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Tories confused over Ashcroft's status – Telegraph Blogs
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Friday 21 October 2011 | Blog Feed | All feeds

James Kirkup

James Kirkup is a Political Correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and telegraph.co.uk. Based at Westminster, he has been a lobby journalist since 2001. Before joining the Telegraph he was Political Editor of the Scotsman and covered European politics and economics for Bloomberg.

Tories confused over Ashcroft's status

Has the Conservative front bench got its story straight on Lord Ashcroft?

Lord Ashcroft: does he or does he not pay UK tax?

A column by our own Rachel Sylvester on Tuesday posed some intriguing questions about the tax affairs of Lord Ashcroft, the Tory party's deputy chairman who has become a hate-figure for many Labour MPs.

Lord Ashcroft, a major force in the Tory campaign machine, promised on entering the House of Lords in 1999 that he would move his financial affairs onshore and become a UK taxpayer.

Because Lord Ashcroft takes the view that his tax affairs are a private matter between him and the taxman, his office has always refused to answer detailed questions about his financial arrangements, giving his enemies scope for mischief-making.

Still, David Cameron, the Tory leader on Monday said he was confident that Lord Ashcroft was now paying tax in the UK.

He told a press conference: "I have no reasons to doubt that the undertakings he gave at the time are being met. I sought reassurance on that and have had that reassurance."

Compare that statement to remarks today by David Ruffley, the shadow police minister.

On BBC's Daily Politics programme today, Mr Ruffley was asked whether Lord Ashcroft is a UK taxpayer.

He replied: "I don't know about his tax status.  I think it's a fair question."

Pressed on the matter by Andrew Neil, Mr Ruffley added: "I think it's a fair question.  I just don't know."

And if Mr Ruffley thinks that questions remain about Lord Ashcroft's affairs, you can be sure that Labour MPs will agree.  Already, Tom Watson, a Labour whip as keen on a scrap with the Tories as he is of second helpings of pudding, is gleefully highlighting today's on-air exchange.

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