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Managing Your Team

Interactive Case Study

An Employee Assistance Program Ups Productivity

Issue: Cigna's In-House Compassion

The Employee Assistance Program reduces worries and increases productivity for Cigna workers stricken by survivor guilt and other troubles

Analysis: Cigna Is Getting It Right

Organizations are wise to engage their workers and help them tackle survivor guilt and other woes

Comment: What Would You Do?

"I strongly support anything a business does to address the human side of business effectiveness. If the culture of the organization is to be supportive and head off personal and interpersonal problems before they have a business impact, EAPs are excellent resources."

—Sheryl Spanier, leadership consultant and executive coach, New York

Reader Poll

Has survivor guilt (the despair one feels when co-workers lose their jobs) affected your work performance?

How: Dov Seidman

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Why Values Trump Rules and Regulation

Regulation is situation-specific, while values guide people and businesses about what do do in any situation


The Workplace: Liz Ryan

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Being Pushy...or Taking the Initiative?

When a job candidate seems at first to overstep the mark, don't be too quick to write him off. Your company needs resourceful people


The Innovation Engine

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Why Companies Lack Successful Innovation

A shortage of innovation isn't always senior management's fault. We marketers deserve some blame for not having the right processes in place


Headhunter Hint

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Explain Résumé Job Gaps Skillfully

Make it brief, honest, and positive. For example: "I felt I would be doing my employer a disservice by staying on once I decided it was time to move on and decided to make the job search a full-time endeavor."
—Tara McKernan, DHR International


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As more and more jobs disappear, plenty of managers are scrambling to figure out how to keep their remaining workers motivated and productive in the midst of all the chaos. Seems that a lot of them have decided to turn to that old management standby, the staff memo.

Cathy Arnst, Working Parents

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