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7.5 out of 10

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 1 out of 4

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  1. Oct 17, 2011
    When I got this game, I wasn't expecting too much (good few hours of fun) but this game is addictive! It is great to be able to swap characters on the fly, the environments and music are great. I would recommend this game for any parents who have kids (I even found myself playing co-op with my son!)
  2. Nov 4, 2011
    An adult gamer here who decided to give Skylanders a whirl after reading all the positive reviews (from other adults). The game is marketed for kids/families, but trust me, once you enter this magical world, you'll find it hard to put down. In fact, once night of playing a few levels will almost a guarantee you'll be running to your local retailer or searching on-line for new collectible action figures to blast into the included "Portal of Power". Speaking of which, these action figure scuplts are quite impressive, with great detail and paint jobs! Drop 'em on the cool multi-color, glowing portal and take them for a spin in the world of Skylander. Between finding treasures, taking on special heroic quests, searching for Soul Gems, acquiring hats which add character stats, seeking out hidden areas and purchasing upgrades, there's LOTS to see and do. Not to mention, the fun of switching characters and building up their abilities. The starter kit comes with three characters, but in order to unlock certain side-quest-like areas, you'll need to have at least one character from each elemental class. At $8.00 each, it's worth the extra fun You can still finish the game with the three including characters, but trust me, you'll want more. In addition, there are actual adventure sets for around $19.95 that expand the Skylander universe with a new character, new "themed" areas to tackle and magical objects that can be placed on the portal to enhance your quest. If you like games like Gauntlet Legend combined with a Dungeon crawl style affair, you'll simply love Skylanders. I'm no fan of Activision, but they sure have hit it out of the park with this one. Welcome back Spyro - you are now forgiven for that charmless past. Expand
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Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Nov 9, 2011
    Skylanders has a smart concept that has been implented very professionaly. The toys that you use with the Portal really star in this game that is fun for young and old.
  2. Nov 9, 2011
    A near-perfect conceptual marriage of toys and video games. While wallets may shudder at the thought of throwing down potentially lots and lots of money for the complete experience, what you get out of the box is a well-crafted adventure and world that kids of all ages can be excited about.
  3. Nov 8, 2011
    The overall package is one that only fairly young players with generous parents are going to really enjoy. [Nov 2011, p.76]