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Today's Tip January 2008 Archives - BusinessWeek
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Archives: January 2008

Getting the Most out of Training

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 31

To get the most out of a training program, make sure your employees understand ahead of time your reasons for implementing it. Help them understand what problems it will solve...

Tips for Successful Cold Calling

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 30

Cold calling. Even the name is chilling, and you're not alone if you dread the process. In fact, many people consider cold calling the most intimidating aspect of the sales...

Educating Outside Salespeople

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 29

If you want to effectively train outside salespeople, you need to put yourself in their shoes. Think, for example, of what retail clerks selling your product need to know to...

Developing Your Company's Employees

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 28

When you give employees opportunities to grow, their job satisfaction increases substantially. So does your ability to retain them as employees. That's why it's important for you to think more...

Don't Ignore Employee Orientation

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 25

A new employee's first days on the job provide a host of wonderful "teachable moments." To take full advantage of this special time, it's important you don't ignore new-employee orientation....

Healthy Employees Cut Business Costs

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 24

Business owners continue to discover that making wellness a priority in the workplace boosts their bottom line, according to the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE). Wellness programs not only...

Statute of Limitations Basics

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 23

Statutes of limitations are laws that set the deadline or maximum period of time within which a lawsuit or claim may be filed. The deadlines vary depending on the circumstances...

The Best Retirement Plans for the Self-Employed

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 22

These days, there is a retirement plan to fit nearly anyone's lifestyle. Just consider a few basicsethe amount of disposable cash available to fund your plan annually, your age, the...

Payment Transaction Software for Small Businesses

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 18

Although the majority of merchant accounts offer their own payment gateways or payment-processing software systems, there are benefits to having your own gateway system. A payment gateway is an application...

Advantages to Leasing Your Office Space

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 17

For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, the question of whether to buy property or to lease office space can be confusing. If you ask a professional real estate broker,...

Can Your Lawyer Handle Venture-Capital Financing?

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 16

To complete a venture-capital financing deal, you need a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of VC financing. This is no time for an inexperienced lawyer to learn something...

Don't Forget About Customer Service When Managing Growth

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 15

Amazing customer service can be the crux of business growth. As businesses gain additional customers and grow, they are often faced with expanding customer service hours, adding additional language support,...

Optimize for Global Search Engines

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 14

Did you know Google () now covers about 170 languages and the list is expanding every day through volunteer translation efforts? This means more and more of your target consumers...

Issuing Stock

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 11

Issuing stock to shareholders, even in a very small corporation, is a complicated process. And if your company is public now or will be in the future, there are a...

Why Employees Hate Performance Reviews

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 10

Performance reviews should be a great opportunity for employees to find out what they are doing well and which areas they need to improve. However, most employees dread the process...

What Are Employment Taxes?

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 09

Small business owners often have great responsibilities while operating and managing a business. Before you become an employer and hire employees, you need a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). If...

Why Innovation Is So Important For Improving Customer Service

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 08

The most relevant, effective, and useful solutions for improving an organization typically come from those who have face-to-face roles with customers. I call this phenomenon "bubble-up innovation." It happens when...

I Can't Fire Him Now, I Need Him

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 07

All companies experience an employee whose performance has continued to slip and, even after multiple interventions, continues to underperform. But when bosses are asked why they haven't fired him or...

Improve Your Customer Service

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 04

Show your frontline employees how to use the LEAP process and they'll quickly turn a customer complaint into a world-class customer-service experience. LEAP is a simple, four-step process that can...

A What-If Arsenal Can Solve 90% of Your Customer Complaints

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 03

Sometimes customer emotions can be volatile and tempers slippery when a problem with service arises. But sending customers off to the nearest store or telling them that you can't do...

The Right Way to Manage Salespeople

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 02

What's the worst way to motivate your sales force? Unilaterally setting a sales target and then shoving it down their throats. "People, especially salespeople, don't like being dictated to," says...

Customer Service Is About Relentless Focus

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on January 01

Because a world-class customer-service experience is the foundation of any successful operation, relentless focus on customer service predetermines the ultimate success of any operation. If the focus on customer service...


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To submit a tip for consideration, first check our archive of previous tips to make sure you're not repeating a tip someone has already contributed. Then send the tip to Small Business channel contributor Michelle Dammon Loyalka. Because of the volume of material she receives, she may not respond to each individual.

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