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Top Trends in Innovation Blog March 2009 Archives - BusinessWeek
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Archives: March 2009

Lessons from Guy Kawasaki

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 30

One of the great privileges of being a journalist is getting to meet some of the world's most influential business thinkers and doers. And an even greater privilege is sharing...

Why Companies Should Pay Attention to Games

Posted by: Damian Joseph on March 24

As far as gaming goes, the E3 Expo generates the biggest headlines. But there's another conference worth your attention and it's going on now. The GDC, or Game Developers Conference,...

Saul Griffith on kite power

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 23

Earlier this month, Innovation & Design senior writer Jessie Scanlon wrote a piece on the work of engineer, entrepreneur and MacArthur Fellow, Saul Griffith. Griffith, who last year got attention...

Google design? What Google design?

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 20

Earlier this week, we published a Q&A; with Google's user experience director, Irene Au, who discussed the challenges of trying to create design consistency within an engineering-driven culture. "To some...

Taking Risks Is More Important than Stability Right Now

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 19

More BusinessWeek readers believe that taking risks is more important than stability right now. That's clear from the latest survey results from our online poll on BusinessWeek.com on the state...

Dell launches a whole new line of laptops today

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 17

Dell just unveiled its new luxury line of laptops, called Adamo, today. I just received one from the company to look at while I'm in Austin. It's as slim as...

The Skinny on Kraft's New Services Division

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 17

One interesting conversation I had today at South X Southwest in Austin was with Moshe Tamssot, Kraft's VP of New Services. Yes, it might seem odd that Kraft was a...

Our Tweet Cheat Sheet

Posted by: Michael Arndt on March 13

Twitter isn't Facebook yet. But if you haven't been there, the site is becoming a terrific place to keep up on celebs. Like who? Like Martha Stewart, Al Gore, and...

Facebook Forges Forward

Posted by: Damian Joseph on March 12

You've seen it at the top of Facebook's pages, "Changes to the Home page are coming soon." The company is livening up the page with a more constantly updating news...

Five Answers From Kevin Rose

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 11

Kevin Rose of Digg came in to see us earlier today, and BusinessWeek tech reporter Doug Macmillan put some reader questions to the founder of the social news site....

Customer-funded Innovation

Posted by: Jessie Scanlon on March 11

How will the economic crisis affect the way innovative start-ups raise money? That’s the question that prompted this post, and that led me back to this June 2008 article by...

The languages of business and design

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 10

Last week, I attended the MX (“managing experience”) conference in San Francisco. Hosted by the design firm, Adaptive Path, the conference blurb declared: “In this tightening economy, it's more crucial...

Five Questions for Kevin Rose

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 10

Short notice, I know, but Digg's Kevin Rose is coming in to see my colleague Doug Macmillan (@dmac1) tomorrow morning. They'll be recording a separate video interview discussing Kevin's work...


Posted by: Damian Joseph on March 08

I'm a pretty big vinyl junkie, so I thought I'd share with you guys some amazing turntables. This site - www.nylvi.com - put together a list of "The World's Most...

Pushing Crowdsourcing A Bit Further

Posted by: Damian Joseph on March 06

Since my article, "Pushing the Limits of Crowdsourcing," went up earlier in the week, some more interesting tidbits have been thrown my way. It's obvious that this is a successful...

Mac vs. PC: "Most Innovative Companies" Edition

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 05

I've been busy working on the Most Innovative Companies special report and exclusive ranking, to be published on April 9, along with the team here at BusinessWeek. It's based on...

"Innovation Is In Crisis"

Posted by: Michael Arndt on March 04

As a venture capitalist, Pascal Levensohn must be an optimist by nature. Why else would he direct his San Francisco VC fund to invest in startups that have little going...

Five Answers from Alberto Alessi

Posted by: Reena Jana on March 03

Alberto Alessi, the managing director of renowned Italian design company Alessi, visited the BusinessWeek headquarters today--and he sat down and addressed five questions from our readers. His answers might surprise...

Bruce Temkin: "Brands are Dying"

Posted by: Helen Walters on March 02

I'm in San Francisco, at the MX conference, an annual event purporting to explain the business value of design. Up on stage this morning? Forrester VP and principal analyst, Bruce...


What comes next? The Bloomberg Businessweek Innovation and Design blog chronicles new tools for creativity and collaboration, innovation case studies in both the corporate and social sectors, and the new ideas that have the power to change the way things have always been done.

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