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PMQs: David Cameron has thrown Andy Coulson to the wolves – Telegraph Blogs
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110823140951/http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk:80/news/jameskirkup/100096671/pmqs-david-cameron-has-thrown-andy-coulson-to-the-wolves/

Tuesday 23 August 2011 | Blog Feed | All feeds

James Kirkup

James Kirkup is a Political Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and telegraph.co.uk. Based at Westminster, he has been a lobby journalist since 2001. Before joining the Telegraph he was Political Editor of the Scotsman and covered European politics and economics for Bloomberg.

PMQs: David Cameron has thrown Andy Coulson to the wolves

Andy Coulson 'should face the full force of the law' (Photo: Getty)

Andy Coulson gave assurances to the PM (Photo: Getty)

Last week, Mr Cameron was at pains to support Andy Coulson. In the Commons, he said took “full responsibility” for his former communications chief, and later insisted Mr Coulson was “a friend”. He’d be a “pretty unpleasant sort of person” if he simply dumped his former aide, he said last Friday. Mr Cameron’s team tried to present all this as a sign of what a decent, honourable man he was.

Since then, Mr Cameron has endured some of his worst days as PM. While Ed Miliband channelled public anger at the media, Mr Cameron looked like he struggling to catch up. The ordeal continued in PMQs today.

To be fair, Mr Cameron put up a decent performance, presenting himself as leader of the nation, trying to rise above party politics and address public concerns. But he undermined his own offer with some partisan shots at Ed Miliband and Labour’s record in office; at times like this, you can either be a streetfighter or a statesman, but not both.

And no amount of bluster could hide either Mr Cameron’s discomfort or his latest shift in position, effectively offering to throw Mr Coulson to the wolves, to keep the pack’s teeth out of his own flesh.

Even while reiterating his claim that Mr Coulson had give him “assurances” about his past, the PM addressed the possibility that those “assurances” were not accurate.

Mr Cameron said:

If I was lied to…it would be a matter of deep regret and it would be a matter for a criminal prosecution.

And if his friend – who, please note, denies any wrongdoing – was not truthful, Mr Cameron said, he should “face the full force of the law.”

Perhaps, given that he’s already abandoned any support for Rupert Murdoch this week, Mr Cameron’s change in tone on Mr Coulson shouldn’t be too surprising. But given his previous, strenuous efforts for Mr Coulson, it’s hard not to conclude that the Prime Minister, under pressure, has followed many other politicians in turning John 15:13 on its head:

Greater love has no man, than this, that he lay down his friends for his life.

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