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  1. ah-ha! instagr.am/p/Nf5_-/
  2. go white shoes! @ Oakland A's Game instagr.am/p/Nd5Fw/
  3. by all means, YES RT @CriterionCorner: this was easily my favorite thing of the week. "For relaxing times..." is.gd/9pU7w2
  4. @WFMU Jesse Sykes: your two favorite pieces of footwear are your cowboy boots and your flip-flops.
  5. @fmanjoo funny, I spent Sunday morning trying to hack @rdio through my squeezebox. denied.
  6. @mat @tcarmody I just realized I've been played, because that's what I did
  7. @appliedluck @tcarmody I'm an alien, i'm an illegal alien, it's no fun, being an illegal alien no no no no no
  8. Wil Blades on the organ! @ Red Poppy Art House instagr.am/p/NZTP1/
  9. nice interview with Rich Millman, guitarist in Carlton Melton thequietus.com/articles/04927… by @theQuietus
  10. @mat @johnwbradley so far, coffee, pita chips and TJ's white bean hummus with basil, which is DELICIOUS #whywhatelsewouldiuseitfor
  11. @tmornini @rburton can we talk about this in person? We work in the same building
  12. @fmanjoo dude I totally just bought a kitchen scale
  13. alright, so you can whistle bird sounds. WE GET IT
  14. on my morning ride, I saw three separate people hosing playa dust off their bike/car/tent/taint
  15. @nmillions Hail to the Thief? I just made a very funny sound with my mouth
  16. @BackstageRider yes please
  17. @shaver best of luck to you broheem
  18. @exkclamation hybrid drive?
  19. @tmornini @rburton it's the worst-performing piece of software on my computer. consistently.