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Motes & Theories: MS Windows is unbearable
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111211124212/http://www.anthroblogs.org/norvell/archives/2008/10/ms_windows_is_u.html

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October 7, 2008

MS Windows is unbearable

I don't know why anyone who had a choice would put Windows on a computer used for public presentations. Every single powerpoint talk I have seen this semester has been marred by a nagging popup continually asking for a restart for whatever upgrade Windows had to download that day to fix some new security breach or flaw. Watching tonight's Presidential Debate in the Gold Student Center, we had to wait about eight times for someone to find the mouse and dismiss the window and reset the live videocast. There really doesn't seem to be anywhere to tell Windows not to bother us again with that warning.

Posted by johnn at October 7, 2008 7:30 PM

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