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GameReviewer Profile at Metacritic.com
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GameReviewer's Scores

  • Games
For 72 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 66% higher than the average critic
  • 4% same as the average critic
  • 30% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 8.1 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Game review score: 81
Highest review score:
Critic Score 98
Lowest review score:
Critic Score 37
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 72
  2. Negative: 4 out of 72
72 game reviews
    • Metascore: 93
    • Critic Score 98
    The appeal of Splinter Cell shifts into the sublime when it's graphics and sound are taken into account. No other game thus far has managed to present such realistic looking gaming environments... ever.
    • Metascore: 76
    • Critic Score 98
    Simple, fun, and addicting with just the right amount of challenge and cool... just the way video games are supposed to be.
    • Metascore: 84
    • Critic Score 97
    A brilliant masterpiece in every sense of the word... Simply put, you must play this game if you have even the slightest interest in the strategy role-playing genre.
    • Metascore: 85
    • Critic Score 97
    The experience that awaits you here transcends such archaic terms. This is an event, an epoch making title that years from now historians will look back upon as a defining moment in the history of video games. This is not an over exaggeration, nor is it simple hyperbole, this is the cold hard truth. Onimusha3 is the reason why you became a gamer in the first place. [JPN Import]
    • Metascore: 87
    • Critic Score 96
    A modern gaming masterpiece. It's as playable as any "Zelda," and as memorable as any "Metal Gear."
    • Metascore: 78
    • Critic Score 95
    Exceptional battle systems, enemy encounter rates, an 'epic journey' with more twists than a pretzel and a creatively represented story... This is bound to be loved by both RPG fans and those few who hated RPG's for the obnoxiously random enemey encounters.
    • Metascore: 79
    • Critic Score 95
    Its flawless execution combined with the sheer amount of unlockable features and variety of gameplay makes this the pinnacle of the shooter genre today. A first class game and the perfect swan song for this much loved series.
    • Metascore: 87
    • Critic Score 95
    Perhaps the single major flaw that stops Final Fantasy Tactics Advance from scoring a straight 10/10 is it's shop/inventory system. Purchasing new weapons and armor for your clan is basically a trial and error experience until you know who can use what type of weapon.
    • Metascore: 88
    • Critic Score 95
    What we have here is perhaps one of the single most well thought out examples of how to craft exciting dog fights without running the risk of having pig-headed players forever circling each other.
    • Metascore: 87
    • Critic Score 94
    But it offers a unique, stylish, and realistic experience, and playing... fighting... exhilarates me. For those whose hearts long to battle, this game strikes to the core.
    • Metascore: 79
    • Critic Score 94
    A text book example of how to make the perfect follow up. Take everything that was popular in the first then power up the graphics, level up the characters and open up the shops so that they stock a larger range of items and spells. Bigger, better, and hell of a lot sweeter.
    • Metascore: 90
    • Critic Score 93
    One of the best shooters ever crafted for the Xbox or any system, a graphical delight with enough depth that even after you've completed it once or even a few times, you'll be likely to come back for another play.
    • Metascore: 85
    • Critic Score 92
    The single, most atmospheric survival horror game around. It goes so far beyond the greatness achieved in the 2nd installment that one must wonder, where will it all go from here?
    • Metascore: 82
    • Critic Score 92
    Everything about this game has such a polished feel to it that one is left wondering what possible improvement could be made in the hopefully forthcoming sequel?
    • Metascore: 83
    • Critic Score 91
    The graphics do an outstanding job at setting the game's comic, horror atmosphere. Everything from the trees in the background to the disturbingly horrific Army of Zin has been lovingly designed and animated.
    • Metascore: 83
    • Critic Score 91
    The level of detail is also amazing.
    • Metascore: 89
    • Critic Score 91
    In short, just about everything that made the series cool to this point is back and better than ever. The whole experience isn't unlike eating a watermelon: you'll need to spit out a few seeds, but otherwise there's no cooler fruit.
    • Metascore: 92
    • Critic Score 90
    You've seldom seen an interface as polished as this one.
    • Metascore: 86
    • Critic Score 90
    The best platformer to come about in years, and you owe it to yourself to play it.
    • Metascore: 91
    • Critic Score 90
    In so many ways that truly count, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is the best 2D outing the series has seen since "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night."
    • Metascore: 76
    • Critic Score 90
    An excellent game that successfully combines a unique blend of vehicular combat and stunning graphics to create one of the most exciting FPS Xbox experiences thus far.
    • Metascore: 77
    • Critic Score 90
    There's no denying that True Crime is really just "Grand Theft Auto" in a police uniform and a badge, but delve deeper than that and it soon becomes apparent that at its core lies a much better game.
    • Metascore: 87
    • Critic Score 90
    Mario's shouts of excitement are much more subdued than we're used to, and there doesn't seem to be quite the usual level of ambience in general. Some will prefer this, but I didn't.
    • Metascore: 93
    • Critic Score 90
    The word 'masterful' comes to mind. But then, it comes to mind in regards to nearly any aspect of the game you might care to name.
    • Metascore: 84
    • Critic Score 89
    From the large selection of unlockable extras to the wealth of documentaries and bonus characters, every conceivable base has been covered. In reaching these lofty heights so easily, Return of the King has shamed virtually every other half baked movie adaption ever released.
    • Metascore: 96
    • Critic Score 89
    With a few more dungeons and a lot less sailing, this is one title that would have definitely deserved to be considered perfect. As is, though, it's a flawed masterpiece.
    • Metascore: 83
    • Critic Score 88
    'Very cool' can easily describe just about everything there is to say about this title. There aren't a lot of good puzzle games out there that copy the Tetris style yet somehow improve on it in some ways, but Super Puzzle Fighter II is one such game.
    • Metascore: 94
    • Critic Score 88
    Perhaps Bioware were being too ambitious with the graphics, or perhaps they really did run out of time, but either way, there are moments when KOTOR moves like a dog.
    • Metascore: 81
    • Critic Score 88
    A rarity among its peers as it brings a simplified game of football home for gamers that just can't seem to get their minds around the rules of "Madden 2004."
    • Metascore: 66
    • Critic Score 87
    It's been developed so that the more you play it, the more you enjoy it. And there's enough depth and unlockables--not to mention a two-player mode--that this one is far less likely to collect dust than any other racers you may have in your collection.