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CASEE Affiliation Procedures - Individual - CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows
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CASEE Affiliation Procedures - Individual - CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows

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CASEE Affiliation Procedures - Individual - CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows  (Print This)

CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows

Support provided includes
  • a stipend of $55,000,
  • health insurance,
  • a relocation allowance, and
  • supported travel to 4 professional meetings.

Additionally, an allowance of $20,000 will paid to the hosting institution

CURRENT FUNDING WILL ONLY SUPPORT PROJECTS BASED WITH MEMBERS OF THE CASEE RESEARCH COMMUNITY OR CASEE IMPLEMENTATION NETWORK. Organizations interested in joining the CASEE Research Community or CASEE Implementation Network should see the affiliation procedures posted on the CASEE homepage http://www.na.edu/CASEE

CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows are selected from among recent doctoral recipients in engineering and science disciplines who wish to receive specialized training in the conduct of educational scholarship under the mentorship of a Senior Fellow or campus-based engineering educator. CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows will form the leading the edge in fostering a transformation in the instructional effectiveness of the next generation of engineering faculty. CASEE Postdoctoral Fellow appointments are typically for 12 months.

CASEE Post-doctoral Fellow applications are judged by external peer reviewers and reviewed by the CASEE Advisory Committee, a distinguished panel of researchers on topics in engineering, science, and education.

The original and twenty (20) copies of applications must be received by the above indicated date and should be sent to CASEE Fellow Applications, NAS G-11, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. An electronic copy (Word or PDF) of items 1-6 of the application should be emailed nfortenb@nae.edu.

An application to be a CASEE Postdoctoral Fellow consists of an introductory cover letter and the following items (maximum length indicated in parentheses):

    1. Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation (1-page)

    2. Abstract of Proposed Research Plan (1-page) - This page should include a brief description of the research plan to be conducted during the period of the fellowship.

    3. Proposed Research Plan (3-pages) - The research thrusts to be addressed, conjectures or hypotheses to be tested, the proposed methods of investigation, and the guiding, relevant theoretical frameworks. You should also include a project time line and critical path. In developing this section clearly indicate how you will adhere to the principles of high quality education research contained in the NRC Report Scientific Research in Education http://books.nap.edu/books/0309082919/html/index.html

          a. Poses significant questions that can be investigated empirically,
          b. Links research to relevant theory,
          c. Uses methods that permit direct investigation of the question,
          d. Provides a coherent and explicit chain of reasoning,
          e. Replicates and generalize across studies, and
          f. Discloses research to encourage professional scrutiny and critique.
    4. Description of Career Goals (1-page) - This page should include a description of the career goals of the applicant with comments about how the proposed plan will enhance the applicant’s potential to pursue a career with a strong engineering education component. The applicant should comment on the reasons for selecting the institution(s) and mentor(s).

    5. Literature Review (1-page) - It is expected that applicants become familiar with the literature related to their proposed area of education research. Therefore, this section should contain an annotated list of references related to the education research proposed. References cited in the research plan should be listed in this section.

    6. Curriculum Vitae (3-pages) - This section should include the applicant’s name, current position, educational background, including dates of conferred degrees, professional accomplishments, including employment history in reverse chronological order, honors, awards, a list of publications, mentoring activities, current and pending grant support, and other information relevant to serving as a CASEE Post-doctoral Fellow.

    7. Mentor’s Statement (2-pages per mentor) - A signed statement from the mentor(s) indicating how the applicant’s plan will fit into the mentor’s program, how the mentor(s) will contribute to the applicant’s research and what role the mentor(s) will play in accomplishing the CASEE Post-doctoral Fellow objectives. A brief biographical sketch including the mentor’s experiences and specific activities conducted in engineering education should also be included. The mentor(s) name and position should be clearly stated. CASEE can provide assistance linking Post-doctoral Fellow applicants with CASEE Senior Scholars.

    8. Institutional Support (1-page per institution) - A statement of support from the institution(s) where the applicant expects to conduct his/her research activities should be included with the application. A brief description of the status of the Fellow within the institution and opportunities available to him/her should be included. Any financial commitment or additional support for the applicant from the Fellowship institutions should be described. A Department Chair, Dean or an Administrative Official who can represent the institution and honor its financial commitments must sign this statement.

    9. Reference Letters - Three reference letters are required. It is important to send referees a copy of the proposed research plan for their review and comments. Reference letters should be placed within sealed envelopes signed by the referee across the seal and included in the application package.

CASEE Postdoctoral Fellows are required to devote full-time to the plan proposed in the application. It is expected that CASEE Post-doctoral Fellows will carry out their research plans as proposed in their applications. Results of research carried out by CASEE Post-doctoral Fellows should be available to the public without restriction. CASEE Post-doctoral Fellows are fully responsible for the conduct of such research and the preparation of the results for publication.

CASEE Fellows are provided support to attend CASEE Annual Meetings.

At the completion of the CASEE Postdoctoral Fellowship term, Fellows are required to submit a final report to the CASEE office containing the results of the Fellow’s activities.

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