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INFORMATICA CORP (INFA:NASDAQ GS): Stock Quote & Company Profile - BusinessWeek
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September 16, 2011 11:43 PM ET
LAST $41.74 USD
CHANGE TODAY -0.35 -0.83%
As of 8:10 PM 09/16/11 All times are local (Market data is delayed by at least 15 minutes).


07/7/11 - $62.42
10/7/10 - $34.95
INFA Does Not Pay Dividends
K = Thousands  M = Millions  B = Billions

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INFA Details

Informatica Corporation provides enterprise data integration and data quality software and services worldwide. Its software solutions include a set of technologies that enable various enterprise-wide data integration initiatives. The company offers PowerCenter, which integrates data virtually from business systems in various formats and delivers that data throughout the enterprise; PowerExchange that enables IT organizations to access the sources of enterprise data without having to develop custom data access programs; and Informatica Data Services for finding, integrating, and managing data across the enterprise. It also provides Data Quality, which delivers data quality to stakeholders, projects, and data domains; Master Data Management that provides consolidated business-critical data; and B2B Data Exchange software for multi-enterprise data integration. In addition, the company offers application information lifecycle management products to manage various phases of the data lifecycle, from development and testing to archiving and retirement; complex event processing to detect, correlate, analyze, and respond to data-driven events; Ultra Messaging products, which enables ultra low latency messaging; and Cloud that delivers purpose-built data integration cloud applications to allow business users to integrate data across cloud-based applications, and on-premise systems and databases. Further, it offers product-related customer support, consulting, and education services. Informatica Corporation serves aerospace, automotive, energy and utilities, entertainment/media, financial services, healthcare/life sciences, high technology, insurance, manufacturing, public sector, retail, services, telecommunications, and travel/transportation industries through its direct sales force, as well as through systems integrators, resellers, distributors, and original equipment manufacturer partners. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California.

2,126 Employees
Last Reported Date: 02/25/11
Founded in 1993

INFA Top Compensated Officers

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Preside...
Age: 54
Total Annual Compensation: $625.0K
Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Financial...
Age: 52
Total Annual Compensation: $375.0K
Executive Vice President and President of Wor...
Age: 59
Total Annual Compensation: $370.0K
Executive Vice President and General Manager ...
Age: 46
Total Annual Compensation: $340.0K
Executive Vice President of Data Quality Prod...
Age: 43
Total Annual Compensation: $290.0K
Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2010.

Key developments for INFORMATICA CORP (INFA)

Misys Accelerates Value from New Business Acquisitions with Informatica Corporation's Informatica Cloud

Informatica Corporation announced that Misys was deriving value more quickly from new business acquisitions using the Informatica Cloud. Informatica Cloud ensures that the data Misys relies on every day is visible and measurable. One of the key areas that Informatica Cloud supports is the Misys Customer Portal, a key component of the Salesforce Service Cloud. More than 10,000 users currently use the portal to log and track support requests as well as find solutions and stay up-to-date with the latest relevant information. Cases are typically complex, mission-critical and demand multiple resources to close them. Misys relies on Informatica Cloud to integrate and synchronize crucial data with this portal from multiple fragmented sources. By introducing a single, shared view of the customer support situation, Misys is able to deliver a more consistently rewarding and responsive service and maintain the loyalty of its financial services customers. Informatica Cloud provides the critical integration of data spread across disparate Misys contract management systems, providing a single view of contracts across the organization.

Informatica Corporation Presents at MDM & Data Governance Summit New York 2011, Sep-12-2011 02:00 PM

Informatica Corporation Presents at MDM & Data Governance Summit New York 2011, Sep-12-2011 02:00 PM. Venue: New York Marriott Marquis, New York, United States. Speakers: Ravi Shankar, Senior Director of MDM Product Marketing.

Informatica Corporation Unveils Cloud Administration Application for iPhone

Informatica Corporation has introduced the Informatica Cloud administration application for iPhone, now available on the App Store at no cost. In addition to the iPhone, the mobile application also runs on the iPad and iPod touch and enables users to remotely monitor and administer cloud integration jobs and take action from any place, at any time. The Informatica Cloud administration application is also available through a link on the Informatica Marketplace to existing Informatica Cloud customers. The Informatica Cloud administration application for iPhone works with all Informatica Cloud editions - Informatica Cloud Basic, Standard, Enterprise and Express. Users are able to leverage the Informatica Cloud mobile application and its graphical dashboard-like interface to easily and securely check the status of data integration jobs; monitor Informatica cloud usage; troubleshoot data integration tasks; troubleshoot data integration tasks; receive alerts, including thresholds; access informatics support.

Stock Quotes

Company Lookup
Recently Viewed
INFA:US $41.74 USD -0.35
JNJ:US $64.59 USD +0.19
PRE:CN C$25.15 CADきゃど +0.20
CYRE3:BZ R$14.23 BRL +0.28
GUNN:SS kr30.70 SEK +0.40

Market data is delayed at least 15 minutes.

INFA Competitors

Company Last Change
Open Text Corp C$55.70 CADきゃど -0.40
Pegasystems Inc $37.24 USD -0.26
Progress Software Corp $20.37 USD +0.02
Software AG €27.62 EUR +0.47
TIBCO Software Inc $22.38 USD +0.08
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Industry Analysis

Valuation INFA Industry Range
Price/Earnings 44.6x
Price/Sales 6.2x
Not meaningful
Price/Book 4.8x
Price/Cash Flow 34.6x
TEV/Sales 5.5x



INFA transactions

August 26, 2011
WisdomForce Technologies, Inc.
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