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Today's Tip February 2006 Archives - BusinessWeek
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Archives: February 2006

Put That Contract in Writing

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 28

Oral contracts can be as binding as written contracts. But without a written record, it can difficult to prove what you have agreed to. If your deal goes south, you...

Leadership Must Be Cultivated

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 27

"As the job market continues to tighten and good people have more options, it is imperative that companies spend time developing their most important asset -- strong leaders of the...

Don't Limit Your Financing Options

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 24

Coming up with the money to start a new business is a challenge, but it is not impossible. There are many options, some of which you may not have even...

A Secret the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 23

If you are a regular "C" corporation, owners can benefit from receiving tax-free medical expenses paid through the company. But if you're a sole proprietor, partnership, or an "S" corporation,...

Spiff Up Your Sales Skills

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 22

As an entrepreneur, it's important to be good at selling yourself and your product or service. And good sales skills mean more than just having good people skills. Developing good...

Maximize Your Web Site

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 21

If you think your Web site's finished once it's up and running, think again. Launching a site is only the first step - how you use and maintain it is...

Keep the Spirit High

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 17

Small businesses rely more on personal impact than on a corporate brand. For a small business owner, it is essential to be optimistic and energetic. Your spirit will benefit the...

Stopping Cleverly Disguised Spam

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 16

Small businesses are indeed the latest target for spammers. Most small businesses -- unlike their big-business counterparts -- have less-sophisticated antispam protection, and spammers have shifted their tactics to take...

Protecting Yourself from Employee Lawsuits

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 15

Obey the laws regarding employees. Don't discriminate in hiring, for example, or permit sexual harassment. Hire carefully. Look for people with a strong work ethic, and avoid hiring those who...

Use Free Web Site, or Build Your Own?

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 14

Yahoo offers free Web sites to small businesses. You may ask, "Should I do this, or pay to build my own site?" It seems as though I answer all of...

Set Ground Rules for Successful Mentoring

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 13

One of the keys to a successful mentor/mentee relationship is to set some ground rules and stick to them. Sit down with your prospective mentee and discuss the expectations of...

Don't Treat Contractors like Regular Employees

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 10

It is not a good idea to treat contractors the same as regular employees. By definition, a contractor is in a different relationship with the company, and it is important...

Getting Your Foot in the Door at Venture Capital Firms

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 09

Venture capital firms are inundated with inquiries and business plans, and they are very selective about which companies they take meetings with. The best way to gain access to a...

Dare to Be an Entrepreneur

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 09

One of the reasons I came to this country is that America is a land of opportunity and a country of freedom. One can easily think of so many examples:...

Three Common Closing Mistakes

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 08

Successful entrepreneurs often come by selling naturally. But closing a tough sale requires more than a winning personality. As any sales veteran will tell you, closing can be tricky, and...

Don't Overlook Small-Town Advantages

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 07

When you consider starting a new business, you have to consider location. More and more entrepreneurs are recognizing the benefits of starting a business in a small town. A few...

Starting a Blog Could Boost Your Profile

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 06

Depending on your business, starting a blog could be a low-cost method of boosting your profile with potential customers and the media and even helping your Web site's ranking in...

Finding Funding Off the Beaten Path

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 02

If you know where to look, there are a variety of funding options available to help your small business succeed. Check out these resources: The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance...

5 Key Mistakes Online Stores Make

Posted by: Rod Kurtz on February 01

We all make mistakes in business -- and we hope to learn from them. But here are five key mistakes that can quickly spell the end of your online store....


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To submit a tip for consideration, first check our archive of previous tips to make sure you're not repeating a tip someone has already contributed. Then send the tip to Small Business channel contributor Michelle Dammon Loyalka. Because of the volume of material she receives, she may not respond to each individual.

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