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When Will The Bull Be Back? - BusinessWeek Magazine
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How Obama May Strain Debt Markets

Obama's budget proposal says Treasury borrowing will increase by $3.7 trillion in 2009 and 2010, but it could go even higher, which could push up long-term interest rates.

The Debate Room

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Americans Should Buy U.S. Cars

The auto industry has a long history of contributing to economic prosperity in the U.S. It's time for consumers to give back by choosing domestic cars instead of foreign ones. Pro or con?


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Stock Markets: When Will the Bull Return?

This bear market is unusually hard to read, but signs point to more pain to come. Still, opportunities are emerging for the very long-term investor

Alan Mulally: The Outsider at Ford

The changes at Ford initiated by CEO Mulally, a former aerospace guy, have meant the difference between death for the automaker and merely being sick

The Rise of the Maghreb

North Africa is fast becoming a key supplier of energy and a manufacturing alternative to Eastern Europe


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Reader SweetLou Writes:

"I'm willing to bet that the population of every city on this list has about 1% whiners who would find something to be unhappy about in Eden."


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An Employee Bill of Rights

Whether your boss is good or bad, here's what you have a right to expect


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