker. Here's why one founder flipped that model on its head.

  • 6 Business Tasks You Should Never Do in the Car

    by Jeff Haden - August 10, 2011 5:30am PDT

    Filling otherwise dead time with productive tasks seems smart, but sometimes the car is the worst place to do business.

  • 5 Ways to Stretch the Battery Life of Your Smartphone

    by Dave Johnson - August 10, 2011 4:45am PDT

    These days, if I don't place my iPhone in its docking cradle when I'm sitting at my desk, it probably won't make it through a single day on one charge.

  • Why Innovation Is Really a Four Letter Word

    by Jeff Haden - August 9, 2011 11:33am PDT

    "Innovation" can be a scary word when you're the one who needs to be innovative. Here's an easy way to get the juices flowing.

  • 3 Rocks for Your Slingshot When You're Up Against Goliath

    by Tom Searcy - August 9, 2011 9:50am PDT

    Three specific tactics to put you in a better position to crush the bigger players in the fight.

  • Should VCs Pick People Over Business Ideas?

    by Mark Henricks - August 9, 2011 7:00am PDT

    Venture capitalists, according to accepted lore, are more interested in financing good people than financing good ideas. Smart strategy?

  • What Really Makes or Breaks Radical Innovations

    by BNET Contributor - August 9, 2011 6:30am PDT

    A new book argues that behind most economically fruitful innovations in history stands a group of "market rebels" who deserve much of the credit for making them happen.

  • 15 Tips to Be a Savvy Airport Road Warrior

    by Jeff Haden - August 9, 2011 6:00am PDT

    Fly a lot? Me too. Here's how I make it less painful.

  • Get 10GB of Free Online Storage with Cloud Experience

    by Dave Johnson - August 9, 2011 4:45am PDT

    Get ready for several times the storage space that you get with our long-time favorite Dropbox, and you needn't do anything special like inviting friends to get it.

  • In Her Shoes: Lisa Messenger (Part 2)

    by Farha Millington-Hussain - August 8, 2011 8:42pm PDT

    Lisa Messenger followed her instincts and stuck with what she's passionate about and created The Messenger Group. Here she discusses how the business naturally evolved to what it is now.

  • 5 Quick Tips for Customizing Outlook

    by Dave Johnson - August 8, 2011 3:07pm PDT

    Want to get to know your most-used program a little better? Here are 5 simple tips that can pay big dividends in helping you save a little time throughout the day.

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