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NASA Picks Boeing for Composite Cryogenic Propellant Tank Tests for Future Space Missions | US says Pakistan Government linked to latest terror attacks in Kabul | US Ambassador in Islamabad Cameron Munter says his Government can provide proof | US, and world, mark 10th Anniversary of 9/11 terror attacks | NASA to develop new generation Cryogenic Tanks for future Space missions | India recognizes Libya's new regime | Indian Army Aviation marks 25th Raising Day | IAF pilots take an HAL Cheetal helicopter to 23000 feet to rescue a mountaineer in a record operation | India and UK will collaborate in Defence R&D; |
Bullet India's Jaitapur n-plant will get consent: French ambassador
  September 2011
New Delhi. France is confident that the Jaitapur nuclear plant that has run into trouble because of earthquake concerns will get the green light, says outgoing French Ambassador Jerome Bonnafont.
Bullet Pakistan about to get China's latest n-technology
  September 2011
Islamabad. Pakistan is in an advanced stage of negotiations with China for its latest third-generation nuclear technology to build a power plant, said a daily Sep 19.
Bullet Iran launches Bushehr nuclear power plant
  September 2011
Tehran. Iran held the official opening ceremony Sep 12 of its first nuclear power plant at Bushehr that was completed with Russia's assistance.
Bullet US firmly supports NSG clean waiver to India
  June 2011
New Delhi. The United States has allayed India's concerns over the the new guidelines of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) tightening export enrichment and reprocessing (ENR) technologies, saying it was "firmly" committed to a "clean waiver".
Bullet Pakistani nukes are very safe, says A Q Khan
  June 2011
Islamabad. The Taliban and external forces cannot seize Pakistan's nuclear weapons because they are "highly secured" and only a handful know where they are kept, claims disgraced nuclear scientist A Q Khan.
Bullet India going ahead with Nuclear Power projects
  April 2011
New Delhi. India will go ahead with its mega nuclear power programmes but with added safety measures.
Bullet India to bring new nuclear safety bill in parliament
  April 2011
Astana. Alarmed by the nuclear disaster following a massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the Indian government intends to ramp up the safety norms of its civil atomic plants and will table two bills on this during the monsoon session of parliament, an official said Apr 15.
Bullet India carrying out safety reviews of n-plants: PM
  March 2011
New Delhi. Against the backdrop of the Fukushima nuclear power plant tragedy in Japan due to an earthquake and tsunami, India has embarked upon a technical review of all safety systems of its nuclear plants, according to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Bullet Indian companies discuss nuclear MoUs with Canada
  February 2011
Ottawa. As India and Canada resume nuclear ties after 36 years, Indian companies discussed MoUs with their Canadian counterparts at the Nuclear Industry Conference and Trade Show which ended here Feb 25.
Bullet Track II initiative led to US backing India for NSG
  November 2010
New Delhi. The US decision to support India for full membership of the top four nuclear clubs, including the Nuclear Suppliers' Group, emanated from a Track II initiative that involved former diplomats and top nuclear experts from both sides.
Bullet US to support India for NSG, to clear banned Indian entities
  November 2010
Mumbai. In a move that will be welcomed in India, US President Barack Obama said Nov 6 that the US will work to reform export laws as Washington readies to express "in-principle" support to New Delhi's membership of elite nuclear clubs like the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).
Bullet US defence and nuclear deals could touch $ 15 billion
  November 2010
New Delhi. India is likely to indicate or announce defence and other deals with the United States around $ 15 billion during President Barack Obama’s visit.
Bullet India backs UN push for global disarmament
  September 2010
United Nations. India has strongly backed UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's push for efforts to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction with the Conference on Disarmament (CD) giving it political impetus.
Bullet India to host Asian Nuclear Prospects conference in October
  September 2010
Chennai. Around 250 nuclear scientists, technologists and industrialists are expected to participate in the three-day Asian Nuclear Prospects 2010 conference to be held near here in October, according to a top official of atomic research unit here.
Bullet Pakistan's n-arsenal prevented war with India: A.Q. Khan
  September 2010
Washington. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal has prevented a conventional war with India, ensuring "our survival, our security, and our sovereignty", besides making the "nation walk with head held high", boasts A.Q. Khan, the disgraced scientist considered the father of Islamabad's clandestine nuclear programme.
Bullet India, US reprocessing deal opens n-power market to US
  August 2010
Washington. India and the United States have taken another crucial step in implementing their landmark civil nuclear deal with the signing of an agreement on the nuclear fuel reprocessing arrangements under the accord.
Bullet Conventional to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear warfare
  April 2010
New Delhi. It is the constant endeavor of warring enemies to use new means to gain advantage over an adversary.
Bullet What is meant by Strategic Arms: Protocol to the new Russian-US START Treaty
  April 2010
Prague/ Moscow. The new START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) bilateral nuclear arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States was signed by Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama on April 8, 2010 in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.
Bullet As fuel supplies resume, India’s nuclear power output up
  January 2010
Thiruvananthapuram. India‘s atomic power generation has gone up 15 percent over the past few months, following the resumption of fuel supplies from abroad after the accord with the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a top nuclear scientist has said.
Bullet Nuclear industry grows, but where are the components?
  January 2010
Chennai. The quick growth of the Indian nuclear industry is posing new challenges, especially for the delivery of components for new power plants, says Srikumar Banerjee, the new chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
Bullet India, Russia seal civil atomic cooperation, defence pacts
  December 2009
Moscow. Visiting India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have sealed a “broad based” agreement that will boost bilateral cooperation between the countries in the peaceful use of atomic energy.
No doubt about India's N-arsenal: Kakodkar

December 2009

New Delhi. Seeking to put to rest decisively any questions about India's nuclear deterrence, former Atomic Energy Commission chairman Anil Kakodkar has robustly defended the 1998 nuclear tests, saying they were "perfect", and has assured the army that it should be "fully confident" about the nuclear arsenal at its command.

Workshop on Civil Liability in Nuclear Energy Production

December 2009

Abu Dhabi. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) conducted a workshop in Abu Dhabi on a civil nuclear liability for countries embarking on nuclear energy program.

Mao, Bhutto set terms of secret n-deal, reports The Washington Post

November 2009

Washington. The terms of a secret deal under which China transferred 50 kg of uranium to Pakistan in 1982 for making two atomic bombs were set in a mid-1976 conversation between Mao Zedong and then Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a leading US daily has reported.

World over-armed, peace under-funded: Ban Ki-moon

September 2009

Mexico City. Noting that disarmament is back on the global agenda, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has cautioned that the "world is over-armed and peace is under-funded".

India launches its first ballistic missile nuclear submarine

August 2009

On 26th July, 2009 in the presence of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, his wife, Mrs Gursharan Kaur, broke the traditional coconut on the bows of India’s ambitious scientific naval programme, the 6000 ton nuclear submarine called by the misnomer an Adavanced Technology Vessel (ATV) and named it INS Arihant.

Bullet Russia reforging its nuclear shield

December 2008

Moscow. The introduction of the RS-24 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) in 2009 will be the most important phase in the renewal of the Russian Strategic Missile Force (SMF) after the adoption of the Topol-M.

Bullet The Nuclear Deal and the Hullabaloo

October 2008

New Delhi. Now that the nuclear deal is done, one wonders what the noise was about, So much passion, such vast amount of energy and acres of newspaper space was spent on dissecting the whys of a deal that most people now say is in everyone’s’ interest.

Bullet Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Former NSA supports it, saying India must go ahead

June 2008

New Delhi. In a strong endorsement of the nuclear deal with the US, former National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra has said that not signing it would be a “severe loss of face” for India.

Bullet Disarm, or You’ll Destroy The World

June 2008

New Delhi. Through an international conference hosted in New Delhi June 9-10, India sent a clear, renewed message to the world community that it must shed its nuclear weapons for the sake of the present and future generations.

Bullet Stalling Nuclear Deal Will Be A Historical Mistake

February 2008

New Delhi. There is widespread media speculation on the chances of the India-International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards agreement being finalized and submitted to the board of governors. The issue that is being hotly debated is whether the Left parties will allow the safeguards agreement to be processed further by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government when the Indian delegation concludes the draft agreement with the IAEA.

Bullet Nuclear Power in Space, Part-I

November 2007

Moscow. Solar energy supplies most of power in spacecraft nowadays.

Bullet Nuclear Power in Space, Part-II

November 2007

Moscow. Nuclear power could greatly contribute to spacecraft capabilities.The Soviet Union first developed nuclear powered generators for spacecraft in the 1960s. Since 1970 it has launched more than 30 military radar satellites equipped with the Buk unit, which can generate up to 3 kW of electricity.

Bullet US firm offers India thorium reactors

October 2007

Bangalore. While India is still debating how to make the Indo-US nuclear deal work, an American company, anxious to enter the Indian market, has offered to build commercial nuclear power reactors in the country.

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