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11 bodies found dumped along roadside in Veracruz, Mexico - International - Catholic Online
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11 bodies found dumped along roadside in Veracruz, Mexico

Latest drug war atrocity after earlier dumping of 35 bodies in Boca del Rio

Mexico, still reeling from the atrocious roadside dumping of 35 slain bodies in Boca del Rio, has discovered the disposal of least 11 more bodies around the Mexican city of Veracruz. The bodies discovered were in small groups scattered in various parts of the city. The latest wave of killings flew in face of the beefed-up security for a summit of attorneys general and justice officials.

The majority of the drug violence in Mexico had been located on its northern border that it shares with the United States. Fighting among drug cartels has since spread in recent months to other parts of the country as gangs fracture, old alliances dissolve and smugglers seek new transportation routes.

The majority of the drug violence in Mexico had been located on its northern border that it shares with the United States. Fighting among drug cartels has since spread in recent months to other parts of the country as gangs fracture, old alliances dissolve and smugglers seek new transportation routes.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - At the start of the gathering, federal Attorney General Marisela Morales denounced the "heinous" killings in Veracruz and stressed the need to "redouble efforts to combat all criminal manifestations."

The government "cannot, must not and never will allow these types of cowardly actions to go unpunished," Morales said, adding that they not only represent a "challenge to authorities but undermine our social structure."

She also referred to drug dealing as "the engine generating violence" in Mexico.
Drug-related violence has been on the rise in Veracruz, a coffee and sugar-growing state that had been seldom touched by the raging torrent arising from President Felipe Calderon's "war on drugs" until a few months ago.

A group of armed men hurled a grenade into a popular area of the city last month, killing one. In addition, 32 inmates escaped from state jails there this week.

The majority of the drug violence in Mexico had been located on its northern border that it shares with the United States. Fighting among drug cartels has since spread in recent months to other parts of the country as gangs fracture, old alliances dissolve and smugglers seek new transportation routes.
Thirty-five people with suspected links to drug gangs were murdered and their bodies left in two trucks and abandoned under a highway bridge in Boca del Rio, earlier this week.

A banner found near the dumped 35 bodies dumped said the killings were a warning to the Zetas, one of Mexico's most notorious drug gangs, which has been engaged in a turf war with more established rivals.

According to Al Jazeera's Franc Contreras, at the massacre in Veracruz, "the bodies were piled up ... showing marks of torture, while body parts were also found."

About 42,000 people have been killed since Felipe Calderon, the Mexican president, launched his war on drug gangs in late 2006.

2011, Catholic Online. Distributed by NEWS CONSORTIUM.

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Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions For September 2011
General Intention:
That all teachers may know how to communicate love of the truth and instill authentic moral and spiritual values.
Missionary Intention: That the Christian communities of Asia may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, witnessing to its beauty with the joy of faith.

Keywords: Veracruz, Boca del Rio, Mexico, drug violence, slayings


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