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The Strategist

The Strategist

Thomas A. Stewart


Thomas A. Stewart

Thomas A. Stewart
Thomas A. Stewart is the chief marketing and knowledge officer of Booz & Company, a leading global management consulting firm. Opinions expressed in this blog are his and may not be those of the firm.
Formerly the editor and managing director of Harvard Business Review, Stewart is the author of Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations and The Wealth of Knowledge; Intellectual Capital and the 21st Century Organization.
  • The End of Customer Power

    by Thomas A. Stewart - June 21, 2011

    For half a century, customer power has grown at the expense of producers and sellers. That's starting to change. Buyer beware.

  • Radical Change Is for Losers

    by Thomas A. Stewart - June 14, 2011

    If business feels like perpetual whitewater, you're spending too much time changing and not enough time leading the business you have.

  • How U.S. Manufacturing Can Save Itself

    by Thomas A. Stewart - June 7, 2011

    U.S. manufacturing is much more competitive than you think--but we could still lose half of what we've got. Here's how to create and defend a right to win.

  • Wanted: Adoptive Parents for Orphaned Ideas

    by Thomas A. Stewart - May 31, 2011

    The ideas that may define the future of your company are often the very ones that fall through the cracks of the budget process. Adopt them--and the future could be yours.

  • How Long Should You Wait for a Strategy to Work?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - May 24, 2011

    Cisco, Dell, GE, Microsoft, Wal-Mart; When it comes to investing--or strategy--how do you know whether you are being patient or passive?

  • Are You Focused on the Right Thing?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - May 17, 2011

    Get this: The more focused a company is, the more likely the CEO will lose his job. Or so it seems.

  • Why You Should Want to Be a Yes Man

    by Thomas A. Stewart - May 10, 2011

    The best way to exercise power is to create conditions in which you can say "yes" a lot more often than you ever say "no."

  • Are You Motivated--Or Are You Driven?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - May 3, 2011

    When I look at colleagues or clients or friends, I see more driven people than motivated ones. Why is that?

  • Who Owns Your Brand?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - April 26, 2011

    Brands, branding, and brand strategy become a lot less complicated if you remember five big, simple things.

  • Why Can't CEO Pay Ever Be Brought into Line?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - April 19, 2011

    CEO pay ought to be motivating, reasonable, and comprehensible. It's none of those things now--and attempts at reform just make it worse.

  • Don't Be Green--Be Great

    by Thomas A. Stewart - April 12, 2011

    Given the fact that the (immediate) business case is weak, what does a smart low-carbon strategy look like?

  • The 4 Types of Teams All Leaders Need to Understand

    by Thomas A. Stewart - April 5, 2011

    There are four different kinds of teams, each organized in different ways. Understand the taxonomy of teamwork and you'll be a better leader and a better player.

  • The New York Times Is Paid Content's Big Showdown

    by Thomas A. Stewart - March 29, 2011

    A lot is at stake in the New York Times's decision to put up a paywall. If the Times can't make paid content work, no one can.

  • Apple's Secret Sauce: The Real Ingredients

    by Thomas A. Stewart - March 22, 2011

    Apple is extraordinary explicit about its strategy. Maybe that clarity is why the company actually delivers what it says it will.

  • Open Management: What's It Worth?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - March 15, 2011

    Will this be the twilight of hierarchy and the dawn of a new era of collaboration? I'll get back to you after I check with my boss.

  • A Brave New World for Managing People?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - March 8, 2011

    To hear some people talk, the next generation is a whole new species. Indeed, Y's guys will change talent strategy--but not how most people think.

  • Who Gives a Hoot about Gen Y?

    by Thomas A. Stewart - March 1, 2011

    Most of the stuff about the next generation being new 'n' different is garbage. But a few changes are seriously important.

  • How Cloud Computing is Changing Corporate Strategy

    by Thomas A. Stewart - February 25, 2011

    Cloud computing isn't just going to transform IT. It just might redefine the very nature of strategic advantage.

  • Corporate Revolution: Unlock Your Culture's Revolutionary Zeal

    by Thomas A. Stewart - February 15, 2011

    Creating big change at company requires understanding the capabilities of your organization. Sound simple? Hardly.

  • Corporate Revolution: How Not to Alienate the People

    by Thomas A. Stewart - February 8, 2011

    Why do so many people who try to change companies treat their people as the enemy?


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