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Antagonist -- Ant.com's Scores

  • Games
For 12 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 83% higher than the average critic
  • 0% same as the average critic
  • 17% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 11.1 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Game review score: 84
Highest review score:
Critic Score 97
Lowest review score:
Critic Score 50
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
12 game reviews
    • Metascore: 97
    • Critic Score 97
    With stellar solo and multiplayer action, there are more things to try here than in a stroll through Amsterdam.
    • Metascore: 89
    • Critic Score 97
    This game is absolutely brilliant, and for me to say that about a Nintendo 64 game makes it that much more so.
    • Metascore: 95
    • Critic Score 96
    With outstanding graphics and audio, solid gameplay, a number of fun side games and challenges, Majora's Mask is one of the premier N64 titles to date.
    • Metascore: 82
    • Critic Score 93
    If you have the attention span of, say, George W. Bush you're not going to much out of Ogre Battle 64. Now go away.
    • Metascore: 72
    • Critic Score 92
    One of the best comic book action games ever to hit the PlayStation is just as fun on the Nintendo 64.
    • Metascore: 88
    • Critic Score 91
    Excitebike 64 is to "Jeremy McGrath" what Grilled Filet Mignon is to Chilled Pickled Hog's Feet.
    • Metascore: 77
    • Critic Score 85
    If you already have "Perfect Dark" and want something a little less cerebral, take a look at Turok 3.
    • Metascore: 81
    • Critic Score 85
    A well-crafted FPS that will satisfy the majority of bloodbath-seeking N64 fans. Its general entertainment value vaults TWINE into the upper echelon of N64 first-person shooters.
    • Metascore: 77
    • Critic Score 80
    Fans of the rotund wonder will be delighted, but newcomers to the Pink One may find the gameplay not challenging enough.
    • Metascore: 80
    • Critic Score 78
    If you have the PC game, you're going to start whining and wishing for a mouse and keyboard.
    • Metascore: 57
    • Critic Score 70
    Acclaim may have climbed out of the mound of monkey dung they put the QBC series in last year, but NFL Quarterback Club 2001 still doesn't smell like roses. You can catch whiffs of poop here and there, 'round the edges.
    • Metascore: 81
    • Critic Score 50
    No Pokémon fans should even consider a purchase or a rent. This game is just a sick grab for your cash. I'm so ashamed.