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Peter Hain sabotages Ed Miliband's attempts to bury 'Red Ed' – Telegraph Blogs
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110824000016/http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk:80/news/jameskirkup/100093917/peter-hain-sabotages-ed-milibands-attempts-to-bury-red-ed/

Wednesday 24 August 2011 | Blog Feed | All feeds

James Kirkup

James Kirkup is a Political Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and telegraph.co.uk. Based at Westminster, he has been a lobby journalist since 2001. Before joining the Telegraph he was Political Editor of the Scotsman and covered European politics and economics for Bloomberg.

Peter Hain sabotages Ed Miliband's attempts to bury 'Red Ed'

Red Ed won't be forgotten that easily...

Red Ed won't be forgotten that easily...

Over the weekend, Ed Miliband has shown signs of wanting to be seen as a Labour leader prepared to defy the trade unions. Given the Conservative attempts to portray him as “Red Ed”, the union stooge, this is understandable and will strike many people as politically sensible.

Hence suggestions that union influence over Labour conference will be curbed, set out here.

And on the most pressing question of industrial relations, Mr Miliband told the Guardian on Saturday he does not support this week’s public sector strikes.

He said:

The most important thing for the unions is to get the public to understand what their argument is. I don’t think the argument has yet been got across on public sector pensions as to some of the injustices contained on what the government is doing. Personally I don’t think actually strike action is going to help win that argument and I think it inconveniences the public.

Overall, if Team Miliband was hoping to sell their man as independent and willing to confront the unions, they might have been satisfied with their work this weekend.

But then Peter Hain opened his mouth.

On the BBC this morning, Mr Hain said this:

I don’t think political leaders, in opposition or in government, should either applaud strikes or condemn strikes.

Teachers and others are not strike-happy. What this government should do is withdraw their unilateral, reckless attacks on these workers and get round the negotiating table like everyone wants them to do.

Something tells me the next “Red Ed” attack from CCHQ can’t be far away. If Mr Hain wanted to hamstring his leader’s attempts to distance himself from the unions, he too may be satisfied with his work.

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