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Posts Tagged ‘tony blair’

August 10th, 2011 6:30

When did shoplifting become acceptable? Ask Tony Blair

The last few nights have seen shoplifting on an industrial scale across London. Interviews with some of the looters have revealed a quite chilling moral vacuum, an absence of any sense that stealing f... Read More

August 4th, 2011 20:53

We covered up our involvement in torture. Now we must expose it

In the autumn of 1990, in the immediate aftermath of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, British intelligence sought a special kind of permission from Downing Street. They wanted the prime minister... Read More

August 2nd, 2011 14:15

Alastair Campbell's new poem and the literary legacy of New Labour

Is there no beginning to Alastair Campbell’s talents? Tabloid reporter, spin doctor, diarist, novelist and now, it would seem, poet. This morning on his blog he published When the Mind Cracks, a poe... Read More

July 28th, 2011 22:11

In the post-Murdoch age, politics can develop genuine substance

Post-war politicians can be broadly divided into two categories: those who have been dedicated to real, substantial achievement, and those who have concentrated on style and presentation. Within the f... Read More

July 27th, 2011 11:41

The man who brought us the Dome just hates the Olympics

That peerless columnist Simon Jenkins has a real beef about the London Olympics. He was at it again on this morning’s Today programme, heaping on the scheme that brand of scorn he deploys so effecti... Read More

July 26th, 2011 22:00

David Cameron needs George Osborne if he is to collect Olympic gold

One of the more original theories advanced by the Office for National Statistics yesterday to explain Britain’s indifferent economic growth is the Olympic effect. It seems that we stagnated because ... Read More

July 25th, 2011 13:14

During the Murdoch scandal, journalists have given us too many conspiracy theories and not enough analysis

The Murdoch scandal of recent weeks confirms just how mainstream conspiracy theorising has become. In fact, thinking in a David Icke-like fashion is now so mainstream that many people don’t even... Read More

July 18th, 2011 11:30

Cameron has his Ecclestone moment

Early in Tony Blair’s prime ministerial career, he had a really, really bad stumble. The Ecclestone Affair was thought at the time to be so damaging to the perception of his probity that (it eas... Read More

July 13th, 2011 13:18

Has David Cameron shot Labour's fox?

Ed Miliband is gloating about the extent to which David Cameron apparently now agrees with him: fair enough. The change in Cameron’s tone from last week is pretty startling on Rebekah Brooks, th... Read More

July 6th, 2011 15:38

What the phone hacking inquiry means for the Metropolitan Police

At first sight, Ed Miliband’s demand for a full public inquiry into the News of the World phone hacking scandal looks like a major breach of a political strategy that has dominated British polit... Read More