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Posts Tagged ‘Conservatives’

July 17th, 2011 12:06

America's budget crisis: Barack Obama may be about to heal his bitter rift with the Democratic Left

Obama has demanded an end to the budget talks, a rare display of cojones from a President who has hitherto sought consensus where none was possible. Rumour has it that he stormed out of negotiations w... Read More

July 4th, 2011 7:00

Let people vote on the fate of the green belt

‘Planning rules pave way for green belt housing bonanza” screamed a newspaper headline at the weekend. That doesn’t sound good for the Coalition – but such an outcome might be inevitable i... Read More

June 30th, 2011 19:44

How Karl Rove could save the Conservative Party

The Conservative Party is in crisis. That much is clear from the widely publicised report on its declining membership levels by Christopher Shale, the Tory activist and friend of David Cameron who die... Read More

June 30th, 2011 13:00

Starbucks, Streatham and the battle to save British politics

At first glance, Maurice Glasman and Christopher Shale don’t have an awful lot in common. One is a hard-bitten Jewish community organiser and Left-wing academic from Walthamstow, the other was &... Read More

June 28th, 2011 22:30

David Cameron and his party are on a collision course over Europe

Does crisis bring opportunity? This is the question that is dividing the Conservative Party on Europe. On one side, there are those who see the slow implosion of Greece and the turmoil across the Chan... Read More

June 24th, 2011 9:34

San Francisco goldfish ban exposes the pathology of America's bourgeois liberal nutjobs

In many European minds, America is run by religious fundamentalists and moustache-twirling defence contractors. So, for the sake of balance, it is good to be reminded that there are some real liberal ... Read More

June 21st, 2011 10:32

Romney's refusal to sign an anti-abortion pledge risks putting him at odds with the Republican grassroots

Mitt Romney has refused to sign a pledge offered by a prominent pro-life group, rekindling suspicions that he is a closet liberal. The move seems to confirm that Romney thinks the Republican primaries... Read More

May 27th, 2011 12:04

The Government cannot control immigration until it leaves the EU

There’s a common type of dream in which a person is trying to run, either away from something or after someone, but is unable to for some inexplicable reason. A popular interpretation is that is sig... Read More

May 15th, 2011 3:22

The Republican Party will regret Mike Huckabee's decision not to run

Mike Huckabee has written himself out of the presidential race. This is bad news for the Republicans and bad news for American voters. While the liberal and European media always painted Huckabee as a... Read More

May 11th, 2011 11:18

My Coalition verdict: Nick Clegg has achieved more for liberalism than anyone since Lloyd George

Our bloggers mark the Coalition’s birthday with a snapshot verdict Verdict 7/10: The sight of Cameron and Clegg together was initially so strange it’s a wonder they’ve managed to hold it togethe... Read More